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Smart Anti-Nexon TOS

Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Oh and, whats the use of this anyway? Nexon can use another IP to visit the web. This thing still makes me feel that its bringing traffic to MMEntertainment as it has a Maplestory Server. Eg: A player visit a top ranked website and they sees the "MMEntertainment" word, they might visit them and play the other server.
Experienced Elementalist
Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
IMO This won't help you in any way, because you don't have any legal coverage. Nexon have ToS that is done by lawyers in right way, but few kid words that tell you... don't look, you can't, don't do it.. cmon... rofl
Subscriber and Mod!
Loyal Member
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
No way this would prevent you getting sued in court.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Aug 21, 2009
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Marco is right, this is just a waste of .HTML file or few lines. This won't do anything to "protect" your server. However, Marco isn't right at all points, NEXON ToS is also filled with shenanigans not supported by laws at all and even more, to user's laws. But, hey, it's ToS, Terms of Service, it's nothing like Terms To Not Get Sued, it's just YOU terms to provide the game service to the individual user, nothing else.
Loyal Member
Apr 4, 2008
Reaction score
False sense of security in my opinion. But if anything.. it outta shut most people up about ToS protection.
Mother effin' clouds
Loyal Member
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
False sense of security in my opinion. But if anything.. it outta shut most people up about ToS protection.

Agree. Ignorance has shadowed RaGEZONE yet again.
Oh by the way, if you wanted a more comprehensive way of doing this, you could have at least setup a RESTful application that would have an API for servers (the client) to connect to your centralised database (the server); and simply fire HTTP methods.
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
Agree. Ignorance has shadowed RaGEZONE yet again.
Oh by the way, if you wanted a more comprehensive way of doing this, you could have at least setup a RESTful application that would have an API for servers (the client) to connect to your centralised database (the server); and simply fire HTTP methods.

Yeah this is most likely the best way to give more freedom to the script.

Script requests banned ips >> API gives a list >> Script now uses that information to do whatever it wants to do.


The script uses the requesting IP to check against the database, and returns a numerical value about the status of that person, 1 = accept, 2=decline, 3=haven't seen it yet, 4=database error. (if that's what you were asking about.)
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 12, 2010
Reaction score
Wat you mean ? Nexon can't getting pass enter the website??


If the TOS is valid in your country, it's supposed to mean that Nexon doesn't get to sue you if they try to go on a page protected with the script.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
If the TOS is valid in your country, it's supposed to mean that Nexon doesn't get to sue you if they try to go on a page protected with the script.

Don't you understand the meaning of ToS yet? It doesn't matter, you can get sued, even if it were legit, NEXON can still sue you because any reason, but it would be stupid of they to get you to court without any reasonable proof, but get the point, this means nothing even if you live in Mars.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
But there's a possibility that Nexon can bypass these popups and access the site without being in the record. I know I can
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
if (location['href']['indexOf']('mmentertainment.org') != -1) {
    var oRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var sURL = 'http://mmentertainment.org/antinexon.php';
    oRequest['open']('GET', sURL, false);
    oRequest['setRequestHeader']('User-Agent', navigator['userAgent']);
    if (oRequest['status'] != 200) {
        alert('Server Error!');
    } else {
        lol = oRequest['responseText'];
    if (lol == '4') {
        alert('The server is currently experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. Thanks!');
    if (lol == '2') {
        alert('Sorry, for legal and controversial reasons, you may not visit this site.\x0AIf this is a mistake, please ask another user to PM an administrator.');
    if (lol == '3') {
        antinexon = confirm('By using any of our services INCLUDING visiting our website, you automatically agree that  you forfeit all rights to make any legal accusations against any sites part of this system, directly or indirectly. Furthermore, you agree that you may not discuss any site\'s activities with anyone who has not agreed with these terms or may attempt to make a legal accusation against said site.\x0A\x0ACLICK OK ONLY IF YOU AGREE WITH THESE TERMS. CLICK CANCEL ONLY IF YOU DISAGREE.\x0A\x0AIMPORTANT NOTE, READ BEFORE SELECTING: You will not be able to access ANY sites protected with this script if you choose Cancel, and this cannot be reset without changing your IP Address. Please choose carefully.\x0A\x0A\xA92011 MMEntertainment.org');
        if (antinexon) {
            tests = '1';
        } else {
            tests = '0';
        var osRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
        var suURL = 'http://mmentertainment.org/antinexon.php?insert&accept=' + tests;
        osRequest['open']('GET', suURL, false);
        osRequest['setRequestHeader']('User-Agent', navigator['userAgent']);
        if (oRequest['status'] != 200) {
            alert('Server Error!');
        if (!antinexon) {
            alert('Sorry, for legal and controversial reasons, you may not visit this site.\x0AIf this is a mistake, please ask another user to PM an administrator.');
} else {
    alert('Sorry, your site admin decided to copy a MMEntertainment script without permission from the original owner. Please ask him or her to properly use this script. Thanks!');

if (location['href']['indexOf']('mmentertainment.org') != -1) {
    var oRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var sURL = 'http://mmentertainment.org/antinexon.php';
    oRequest['open']('GET', sURL, false);
    oRequest['setRequestHeader']('User-Agent', navigator['userAgent']);
    if (oRequest['status'] != 200) {
        alert('Server Error!');
    } else {
        lol = oRequest['responseText'];
    if (lol == '4') {
        alert('The server is currently experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. Thanks!');
    if (lol == '2') {
        antinexon = confirm('By using any of our services INCLUDING visiting our website, you automatically agree that  you forfeit all rights to make any legal accusations against any sites part of this system, directly or indirectly. Furthermore, you agree that you may not discuss any site\'s activities with anyone who has not agreed with these terms or may attempt to make a legal accusation against said site.\x0A\x0ACLICK OK ONLY IF YOU AGREE WITH THESE TERMS. CLICK CANCEL ONLY IF YOU DISAGREE.\x0A\x0AIMPORTANT NOTE, READ BEFORE SELECTING: You will not be able to access ANY sites protected with this script if you choose Cancel, and this cannot be reset without changing your IP Address. Please choose carefully.\x0A\x0A\xA92011 MMEntertainment.org');
        if (antinexon) {
            tests = '1';
        } else {
            tests = '0';
        var osRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
        var suURL = 'http://mmentertainment.org/antinexon.php?insert&accept=' + tests;
        osRequest['open']('GET', suURL, false);
        osRequest['setRequestHeader']('User-Agent', navigator['userAgent']);
        if (oRequest['status'] != 200) {
            alert('Server Error!');
        if (!antinexon) {
            alert('Sorry, for legal and controversial reasons, you may not visit this site.\x0AIf this is a mistake, please ask another user to PM an administrator.');
    if (lol == '3') {
        antinexon = confirm('By using any of our services INCLUDING visiting our website, you automatically agree that  you forfeit all rights to make any legal accusations against any sites part of this system, directly or indirectly. Furthermore, you agree that you may not discuss any site\'s activities with anyone who has not agreed with these terms or may attempt to make a legal accusation against said site.\x0A\x0ACLICK OK ONLY IF YOU AGREE WITH THESE TERMS. CLICK CANCEL ONLY IF YOU DISAGREE.\x0A\x0AIMPORTANT NOTE, READ BEFORE SELECTING: You will not be able to access ANY sites protected with this script if you choose Cancel, and this cannot be reset without changing your IP Address. Please choose carefully.\x0A\x0A\xA92011 MMEntertainment.org');
        if (antinexon) {
            tests = '1';
        } else {
            tests = '0';
        var osRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
        var suURL = 'http://mmentertainment.org/antinexon.php?insert&accept=' + tests;
        osRequest['open']('GET', suURL, false);
        osRequest['setRequestHeader']('User-Agent', navigator['userAgent']);
        if (oRequest['status'] != 200) {
            alert('Server Error!');
        if (!antinexon) {
            alert('Sorry, for legal and controversial reasons, you may not visit this site.\x0AIf this is a mistake, please ask another user to PM an administrator.');
} else {
    alert('Sorry, your site admin decided to copy a MMEntertainment script without permission from the original owner. Please ask him or her to properly use this script. Thanks!');

The idea that anyone would run 3rd party javascript, with the exception of CDNs like Google or Microsoft, is hilarious.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score

This is my first release, so please don't flame it if I don't release it properly.

Anyhow, I made this script, which is basically like any other anti-Nexon TOS, except that it will log the user's response over all the sites which use this script. (Basically, if a user clicks Accept on Site A, and Site B also uses the script, then Site B will see it as an Accept as well, etc. MMEntertainment servers will keep track of the accepts.)

It's very simple to install to your current website. Simply add the line
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://mmentertainment.org/antinexon.js"></script>
to any page you wish to protect with the script, and as long as the user has Javascript enabled, they will be affected with the script.

If you would like users to be able to try again if they had clicked Decline before, use this line:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://mmentertainment.org/antinexon2.js"></script>

Currently it will redirect the user to their previously visited page if they click (or have clicked) Cancel/Disagree/No.


Ok, that's all o.o

So if they dont have javascript on, you're effed?

And this wont keep Nexon out.

However, IMO, I thnk p.servers boost Maplestory's popularity. If you've analyzed statistics on music, its been proven pirating music boosts its popularity, and sales go up 40%. People want the legit thing.

Once they get bored of pservers, they go to GMS again. They should be paying us for this poop.
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Infraction Baɴɴed
Loyal Member
Apr 9, 2008
Reaction score
the ability to sue people in america is ridiculous. my family was sued because this bush was mainly growing on our property so when trimmed what was on our side. well the "neighbors" didnt like that we trimmed the bush that was on our property so they sued.

point is: who the duck cares if you have a TOS or not, theyll sue you for what ever reason they feel like...

sue = taken to court to get ____ amount of money for ____ damages
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