[Source] [v83] MoopleDEV | Multi Worlds | Rev 120 | Rev121 Snapshot

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Junior Spellweaver
Mar 16, 2013
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//Check for top
        if(top != 1040002 && top != 1040006 && top != 1040010 && top != 1041002 && top != 1041006 && top != 1041010 && top != 1041011) {
        //Check for bottom
        if(bottom != 1060002 && bottom != 1060006 && bottom != 1061002 && bottom != 1061008) {
        //Check for shoes
        if(shoes != 1072001 && shoes != 1072005 && shoes != 1072037 && shoes != 1072038) {
        //Check for weapon
        if(weapon != 1302000 && weapon != 1322005 && weapon != 1312004) {

*works only for explorers, I haven't done for cygnus and aran!
Elite Diviner
Mar 24, 2015
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Your script for the scrolls only worked half. The scrolls does not disappear when you scroll itself, but when you relog they're gone and plus you still can scroll the item infinite long.

These lines work for me so I'm not sure what you did wrong.
I never had the infinite scrolling problem tough. For me it was always just a visual bug, so you must be missing something else.
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 4, 2010
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just like this?


[IMG]https://forum.ragezone.com/images/404_image.png[/IMG] [url]http://tinypic.com/r/16k7ua9/8


[IMG]https://forum.ragezone.com/ima...ot asking for much.... i am just trying....
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 16, 2013
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all i want is just make a moopledev server up....
with pe dupe all done so i can play it aswell in peace..

im not asking for much....

i am just trying....
Omg you will need to work hard then.
Theres a lot of dupe methods.
I own a 2 years server and after work hard to remove all exploits, recently I have found another dupe method...
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 30, 2015
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Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 4, 2010
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i am using moopledev rev 120

dupe pe......

a guy said this to me.....

i mean the biggest ones involve roll back and fredrick
also mush shop permits
and i have multiple for packet editing as well
which come patched with most public sources such as moople dev
✞ Godlike ✞
Jul 18, 2008
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Really stupid question but, what are the different GM levels?

0 = Player
1 = GM
2 = admin

Is that it? ;O
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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 21, 2009
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So I began testing some of my things, and I noticed that a lot of the NPCs, especially crucial ones like job adv., are not implemented correctly if at all. This is awkward considering those NPCs were already implemented correctly by other Odin-based servers years ago, but I can't even copy their implementation from those servers, because many internal names have changed. There seems to be a more crucial issue here - little changes to the server infrastructure have a devastating effect on script compatibility. In addition, writing scripts for Odin in native JS is pure agony, because of the awful flow-control mechanic with the status integer. Thus, I present to you my latest creation:

HaJS - Because Abstraction is Never Enough™

What is HaJS?

HaJS is a C#-based XML to JS compiler. It allows writing XML files describing the ways NPCs should behave in a hierarchical, logical strcture. When supplied with another short, server-specific XML that describes how different features are implemented on the server, it can compile the NPC XML into native JS code that runs on any Odin-based server, while auto-generating the state logic on the fly and letting the programmer evade all that blubber. Pretty nifty, if I do say so myself.

The server-specific feature description XMLs are extremely generic and additional features can easily be declared and then used from any NPC XML, guaranteeing the extensibility of the compiler.

Awesome! Where do I get it?

As with the rest of my work, HaJS is Free and Open Source Software (under MPL 2.0), and you can get the source code from .
Additionally, check out - not only does it contain the compiled binaries (in case you are too lazy to open Visual Studio and go through the one-click, one-step, 3-seconds-long compilation process), but it also contains my sample implementation of "Grendel the Really Old" (1032001.xml), and sample configuration files for MoopleDEV120 (moople.xml) and OdinTeh75 (odinteh.xml).

Simply run the executable, insert moople.xml into the Server Configuration box, the NPC XML into the other box, click compile, and you will have a compiled 1032001.js that you can copy into your MoopleDEV scripts directory to get a working Magician 1st\2nd job adv.

I can't run the program / It does this weird error / What is a computer

Note that this is a developer grade tool - if you cannot click "Debug", find the exception, and fix it yourself, you shouldn't use this tool.

(I'm just kidding, of course, you can send me messages if you encounter any weird bugs/errors. But please take 5 minutes to try and solve it yourself beforehand - I am sick and tired of people sending me messages until this very day about not being able to start any of my software because they don't have the latest .NET installed. Oh, also, this one uses .NET 4.5.1, so make sure you have that)

Kevin - can you fix the zakum expedition guy? I need to get that and the job advancements done. The latter I'll already do myself now that I can write them in HaJS, but I looked at zakum and it seems you removed half the logic around squads and I have no idea how are we supposed to use that now.

P.S. did I already mention you need to install .NET for this to work? I don't think I did. Well, you do. of it.
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 13, 2013
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When I click "Create" when trying to create a character, a box pops up (in-game): "Failed due to an unknown error". Then exits me out of the game. Any idea why?
Experienced Elementalist
Jul 8, 2014
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This, as with all your releases, are valuable tools that contribute to not only the MoopleDev source, but the development of many others. I already played around with a few other Job Advance NPC's, because that is a valid point regarding their implementation. Your program is dead on with spitting out a working script, thanks!
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 21, 2009
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It contains all job advancement logic, including aran. It is, however, non-canon, so if you want that you are going to have to implement them yourself.
You have to get the newest version off my git to compile those. They also exemplify some of the cooler features I've added, such as asserts and function inlining - take a look at that if you are planning to make NPCs of your own.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 26, 2008
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@haha01haha Good to see you are still around! Love your software kevintjuh93 How goes the progress on 121? Been hovering around the forums for quite some time waiting for it .
Experienced Elementalist
Jul 8, 2014
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@haha01haha Good to see you are still around! Love your software @kevintjuh93 How goes the progress on 121? Been hovering around the forums for quite some time waiting for it .

@kevintjuh93 I've been meaning to ask you Kevin how things were coming along with the server we gave you. I was on family leave since December of last year, and haven't had any messages from you. I logged into the dedi and see it's offline. Either my sponsor shut it down or we have to call OVH. Let me know and I'll get you back up and running the beta server again. My adamant apologies.
Junior Spellweaver
Apr 18, 2008
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@haha01haha HaJS is simply fantastic. I just went through the process of fixing a bunch of references in scripts because I moved things around in my source, and was thinking NPCs should be more generic so that wouldn't be necessary. I could definitely see myself using this in the future when I script NPCs... Unfortunately, it's a lot more work to write up the XML for them than it is to change a few references here and there, so I'm guessing it will be a loooong time before we have a good library of XML files for NPCs.

Either way, still a very good tool, and I could see it dramatically improving scripting for Maplestory servers moving forward.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jun 30, 2008
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@zaczac The progress is currently very very slow. I am quite busy with school at the moment and I've gained intereset in making a bot for Clash of Clans. However, whenever I get more time, I will certainly start coding again and I will probably make a new repository so you can track all updates!
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 26, 2008
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Sounds good Real life priorities more important, the new repository sounds awesome too. Thanks again for staying with this so long!
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 1, 2008
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I can't seem to get my server to read from the ServerConstants.java,

i put in my username and password but it doesnt change when the server goes to connect to the database, i don't use a blank password for my databases and the config will not read my edit.... even if i do Shift + F11 to clean rebuild it and it still doesnt even work.... apologies if im just stupid or something

Got it working after fetching a fresh SVN and recompiling,
as for people having errors logging into the GAME SERVER

Change this to your LAN IP not your WAN IP
public static final String HOST = "192.168.X.X";
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