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Tales Runner server setup

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 9, 2012
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Please keep this in mind (also attached for convenience):

I'm not working on Tales Runner though, or anything at the moment for that matter since I'm really busy IRL, but it's still nice to see people helping the community. Since my version is based solely upon your posted decryption code, and not the executables (which means that there might be bugs in mine), you can still have the honors of sharing it if you change your mind ;).

Good luck!

I appreciate the sentiment, and I think I will post the code now.

My intended goal was not to keep it all to myself, but to draw out the people that are still working on it and hopefully be able to get help from them.

Looking back at what other people posted 3-4 months ago (such as Halloween's post: http://forum.ragezone.com/f111/tales-runner-server-setup-823928/index5.html#post6931032), there isn't any information provided to get to where they were. They aren't sharing anything anymore it seems.

So I can continue walking over where they've been and carving my own path, taking up more of my time, or if they just shared how they got so far, I could be jumpstarted up to that level.


Anyway, here's the source for the encryption:

        private byte[] encoder1(byte[] b)
            int s = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i++)
                b[i] = encode(b[i], s);
                s = (b[i] + s + 1) % 1785;
            return b;
        static byte encode(byte b, int s)
            b = (byte)(b + (s % 255) + 1);
            byte templeftside = (byte)(b >> (7 - (s % 7)));
            byte temprightside = (byte)(b << (8 - (7 - (s % 7))));
            b = (byte)(templeftside | temprightside);
            return b;

Here's the project file and binary for a quick GUI I made:

talesrunner2 - Tales Runner server setup - RaGEZONE Forums


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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 22, 2008
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Yea, that's how most of these projects go. A lot of projects build up momentum, then die out due to inactivity or people moving on to do things privately. The project remains dormant until the next set of devs come and revive it or a new set of files is released for people to work with.

If you enjoy reverse engineering or are interested in it though, nothing you do is ever wasted, even if the end results for the project are never reached. There will always be opportunities for people with RE skills here, so don't feel dissuaded. I've spent 6 years now reverse engineering stuff and it's been a ton of fun and challenges, even though most of the things I've done it for never worked out with the original goal in mind.

Since I used your decoding logic, I approached the problem from a bitwise perspective. E.g., start at the output, look at the binary values going through the entire decoding process, then represent the actions taken, in reverse order. From there, I think I was able to make sense of the algorithm they were using to swap the bits.
var buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("<text here>");
int s = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
    byte b = buffer[i];
    buffer[i] += (byte)(s % 255 + 1);
    int highShift = (7 - s % 7);
    var p1 = (buffer[i] >> highShift) << highShift; // mask off lower bits
    var p2 = (((0xFF >> highShift) << highShift) ^ 0xFF) & buffer[i]; // mask off higher bits
    byte p = (byte)((p1 >> highShift) | (p2 << (8 - highShift))); // swap bits and merge
    buffer[i] = p;
    s = (buffer[i] + s + 1) % 1785;

p1 builds the high portion value from the high bitmask.
p2 builds the low portion value from the low bitmask.
p is the final value based on the actual bit swapping process.

I think our logic ends up being the same, and I might have redundant logic when it comes to the masking then combining, but it should still provide the same results. I might setup some test vectors later to compare our algos just to make sure though.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 9, 2012
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So I was able to figure out why my agentserver wasn't working. I had set up my database incorrectly, and I hadn't enable sql connections through the "sa" login.

So now I'm trying to get past gameguard/xtrap on either the korean or usa client. I hear the Gameguard server can be emulated, and I tried emulating it with my apache server, but had no luck.. I can't figure out what should be inside the update.cfg on the server.

Would be great if someone could give some info to how to bypass xtrap or gameguard.

Like always I'll keep trying to figure it out....
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 9, 2012
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Cool update today.

I managed to get to the login screen on the korean client, but when I try to log in, I get an error and the only option is one button that exits the program. I'm not sure what exactly is going on..
talesrunner3 - Tales Runner server setup - RaGEZONE Forums talesrunner4 - Tales Runner server setup - RaGEZONE Forums
I've also tried running it with microsoft applocale, but it gives me an error every time I try.

After hashing/launching the loadbalanceserver says the client disconnected and the usernum stays at 0.
_DEBUG @@ updateServerUserNum : ServerNum(19), UserNum(0)
Connect Client : 917504
onClosed:index=131086, closeType=2
Client disconnected : 917504
_DEBUG @@ updateServerUserNum : ServerNum(19), UserNum(0)

When I try logging in, the agentserver (which apparently handles logins?) doesn't have any new messages come up. Maybe this has to do with how the korean client stores some of the connection information in the pkg? And so it's just not connecting to my server?

Anyway, I suspect that the USA client will have similar results (with perhaps a more readable error) IF I can get past gameguard... gameguard.des that came with the original client throws up an error, but that's due to me running windows 7 I think. When I tried it with someone elses custom gameguard.des I can see the little update nprotect gameguard window at the top left, but of course it won't update. It would be great if someone could upload a custom gameguard.des or maybe if I had a usa client with an already updated gameguard, I could emulate the gameguard server (as there are a few tutorials for).

Also how do the loginkeys work in the dbo.UserInfoLogin database? Is the account name/password hashed together into a loginkey? Anyone know how this works? I suspect this is similar to how other games do it?

Hope I'm not the only one working on this now lol...


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Sharing is caring
Feb 1, 2007
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Finally someone who tries to get further instead of relying on others.
When I shared this, I was hoping that some serious dev got started but sadly, this was not the case.
My friend Nayr is no longer working on TR but he managed to get in-game a while ago tho.
Since I'm working with someone else now, we aren't really to happy with spoon feeding the majority of people who come in this thread since we don't even have a server up.
I used to work with pushedx last year but at the time we bumped into the same issues like you do now.
Tales Runner is way more complicated then the other games I've worked on and several people I had high hopes of ran into issues pretty quickly as well so I hope you understand my decision to not share all the progress made by me and someone who wishes to remain anonymous.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 9, 2012
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Any chance I get in on the info you guys have found? :wink: I already have you on msn KillerStefan.

I actually just realized that debugging information is output to "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\TalesRunner" Hehe.. Embarrassing I didn't realize this earlier :blushing:

When I got login it wasn't actually on the korean client, it's a strange abomination of korean xtrap files and usa client lol... I don't even remember what exactly I changed with it. Here's the output of the dbgtrace.txt

11:33:15.166 - connectToServerTCP...
error ! 11:33:15.166 - CTRFatalErrorUI: ??? ??? ? ????. - ?? ??? ???? ??? ??? ????? ??? ? ????.
???? ?? ??????.
11:33:15.166 - m_eGuiType : 23
11:33:15.166 - CTRRenderManager::setDisableFrameMove(false)

Looks like it's probably a combination of two clients that's causing me troubles... I haven't been able to launch a korean client, I don't know the "startup info" it expects, and my IP is blocked to their servers, and I don't have an account so I can't even find out myself. Does anyone know if the hong kong client passes the same/similar startup info so I can take a peek at that (like is it launched from a browser?) or more helpfully, would anyone know what exactly the arguments are being passed to the executable? I'd assume some sort of login data? a login key perhaps?

When I passed random data as arguments to the korean client I get a "cannot decode startinfo!" error.

Knowing what the arguments are, I should be able to get to launch the korean client, to what end, I don't know...

Alternatively being able to bypass gameguard for the usa client would be also useful. I played around with this earlier but still no luck.
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 29, 2010
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Help Required
everything else works except this two
error encountered - Tales Runner server setup - RaGEZONE Forums
2012/07/23 12:43:32 - TCP port is not correct!!!!!!
error encountered1 - Tales Runner server setup - RaGEZONE Forums
2012/07/23 13:42:38 - usp_getItemDescNum error : Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.
2012/07/23 13:42:41 - usp_coupleGetMapCouplePointInfo error : [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Could not find stored procedure 'usp_coupleGetMapCouplePointInfo'.
2012/07/23 13:42:41 - usp_getLevelLimitItemInfo error : [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Could not find stored procedure 'usp_getLevelLimitItemInfo'.


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Newbie Spellweaver
May 23, 2012
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Wich install do we dowloade to see like youve posted aloot and im not into Technology o.o i dont understand alot o.o aloot of people say Thank , Great,Wow man i think what means they tried playing it ?????? :sleep: :D

Btw will mmp annouse it when you have finished every thing ?? and the game is ready to play o.o ?
Initiate Mage
Jul 27, 2012
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Hello? I'm from South Korea.

Tales Runner Is building a mistake let us know in detail how to replace?

Does the client download a bluff?

Thank you.

Not speak English.

Please understand
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
All the connection to download, can complete it:流口水:
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 8, 2011
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help me!!

I can't open agentserver but i see in task manager
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 3, 2012
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Korea Test version Server files
DSN name What is it ?
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 22, 2012
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pls can u make the game work faster plssssss.Atomix tales runner is suck.can u plsss work faster i need to play befaure school start
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 3, 2012
Reaction score
Korea Test Version 2011-12-01 give me pls !!

I can Ingame !!
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