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The Kendrick Johnson Case

Junior Spellweaver
Jun 8, 2012
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Announced Thursday, U.S. attorney Michael Moore is opening a federal investigation into this death.

Loyal Member
Sep 21, 2009
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It's pretty clear those kids had eyed him up when he went was walking into the Gym, suspicious enough to warrant a federal investigation for sure. (imo)
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2009
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yeah it looks like he was trying to avoid the kids with backpacks.. when he walked passed him they walked after him.
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Loyal Member
May 25, 2005
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As for the usual number of police on campus being 2-4... what the literal duck? You school must be rough. I don't recall there ever being a single police officer at any of my schools. The US is seriously messed up if you need police in schools. I don't know how parents over there can stand knowing it's that dangerous to send kids to school.

Pretty standard. Campus cops aren't technically "on-duty" unless it's their assignment, but most of the time the ISDs will hire off-duty cops to come in for 4-5 hours, usually during the morning to lunch periods in high schools. But, regardless, that's 'Murica for ya.

As for the case, you can't tell what the kids are doing. The video shows absolutely nothing in terms of something that points to a homicide. poop, they don't even know how long the time lapse is in the video yet. Still under investigation, but so far I don't think there was foul play. All they have are a few faces and names of people they will probably question. I don't see anything suspicious on the video. In terms, of the kids "eyeing him up" and Kendrick "avoiding the ones with backpacks"...how can you tell? It's a crappy video and it doesn't even show those same people following him into the gym or anything...the ones playing basketball are completely different people. My guess...accidental death.
Loyal Member
Sep 21, 2009
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My first comment on this thread (might have been second).. I said that it was not an accident but now I realize the mats were vertically positioned so he could have fell in there and no matter how much he moved he would have been held up by the other stuff around the mat, and he could have been knocked unconscious when his head hit the floor. This is a difficult one to judge. I'm thinking that it was actually an accident. Even if it wasn't an accident my thoughts are that it was manslaughter, he could have reached in for his shoe and another kid pushed him in as a joke, hit unconscious and the kids got scared when he didn't respond.

I don't know, just initial thoughts from spending half an hour researching the case.

And I'm still amazed you even have cops on site, in the UK we don't even have security guards or anything. Nothing bad has happened to any school in South Wales that I remember.
Junior Spellweaver
Jun 8, 2012
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A new video has been released in this case.
There were 36 cameras inside and outside the gym of Lowndes High School in Valdosta, where the body of Kendrick Johnson was discovered. The video was released as a result of legal action, filed by his family, that CNN joined.

Johnson's family suspects the 17-year-old was murdered and that someone has tried to cover up evidence in the case.

One clip shows Johnson in the gym. A second shows him walking in, then running out of the frame. In both videos, students suddenly appear.

An attorney for Lowndes County Sheriff Chris Prine said the video was not altered or edited by anyone within the sheriff's office. An attorney for the school likewise said that what was provided to the sheriff's office was the raw feed, with no edits.

A third clip, which shows students playing in the gym and the mats where Johnson's body was found, is blurry.

The Johnson family plan to file suit in court to receive the full hard drive from the school to review meta data of the videos to see if they were altered.

Also, I apologize for any late updates I post. Im currently battling possible legal and school issues of my own.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Mar 26, 2009
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And I'm still amazed you even have cops on site, in the UK we don't even have security guards or anything. Nothing bad has happened to any school in South Wales that I remember.

The high school I went to was the biggest in Estonia. It had a policeman going around, probably because there was alot of students and alot of fights and bullying that the teachers couldn't deal with. I always found it pretty weird, were the teachers lazy or what?

I did my research and im starting to think its an accident aswell but still theres some questionable things.

i looked at the comments in the new article and somone had posted this:

'It's funny how the one camera that actually shows the area where the mats are is BLURRY!!

It's also funny how they say the video wasn't altered, but yet you can clearly see that the images DON'T match up, you see the victim running towards the mats area and then all of a sudden out of no where kids appear in the camera frames.

And why does the police report say that NO ONE was in the gym with the victim when this happened, but clearly you see LOTS of kids in the gym. Someone knows something and I pray that someone steps up and speaks out for this victim'
Junior Spellweaver
Jun 8, 2012
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It's also funny how they say the video wasn't altered, but yet you can clearly see that the images DON'T match up, you see the victim running towards the mats area and then all of a sudden out of no where kids appear in the camera frames.

The Sheriff's department has stated that it is because the camera is motion activated. And because the mats aren't visible in the blurry camera, whatever happened to Kendrick was never captured.
Junior Spellweaver
Jun 8, 2012
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New developments

"I was not notifedi n (sic) this death until 15:45 hours. The investigative climate was very poor to worse when I arrived on the scene. The body had been noticably (sic) moved. The scene had been compromised and there was no cooperation from law enforcement at the scene. Furthermore the integrity of the evidence bag was compromised on January 13, 2013 by opening the sealed bag and exhibiting the dead body to his father," wrote Lowndes County Coroner Bill Watson in a report dated January 22.

"I do not approve of the manner this case was handled. Not only was the scene compromised, the body was moved. The integrrety (sic) was breached by opening a sealed body bag, information necessary for my lawful investigation was withheld," he said.

The coroner's death investigation report was obtained by CNN through an open records request directed at the coroner's office.

A second coroner's death investigation report was provided by the Lowndes County Sheriff's Office.

The second report, which is not signed nor dated, is not nearly as critical as the first.

"I was not called by investigating officers regarding this death until the afore listed time of notification," it read.

It was not immediately clear why there were two coroner's reports. The inconsistencies between them were also not clear.

When contacted by CNN, a lawyer for the Lowndes County sheriff and the Lowndes County coroner declined to address specific questions about the reports.

"In light of the US attorney's review of this matter, the Lowndes County sheriff and the Lowndes County coroner will not comment further on this case. They will fully cooperate and respond to all inquiries of the United States attorney," Jim Elliott wrote in an e-mail.

Junior Spellweaver
Jun 8, 2012
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Lowndes County Schools insists the video is "a raw feed with no edits," and the Lowndes County Sheriff's Office, which asserts Johnson accidentally died while reaching for a shoe in one of the mats, says it didn't edit any files, according to their lawyers.

CNN, which filed suit to secure access to the video, hired forensic video analyst Grant Fredericks to analyze more than 290 hours of material from all 35 cameras inside and outside of the gym. Fredericks is a U.S. Justice Department consultant and contract instructor for the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia.

CNN also provided Fredericks and his company, the Spokane, Washington-based Forensic Video Solutions, with hundreds more hours of video from 31 cameras in other parts of Lowndes County High School.

Fredericks quickly knocked down the Johnsons' concerns -- they're all easily explained, he said -- but his examination raised what could be another mystery: at least an hour of missing video from all four cameras inside the gym.

Absolutely amazing developments occurring.
It won't fit
Loyal Member
May 18, 2007
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Thanks for keeping this update. Shocking how those clips were missing at the same times. Then suddenly came back on at the same time. Someone probably removed them to hide the truth.
Apr 28, 2005
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Yeah, that makes no sense. The cameras cut out at similar times and come back in at similar times, where every other time/day there are no problems.

There is obviously something going on here. :/
Skilled Illusionist
Sep 27, 2005
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Wow, I live in Georgia and heard nothing about this until I read this post. Huh...

I'm perturbed that it took so long for the schools IT officer to provide video surveillance. The police report says that their detective asked for surveillance of the last 48 hours. It took the IT officer 5 days to provide a hard-drive that MIGHT contain those 48 hours give or take. Really? 5 days? Are they busy doing something else because providing appropriate evidence isn't a priority? Not to mention it never should have been a request of the IT officer; they should have gotten their own expert to retrieve the potentially ground-breaking evidence, but now they're left with scattered video.

Junior Spellweaver
Jun 8, 2012
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Not much has been going on in this case, but here's an update:

The Kendrick Johnson family has been protesting in Atlanta, Georgia in hopes to have their voices heard by more people. They also filed a compliant on the handling of Kendrick's body.

Junior Spellweaver
Jun 8, 2012
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Breaking news in this case! The FBI is now getting involved.

The FBI was expected Thursday to seize the original hard drives from the surveillance system at Lowndes High School, where 17-year-old Kendrick Johnson was found dead in a rolled-up gym mat earlier this year, according to a source with knowledge of the investigation surrounding the hard drives.
U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Georgia Michael Moore issued a grand jury subpoena to seize the hard drives, the source said.
