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The Zeitgeist Movement

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Junior Spellweaver
Jun 20, 2008
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someone can give me another link? maybe like in youtube link cause i cant load it..it doesnt play..
All is well...
Loyal Member
Feb 22, 2006
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Hmm I've been looking for an angle to pursue my writing so I think I may have found it now =D
I love the goals of The Venus Project. I've always thought I was just slightly insane for the way I looked at the world since it made no sense to anyone else it seemed, but after watching the video I happy to know someone feels exactly the same as I do ^_^ Society's values inhibit progress and besides procreation we're not here for anything else but to benefit the next generation, meaning more progress is good lol

The current system benefits me more than the suggested sytem.

It occours to me that most of you fail to understand how in incredible retarded the majority of all people are. Just look at the different sub-forums on ragezone, and spot all the retarded questions.

I shall quote for you:

Wizards first rule: People are stupid.
And you derive that logic from a book about magic wizards? (I believe that's Harry Potter)
You're no smarter than the all the people you look down on for not at least attempting to solve the problem and just accepting what is essentially defeat.
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 21, 2004
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Jesus. People with conflicting views are considered disabled or are removed from society?

And to think that it is us who are being called closed minded. ha.
The current system benefits me more than the suggested sytem.
vannaroth, I want to take this moment to point out just how incredibly stupid you are for trying to put that twist on my words, while at the same time further explaining my comment concerning DeathArt.
By stating that I was okay with how things already work, with disability insurance coming out of my pocket, termed 'taxes', I was making it clear that I actually support the current monetary system... at least, to a degree.
By saying that I was okay with working a few extra hours to care for the mentally disabled, I made it clear that I was not attempting to remove DeathArt from society, but to take care of him, as he is not competent enough to care for himself.

DeathArt reinforced that by agreeing with me, saying the current system benefits him - because it does... people like me work hard to make sure DeathArt can still live a comfortable life, despite his handicap.
Arrogant Wizard
Loyal Member
Mar 30, 2007
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And you derive that logic from a book about magic wizards? (I believe that's Harry Potter)
Your ignorance regarding common literature is amazing.

No, it's not from Harry Ducking Potter. How about you spend some more time reading, than posting on the internet.

Typical modern kid thing, thinking anything related to magic is related to Harry Potter *sigh*

Also, I still don't see the answer on how this new World Order would handle people not accepting it.
I guess none of you ever thought that far, but only look at the "ZOMG ROBOTS CAN DO OUR WORK, HURRAY NO WORK!" part of it.
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 23, 2008
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Hmm, the idea of robots doing all our work is a compleatly rediculous idea, Freeing us from everything?
And when the robots break... Who fixes them? Other robots...? And when they break... Human will have to do it... Also make the robots in the first place, You telling me everyone will just agree to do that for free? Kinda need to open your eyes to that, I actally agree crystal clean on death's last comment. As i said the only reason i am here is to see the views on the moneytary system because unforortionalty for me it don't not support me in the way of some... And to the people who have it well, I say well done and i hope you all keep up with it.

If we have to live in the system, we should make the best of it huh?


[As for the kid wanting the movie, ]
All is well...
Loyal Member
Feb 22, 2006
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Your ignorance regarding common literature is amazing.

No, it's not from Harry Ducking Potter. How about you spend some more time reading, than posting on the internet.

Typical modern kid thing, thinking anything related to magic is related to Harry Potter *sigh*
lol, well excuse me then. Regardless your knowledge is still derived from a fiction fantasy book, the point remains... Try a piece of relevant literature to quote before you lecture me on my literacy.

Also, I still don't see the answer on how this new World Order would handle people not accepting it.
I guess none of you ever thought that far, but only look at the "ZOMG ROBOTS CAN DO OUR WORK, HURRAY NO WORK!" part of it.
All one needs to do is sway the mind(s) of those in power or those of the majority. The plan isn't perfect. Not everyone will accept the social change. One would assume that corporations that already benefit from the system greatly would rather maintain the current system because it benefits them. Essentially the only thing inhibiting the progression of this idea is greed and selfishness.

Hmm, the idea of robots doing all our work is a compleatly rediculous idea, Freeing us from everything?
And when the robots break... Who fixes them? Other robots...? And when they break... Human will have to do it... Also make the robots in the first place, You telling me everyone will just agree to do that for free? Kinda need to open your eyes to that, I actally agree crystal clean on death's last comment. As i said the only reason i am here is to see the views on the moneytary system because unforortionalty for me it don't not support me in the way of some... And to the people who have it well, I say well done and i hope you all keep up with it.

If we have to live in the system, we should make the best of it huh?


[As for the kid wanting the movie, ]
1. We don't have to live in the system
2. The basis of the idea is that if such an instance occurs and a machine needs repair a skilled operator would do so under the impression that if he does not fix the machine he in-turn suffers from it as well.

I will submit that it is a hard thing it is fathom someone ready to work for what is apparently nothing. Since we're so in tune to a capitalist and materialistic reward system you're taught to believe that for each job there is a direct reward. However, if this new society were to work the operator need only realize he benefits from the repair of the machine. Someone benefits from the production of the machine or the machine would have no purpose to even be built initially.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 6, 2008
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I knew some of the things in this video before I even watched it and it still cut me deep. Even though the ideas for a free society are good ones it will never happen or it will take a very long time. Because people are confined to a pre-standarized way of living they won't get out of their safety shelter and see the true state of the world because of fear and propaganda that decides how we should live. This video is true in every sense just the solutions not very good ones. With that and the internet thing going on we have more than one thing to combat. Unless over 80% of humans beings are suddenly opened up to the true state of reality I'm afraid that our utopia that we have waited for will never happen at least in our lifetime. We outnumber the politicans and leaders of the world but we live in fear of breaking laws thus killing off new advances in technology thus killing off a piece that is needed to live a way of life. It was a fine video to watch and at least gave me hope that someday our world can be like that but for now I know that it wont happen for a while because more believe what is in front of them rather than what is around them.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2005
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vannaroth, I want to take this moment to point out just how incredibly stupid you are for trying to put that twist on my words, while at the same time further explaining my comment concerning DeathArt.
By stating that I was okay with how things already work, with disability insurance coming out of my pocket, termed 'taxes', I was making it clear that I actually support the current monetary system... at least, to a degree.
By saying that I was okay with working a few extra hours to care for the mentally disabled, I made it clear that I was not attempting to remove DeathArt from society, but to take care of him, as he is not competent enough to care for himself.

DeathArt reinforced that by agreeing with me, saying the current system benefits him - because it does... people like me work hard to make sure DeathArt can still live a comfortable life, despite his handicap.

sorry, I didn't realise that DeathArt actually called himself a Special person in jest and that your post was made in that context. I thought you were implying he was mentally disabled on the basis that you disagree with him on some level. The 'removed from society' part was entirely in response to Nightheart's post though which to be fair I did also quote.
Arrogant Wizard
Loyal Member
Mar 30, 2007
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Essentially the only thing inhibiting the progression of this idea is greed and selfishness.
Which happends to be the excact two things that define Homo sapiens.

Since we're so in tune to a capitalist and materialistic reward system you're taught to believe that for each job there is a direct reward.
You realise, some of us enjoy our jobs? You might have a poop job , but I enjoy developing advanced IT systems. The reward of the job for many is not the payment, but the job itself, the occuptation that otherwise wouldn't have existed, or the communication with the colleges you otherwise wouldn't have meet.

But ofcource you take stand with those creating the video, who try and convince you that WORK IS BAD, YOU WERE TAUGHT IT WAS GOOD; BUT THAT WAS A LIE.

You talk like nobody can think free if they are educated. So basicly you must be a Special person at the bottom of socity to belive the video, or else it denies the point of well educated people who belive in the system, can also think free?

sorry, I didn't realise that DeathArt actually called himself a Special person in jest and that your post was made in that context.
Not Special person, I was talking about not accepting the systems political rules.

I'm autist btw. so I get extra benefits from the current system due to that \o/
Permanent Lurker
Jul 3, 2004
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hmm, a free world order. a free world order wil only happen if all humans are of the same mindset. and to make all humans have the same mindset, many others with not of the same train of thought will have to die. if they do not die, they will form another group of people who will clash with our new world order, and with 2 groups of people with differing views, that will mean war.

the message in the videos are a peaceful approach to making the free world order. but we are humans, there will never be a same train of thought ever happening worldwide, encompassing every human in the world. so what do we do with the people with differing thoughts ? try to understand them and the action behind their motives ? their motives is that they do not agree with the idea of a free world order. and what they want is the exact same as what we want. they want the free world idea to be shredded, and we want their anti-free world idea to be shredded.

now as sun tsu says, if u can't defeat them, join them. so we've physically caught them, but we just cannot defeat their mental state and ideals. as a free world order, we should not forcefully implement our ideals on them. so, should we join them in their ideals, set them free, and try to change them gradually in the near future ?

oh my, i should go discuss on the official website instead -_-

Initiate Mage
Oct 31, 2006
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I saw Zeitgeist the movie-remastered version on googlevideo over a year ago, never managed to share it much tough.
It is very detailed and proves very well that our lives are being controlled and it will only get worse.
I watched this video too and the point was about the same...
Initiate Mage
Oct 24, 2008
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[I did not proof-read this, there may be a few grammar mistakes]

People are spreading around this movie and believing everything that is being said in it. Throughout the 19 minutes of watching this movie, I have come across many fallacies (information used by an author that is assumed to be true). The creator/producer of this movie is NOT a credible source. In order to prove information, you must prove it. Yes Peter Joseph did, but he provided information that isn't credible. He gave many quotes and did not provide information on where he obtained the information (sources). IF he did research this, than he has put false and biased (not telling the whole truth) information into this movie. The quotes he has put into the movie ACTS as valid information when in fact, these cannot be considered valid or correct. I can provide information critiquing this information, showing counter-research from valid and credible sources, to show how much of this movie is either biased or false. (I have access to thousands of credible databases (google is not credible) due to being a college student.) I am not posting this to prove anything, but am just getting a point across which is; the majority of this movie (from what I saw and can predict) is not valid. The movie expresses the authors opinion even though they showed information, it is assumed to be true (fallacy).


I read a few posts in this thread, and many people are arguing with DeathArt. My question to you (the people arguing with him) is why would you argue with someone, say he doe's not know what he is talking about. While you clearly don't know what you are talking about. You did not research anything about this topic, and have gotten all your information from one source (this movie). You should not talk unless you can prove what you are talking about (with valid research (not google or another search engine)).
A great place to find information to either prove this movie is correct or wrong, would be a Time Magazine database (which dates back to 1953 (I may be wrong on that date)) or an economic database which searches from other databases as well. The majority of you will not be able to access a top-of-the-line database because 1) you will not pay for it or 2) you are not attending a university or college. A good high school database is Galegroup, but you will need to obtain a password from your high school in order to access it.

I am predicting that people may flame and/or attempt to argue with me; I will not argue with you. Please, if you do flame/argue, show your sources where you got your information from and don't use things you heard from this movie. Otherwise, you will be wasting your time.

Junior Spellweaver
Dec 21, 2004
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I am predicting that people may flame and/or attempt to argue with me; I will not argue with you. Please, if you do flame/argue, show your sources where you got your information from and don't use things you heard from this movie. Otherwise, you will be wasting your time.
1) IP check, please?
2) You are a hypocrite of the highest order.
3) What exactly was false in the zeitgeist movie? I would like to know what you feel was false; I already have a pretty good idea on that, but hearing you say "what's what," will allow me to figure out if you even watched it.
4) Where are your sources, or was that your +1 for joining the forums (btw, welcome to RZ)?
5) The movie is two hours long. Excuse my French, but acting like you saw all that it had to offer in nineteen minutes is shenanigans. ^^
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 30, 2005
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Ive been researching for a couple of years now on the subjects detailed in both zeitgeist movies and although they do offer a very close representation of whats goin on it makes alot of attacks on religion (im an atheiest myself) and suggests we let technology free us from work, all sounds good and all but its competition that drives us humans and without that advancements would be slower. I know many of you are gonna say thats not true but ignoring that.... the most important thing to take away from these movies and many like it is this, we are at a pivitol moment in time that technology is either going to free us or enslave us and goverments of the world are attempting the latter. On this I think we can all agree that if we dont stand up for our rights now we and our children may never get the chance again. We really need to do something about this.

You might say "but im just one person" This simply isnt true you are one in a huge percentage of people that share the same veiws and you must do somthing be it signing petetions or visiting your local councils demanding answers.

The biggest un-reported fact that they are pushing right now is the whole reason why we arnt enslaved already and thats the internets neutrality. By this I mean the unrestricted net as we know it. Imagine losing the ability to host your own sites and views, sites like this and much of the internet would be gone and they plan to charge you for and limit you too for simple things like sending email. Democracy (like it exists anyway) would be takin of the table completely because if a few companies are givin control of the internet they would be able to stop the alternete veiws of sensitive subjects eg 9/11. How could (in their veiw)undesirable politicians get their message out, they simply couldnt and either could we.

Feel free to disagree as its your right too (for now) but to the people that dont if you havnt already please take the time to watch these movies and go listen to what alex jones has to say. Dont beleve everything in zeitgeist as alot of it is pure bunk, the money system can work problem is its engineered not to as I and many of you have seen the documents to prove.

Just do your own investagation and dont just beleve one persons view including mine.

Watch these films/documenteries.. Terror Storm Final Cut, Loose Change 2nd Edition, 9/11 Road To Tyrrany and End Game there are loads more though these are the only films that offer evidence in place of the in most cases silly untested theories in the zeitgeist film particulary the new one except for the parts about ecomomy and the need to abolish dependency of fossil fuels and use of available renewable energy. Ive known all this for a long time and is common sense if you would of gave it an hours thought without watching this film also dont forget hitler bribed the people with a so called eutopia world too and we all know how that worked out and besides theres more real threats to take care of before we could ever see the suggestions made in this video realised, like patents for all these technologies held by the electric and gas companys never mind the mental people running the world planning to wipe 80% of us out using virus's if we did rise up aginst them (dont beleve me do the research yourself).

The Zeitgeist films has raised our numbers and awakened more people to the truth and I thank Peter Joseph for that.

Now feel free to attack me personaly lol joke, Im real happy to see this thread in here just shows thats this things bust wide open now. I didnt bother to read the preceding posts as I know from experience its likly full of full blown arguments defending zeitgeist as preists do their bible. Be nice and voice your opinions as I have. If you are on the same page as me send me a pm, I do like speaking with well informed people.
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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Sep 3, 2005
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that video might be true (or some of it) might be not, but i think that we do agree that something is wrong here, and that at least something must be done.

(BTW: this is my 1500th post! thought i should do it in an important place.)
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 20, 2008
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I do not agree with the zeitgeist world if there was a new world order just a couple of years later there would be madness to get power
and then there will be war and everyone will hate everyone
Arrogant Wizard
Loyal Member
Mar 30, 2007
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3) What exactly was false in the zeitgeist movie? I would like to know what you feel was false; I already have a pretty good idea on that, but hearing you say "what's what," will allow me to figure out if you even watched it.
Everything but the history lesson in the start.

And it's not us having to show proof of it's false, it's you having to show proof of it's true.

I think you'll have a hard time proving anything related to the CIA or 9/11th terrorist attack (I go with the common version of it, not the paranoia version like you).

So I dare you, proof. Scientific proof, not random video's and photoshopped images from the internet.

The fact is, you can't show this. If you could, you had allready, and everybody would been convinced from the start.

So basicly, you lost. Now go live like a paranoia Special person off the grid, nobody care. When you die at home before you thought medicine was dangerous, and nobody was around to help you because you dispised socity as it works today, nobody will care about your death.

Because nobody knew you ever existed. Except the people on the internet. And they wouldn't care more than 4chan does when moot dies to get more funding.

In short: shut the duck up and disappear so nobody know you're there. Then you're happy, and we're happy. Perfect world for you and me.
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 21, 2004
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In short: shut the duck up and disappear so nobody know you're there. Then you're happy, and we're happy. Perfect world for you and me.
Wow; you're raging like a spoiled little girl not getting the Ferrari cake she wanted on her sweet sixteen.

I now want you to quote me - quote the words that supposedly stated I bought into everything the Zeitgeist movie displayed. I know you can't, because:
A) I directly said there were things in it that I knew to be false
B) You are immature
C) It is beyond your mental capacity as a human being
And that about sums it up.
Really - I can't stop laughing (it helps that I am high) at your raging so much over so little. :lol:
Jun 8, 2007
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Just a note for all you dumass saying its fake blablabla, you gotta get your facts right,
just because you sit 24/7 behind the PC and never see daylight doesnt mean its fake,
do your research - get your homework done, you'll find out that everything said in this video
is REAL.

So please, stop talking trash and go to your research.
Banks are getting bankrobbed all over the world now, money is being lost everywhere, that means
something aswell doesnt it?
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