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this is why the habbo scene sucks and is dying Private 

ignition sequence start
Loyal Member
Jul 27, 2012
Reaction score
Yes... this is exactly what the Habbo section needs! A thread bitching and moaning about your sql injections that happened.

Like this forum section needs mooooooore drama... the habbo section is poop because all the chill people who were actually decent people have left and now it's full of unresponsible perves who have stupidly large communities and are careless about corrupting teen's minds through vulgarism, sexism, and drugs which is allowed and sometimes even promoted or joked about on retro.

UX 101:

Habbo is a chat game, and if you're not having fun or entertained chatting well it's not going to be successful or a good experience.
I think Habbo's community has more perverts than the retro community to be fair...
Ask me about Daoism
Loyal Member
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
lel THIS is why?

No. Habbo community isn't dead. I've said it before, we all have, but that's just a lie we tell ourselves so we can act like we were somehow involved in better days.

Lime Hotel? That sounds like the handiwork of Ash and Jack. I remember that hotel, limehotel.us. Sucked butt but people played it. Mostly just lobby rats and tools like that but, ye. Someone from retro Facebook? idk.

My advice to owners, developers, anyone with a brain: If they are on 'Retro Facebook' (kewl habbo kidz making kewl retro fb accounts xD), don't trust them. They're always doxing each other, booting each other, or having roleplay rivalries. Stick to the good guys. People we know and love on RaGEZONE. Sweet home, RaGEZONE.

Also my signature gives one of the reasons why Habbo has gone to poop. We're all (the players, developers, etc.) selfish twats in it for ourselves lol.

What happened to the dreams, man? The music, the spirit, the life, man?!