• Unfortunately, we have experienced significant hard drive damage that requires urgent maintenance and rebuilding. The forum will be a state of read only until we install our new drives and rebuild all the configurations needed. Please follow our Facebook page for updates, we will be back up shortly! (The forum could go offline at any given time due to the nature of the failed drives whilst awaiting the upgrades.) When you see an Incapsula error, you know we are in the process of migration.

To all Tantra newbie developers I think you might like this

Tantra Freelancer
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
here some SS


This is my setting I have already change the keys

I try to run over your post I think you miss something.. try to change your tantraparam.tpa client and server side

No display

Oh forgot I tried also getting my own keys but it didnt show up too. Probably because our local IP is not a domain. So I did was just use the keys provided by Webxonegamers website php file.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 13, 2014
Reaction score
Oh forgot I tried also getting my own keys but it didnt show up too. Probably because our local IP is not a domain. So I did was just use the keys provided by Webxonegamers website php file.

So you just use the old key that was on the form.php?
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 13, 2014
Reaction score
Also, did you already change the $SMTPUser & $SMTPPass (Line 24 & 25) of the config.php @ htdocs\config\config.php ?

I've done that one too still it did not work. Can you show the SS of your form .php?
Tantra Freelancer
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
I've done that one too still it did not work. Can you show the SS of your form .php?

?>					<td id="RegTable">
					<div class="margin">
					<a style="margin-left: 2px;"><img src="images/RegisterTxt.png"></a>
					<div style="height: 12px;"></div>


// Get a key from https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create
$publickey = "6LfoRMoSAAAAAIYdcY_W4_t5Bu7d58VhaqbQfGcw";
$privatekey = "6LfoRMoSAAAAAImA0Vty7kLySIvrW1WgNSUTLJLV"; 

# the response from reCAPTCHA
$resp = null;
# the error code from reCAPTCHA, if any
$error = null;

if ($_POST['action'] == 'submitted')
        $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,
	$Email = $_POST['txtEmail'];
	$UserID = $_POST['txtUser'];
	$Password = $_POST['txtPass'];
	$CPassword = $_POST['txtPass2'];
	$UserKey = mt_rand(1000000, 9999999);
	$SecretQuestion = $_POST['txtQuest'];
	$Answer = $_POST['txtAnswer'];
	$FirstName = $_POST['txtName'];
	$MI = substr($UserID,0,1);
	$LastName = $_POST['txtLastName'];
	$Month = $_POST['txtMonth'];
	$Day = $_POST['txtDay'];
	$Year = $_POST['txtYear'];
	$Sex = $_POST['txtSex'];
	$Address = $_POST['txtAddress'];
	$Country = $_POST['txtCountry'];
	$ZGCode = mt_rand(1000000, 9999999);
	$activecode = sha1(mt_rand().time().mt_rand().$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
	$ZGActivation = substr($activecode,0,16);

	function is_email($email){
	   $x = '\d\w!\#\$%&\'*+\-/=?\^_`{|}~';    //just for clarity
	   return count($email = explode('@', $email, 3)) == 2
	       && strlen($email[0]) < 65
	       && strlen($email[1]) < 256
	       && preg_match("#^[$x]+(\.?([$x]+\.)*[$x]+)?$#", $email[0])
	       && preg_match('#^(([a-z0-9]+-*)?[a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}.?$#', $email[1]);

		$SecretQuestion = str_replace("'", "''", $SecretQuestion);
		$wea = mssql_query("SELECT UserID FROM Account where UserID='$UserID'");
		$row = mssql_fetch_row($wea);
		$wea2 = mssql_query("SELECT Email FROM Account where Email='$Email'");
		$row2 = mssql_fetch_row($wea2);

		if (strlen($UserID) < 4 || strlen($UserID) > 15 || !preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/", $UserID)) {
			$resultado = "The username '$UserID', is not valid. Only letters and numbers are allowed (lenght 4~15).<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";
		elseif (strlen($Password) < 6 || strlen($Password) > 15 || !preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/", $Password)) {
			$resultado = "Unvalid password, only letters and numbers are allowed (lenght 6~15).<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

		elseif ($Password != $CPassword) {
			$resultado = "Passwords do not match.<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

		elseif (!is_email($Email)) {
			$resultado = "Please, use a valid email address. (Required for account activation)<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

		elseif (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z 0-9_-]+$/", $Answer) || strlen($Answer) == "0" || strlen($Answer) > 15 || strlen($Answer) < 4) {
			$resultado = "Secret Answer invalid, only letters and numbers are allowed (lenght 4~15).<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

		elseif (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z_-]+$/", $FirstName) || strlen($FirstName) == "0" || strlen($FirstName) > 15 || strlen($Answer) < 4) {
			$resultado = "Please, enter your name correctly. (lenght 4~15).<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

		elseif (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z_-]+$/", $LastName) || strlen($LastName) == "0" || strlen($LastName) > 15 || strlen($Answer) < 4) {
			$error .= "Please, enter your last name correctly. (lenght 4~15).<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";
			return 0;

		elseif ($Month > 12 || $Month < 1 || !preg_match("/^[0-9]/", $Month) || strlen($Month) == "0") {
			$resultado = "Please, indicate the correct date of birth.<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

		elseif ($Day > 31 || $Day < 1 || !preg_match("/^[0-9]/", $Day) || strlen($Day) == "0") {
			$resultado = "Please, indicate the correct date of birth.<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

		elseif ($Year > 2007 || $Year < 1950 || !preg_match("/^[0-9]/", $Year) || strlen($Year) == "0") {
			$resultado = "Please, indicate the correct date of birth.<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

		elseif ($Sex != 1 && $Sex != 2) {
			$resultado = "Please, select your gender.<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

		elseif (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z 0-9_-]+$/", $Country)) {
			$resultado = "Please select your country of residence.<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";
		elseif ($row[0] != "") {
			$resultado = "<font color=#777777 face=Arial><b>This User ID is in use, please choose another.</b><br/><a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a></font>";
		elseif ($row2[0] != "") {
			$resultado = "<font color=#777777 face=Arial><b>This Email is in use, if you forgot your account, <a href=lostpw.php style='text-decoration: underline; color: #7D7D7D;'>click here</a>.</b><br/><a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a></font>";

        	elseif (!$resp->is_valid) {
			$resultado = "Please enter the correct security code shown on the display.<br/><a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

	if($resultado == ''){

		$result = "<font color=#777777 face=Arial><b>This User ID is in use, please choose another.</b><br/><a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a></font>";

		mssql_query("INSERT INTO Account VALUES ('$Email', '$UserID', '$Password' , '$UserKey', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '$SecretQuestion', '$Answer', '$FirstName', '$MI', '$LastName', '$Month/$Day/$Year 00:00:00', '$Sex', '$Address', NULL, NULL, '$Country', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]', newid(), GETDATE(), 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 1, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, '$ZGCode', 0, '$ZGActivation')") or die($ZGActivation);
		mssql_query("DECLARE  [USER=850422]return[/USER]_value int,
		@NCashResult int,
		@NCashMsg nvarchar(100)

EXEC  [USER=850422]return[/USER]_value = [dbo].[AccountInsertUserInBilling]
	  [USER=213273]email[/USER] = N'".$Email."',
		@NCashResult = @NCashResult OUTPUT,
		@NCashMsg = @NCashMsg OUTPUT");

		$fp = fopen("D:/Server/Hero/Share/Serv00/new/$UserID.txt","w");

require 'class.phpmailer.php';
require 'class.smtp.php'; //incluimos la clase para envíos por SMTP
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->CharSet = 'iso-8859-1';
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl";
$mail->Host = "smtp.gmail.com"; //servidor smtp
$mail->Port = 465; //puerto smtp de gmail
$mail->Username = $SMTPUser;
$mail->Password = $SMTPPass;
$mail->FromName = $SMTPName;
$mail->From = $SMTPEmail;//email de remitente desde donde se envía el correo.
$mail->AddAddress($Email, $FirstName. " " .$LastName);//destinatario que va a recibir el correo
$mail->Subject = 'Account register in Zone Gamerz - Tantra Daksha';

$mail->MsgHTML("Dear $FirstName,<br><br>

Thank you for registering at the $ServerName <b>Tantra Online</b>. Before we can activate your account one last step must be taken to complete your registration.<br><br>
Please note - you must complete this last step to become a registered member. You will only need to visit this URL once to activate your account.<br><br>
To complete your registration, please visit this URL:<br>
<a href=$TantraWebLink/activation.php?id=$UserID&activateKey=$ZGActivation>$TantraWebLink/activation.php?id=$UserID&activateKey=$ZGActivation</a><br><br>

**** Does The Above URL Not Work? ****<br>
If the above URL does not work, please contact the staff through the support section at:<br>
$SupportLink <br>
or the forum: <br>
$TantraForumLink <br><br>

Your Username is: $UserID <br>
Your Activation ID is: $ZGActivation <br><br>
If you are still having problems signing up please contact a member of our support staff at [email]support@zonegamerz.net[/email]<br><br>
All the best,<br>
$NameServer Staff <br><br>
");//cuerpo con html

   $result = "Your account has been registered successfully, but it is possible<br> that your activation is <b>not sent</b> to your email. Please contact as soon as possible to the ZG Staff by <br> the support section.<br>";
   $result = "<b>Your account has been registered successfully!</b><br><br>The activation of the same has been sent to your email.<br>If you do not have Tantra Daksha (Zone Gamerz) on your computer <a href=download>Download now</a>.<br>";

	echo "<div id=regresult align=center>";
	echo $result;
	echo "</div>";
	echo "<div id=regresult align=center>";
	echo $resultado;
	echo "</div>";

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
	function valida(F) {
		var mail_comp = /^[^@\s]+@[^@\.\s]+(\.[^@\.\s]+)+$/
		if(F.txtUser.value == false ) {
                alert("Forgot to write your name.")
                return false
		if(F.txtUser.value.length<4) {
                alert("Your name is not valid.")
                return false
		if(F.txtPass.value == false ) {
                alert("You must enter a password.")
                return false
		if(F.txtPass.value.length<6) {
                alert("Your password is too short. (lenght 6~15)")
                return false
		if(F.txtPass.value.length>15) {
                alert("Your password is too long. (lenght 6~15)")
                return false
		if((F.txtPass.value) !== (F.txtPass2.value)) {
                alert("Passwords do not match.")
                return false
		if(F.txtEmail.value == false ) {
                alert("Forgot enter your Email.")
                return false
		if(!mail_comp.test(F.txtEmail.value)) {
                alert("The email is incorrect (Required for Activation)")
                return false
		if(F.txtQuest.value == false ) {
                alert("Please, select a secret question.")
                return false
		if(F.txtAnswer.value == false ) {
                alert("Please, enter a secret answer.")
                return false
		if(F.txtAnswer.value.length<4) {
                alert("Your secret answer is too short.")
                return false
		if(F.txtAnswer.value.length>15) {
                alert("Your secret answer is too long.")
                return false
		if(F.txtName.value == false ) {
                alert("Please, enter your name.")
                return false
		if(F.txtName.value.length<3) {
                alert("Your name is not valid.")
                return false
		if(F.txtName.value.length>15) {
                alert("Your name is not valid.")
                return false
		if(F.txtLastName.value == false ) {
                alert("Please, enter your last name.")
                return false
		if(F.txtLastName.value.length<3) {
                alert("Your last name are invalid.")
                return false
		if(F.txtLastName.value.length>15) {
                alert("Your last name are invalid.")
                return false
		if(F.txtDay.selectedIndex==0 ) {
                alert("Please, select your date of birthday.")
                return false
		if(F.txtMonth.selectedIndex==0 ) {
                alert("Please, select your date of birthday.")
                return false
		if(F.txtYear.selectedIndex==0 ) {
                alert("Please, select your date of birthday.")
                return false
		if(F.txtSex.value == false ) {
                alert("Please, select your gender.")
                return false
		if(F.txtCountry.value == false ) {
                alert("Please, select your country of residence.")
                return false
		if(F.terminos.checked == false ) {
                alert("First you must accept the legal terms if you want to create an account")
                return false

<form method="POST" action="#" OnSubmit="return valida(this);"><div id="divr1">

<div id="registerform">

<p>Once registered, you can enjoy all the services for free.<br>
Your personal information is secure and will not be shared with third parties.<br>
By registering you agree to accept our terms and conditions of use.<br>
If you are under age, it is recommended to register in the company of a parent or guardian.</p>

<table id="centertable">
<colgroup><col class="c1" /><col class="c2" /></colgroup>

<th><label for="txtUser">* User ID:</label></th>
<td><input type="text" id="txtUser" name="txtUser" value="" tabindex="1" maxlength="15">

<th><label for="txtPass">* Password:</label></th>
<td><input type="password" id="txtPass" name="txtPass" value="" tabindex="2" maxlength="15">

<th><label for="txtPass2">* Confirm Password:</label></th>
<td><input type="password" id="txtPass2" name="txtPass2" value="" tabindex="3" maxlength="15">

<th><label for="txtEmail">* E-mail</label></th>
<td><input type="text" id="txtEmail" name="txtEmail" value="" tabindex="4" maxlength="50">

<th><label for="txtQuest">* Secret Question</label></th>
<select id="txtQuest" name="txtQuest" tabindex="5">
	<OPTION value="0" selected>Select a Question...</OPTION>
	<OPTION Value="What is your pet's name?">What is your pet's name?</OPTION>
	<OPTION Value="What is the name of your first school?">What is the name of your first school?</OPTION>
	<OPTION Value="Who is your favorite hero?">Who is your favorite hero?</OPTION>
	<OPTION Value="What is your favorite pastime?">What is your favorite pastime?</OPTION>
	<OPTION Value="What is your favorite sport?">What is your favorite sport?</OPTION>
	<OPTION Value="What is your father lastname?">What is your father lastname?</OPTION>
	<OPTION Value="Where you met your girlfriend?">Where you met your girlfriend?</OPTION>

<th><label for="txtAnswer">* Secret Answer</label></th>
<td><input type="text" id="txtAnswer" name="txtAnswer" value="" tabindex="6" maxlength="15">

<th><label for="txtName">* First Name</label></th>
<td><input type="text" id="txtName" name="txtName" value="" tabindex="7" maxlength="15">

<th><label for="txtLastName">* Last Name</label></th>
<td><input type="text" id="txtLastName" name="txtLastName" value="" tabindex="8" maxlength="15">

<th><label for="txtDay">* Date of Birthday</label></th>

<select id="txtDay" name="txtDay" tabindex="9">
<option value="0">Day</option>
for ($i=1;$i<=31;$i++){
echo '<option>'.$i.'</option>';

<select id="txtMonth" name="txtMonth" tabindex="10">
<option value="0">Month</option>
for ($i=1;$i<=12;$i++){
echo '<option>'.$i.'</option>';

<select id="txtYear" name="txtYear" tabindex="11">
<option value="0">Year</option>
for ($i=1950;$i<=2011;$i++){
echo '<option>'.$i.'</option>';

<th><label for="txtSex">* Gender</label></th>
<select id="txtSex" name="txtSex" tabindex="12">
<option value=0 selected>Select...
<option value=1>Man</OPTION>
<option value=2>Woman</OPTION>

<th><label for="txtCountry">* Country</label></th>
<SELECT id="txtCountry" name="txtCountry" tabindex="13">
<OPTION value="0" selected>Select your country..</OPTION>
<OPTION value=Afghanistan>Afghanistan</OPTION><OPTION value=Albania>Albania</OPTION><OPTION value=Algeria>Algeria</OPTION><OPTION value="American Samoa">American Samoa</OPTION><OPTION value=Andorra>Andorra</OPTION><OPTION value=Angola>Angola</OPTION><OPTION value=Anguilla>Anguilla</OPTION><OPTION value=Antarctica>Antarctica</OPTION><OPTION value="Antigua and Barbuda">Antigua And Barbuda</OPTION><OPTION value=Argentina>Argentina</OPTION><OPTION value=Armenia>Armenia</OPTION><OPTION value=Aruba>Aruba</OPTION><OPTION value="Ashmore and Cartier Islands">Ashmore And Cartier Islands</OPTION><OPTION value=Australia>Australia</OPTION><OPTION value=Austria>Austria</OPTION><OPTION value=Azerbaijan>Azerbaijan</OPTION><OPTION value=Bahamas>Bahamas</OPTION><OPTION value=Bahrain>Bahrain</OPTION><OPTION value="Baker Island">Baker Island</OPTION><OPTION value=Bangladesh>Bangladesh</OPTION><OPTION value=Barbados>Barbados</OPTION><OPTION value="Bassas da India">Bassas Da India</OPTION><OPTION value=Belarus>Belarus</OPTION><OPTION value=Belgium>Belgium</OPTION><OPTION value=Belize>Belize</OPTION><OPTION value=Benin>Benin</OPTION><OPTION value=Bermuda>Bermuda</OPTION><OPTION value=Bhutan>Bhutan</OPTION><OPTION value=Bolivia>Bolivia</OPTION><OPTION value="Bosnia and Herzegovina">Bosnia And Herzegovina</OPTION><OPTION value=Botswana>Botswana</OPTION><OPTION value="Bouvet Island">Bouvet Island</OPTION><OPTION value=Brazil>Brazil</OPTION><OPTION value="British Indian Ocean Territory">British Indian Ocean Territory</OPTION><OPTION value="British Virgin Islands">British Virgin Islands</OPTION><OPTION value=Brunei>Brunei</OPTION><OPTION value=Bulgaria>Bulgaria</OPTION><OPTION value="Burkina Faso">Burkina Faso</OPTION><OPTION value=Burma>Burma</OPTION><OPTION value=Burundi>Burundi</OPTION><OPTION value=Cambodia>Cambodia</OPTION><OPTION value=Cameroon>Cameroon</OPTION><OPTION value=Canada>Canada</OPTION><OPTION value="Cape Verde">Cape Verde</OPTION><OPTION value="Cayman Islands">Cayman Islands</OPTION><OPTION value=Chad>Chad</OPTION><OPTION value=Chile>Chile</OPTION><OPTION value=China>China</OPTION><OPTION value="Christmas Island">Christmas Island</OPTION><OPTION value="Clipperton Island">Clipperton Island</OPTION><OPTION value="Cocos (Keeling) Islands">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</OPTION><OPTION value=Colombia>Colombia</OPTION><OPTION value=Comoros>Comoros</OPTION><OPTION value="Congo, Democratic Republic of the">Congo, Democratic Republic Of The</OPTION><OPTION value="Congo, Republic of the">Congo, Republic Of The</OPTION><OPTION value="Cook Islands">Cook Islands</OPTION><OPTION value="Coral Sea Islands">Coral Sea Islands</OPTION><OPTION value="Costa Rica">Costa Rica</OPTION><OPTION value="Cote d'Ivoire">Cote D'ivoire</OPTION><OPTION value=Country>Country</OPTION><OPTION value=Croatia>Croatia</OPTION><OPTION value=Cuba>Cuba</OPTION><OPTION value=Cyprus>Cyprus</OPTION><OPTION value="Czech Republic">Czech Republic</OPTION><OPTION value=Denmark>Denmark</OPTION><OPTION value=Djibouti>Djibouti</OPTION><OPTION value=Dominica>Dominica</OPTION><OPTION value="Dominican Republic">Dominican Republic</OPTION><OPTION value=Ecuador>Ecuador</OPTION><OPTION value=Egypt>Egypt</OPTION><OPTION value="El Salvador">El Salvador</OPTION><OPTION value="Equatorial Guinea">Equatorial Guinea</OPTION><OPTION value=Estonia>Estonia</OPTION><OPTION value=Ethiopia>Ethiopia</OPTION><OPTION value="Europa Island">Europa Island</OPTION><OPTION value="Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)">Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)</OPTION><OPTION value="Faroe Islands">Faroe Islands</OPTION><OPTION value=Fiji>Fiji</OPTION><OPTION value=Finland>Finland</OPTION><OPTION value=France>France</OPTION><OPTION value="French Guiana">French Guiana</OPTION><OPTION value="French Polynesia">French Polynesia</OPTION><OPTION value="French Southern and Antarctic Lands">French Southern And Antarctic Lands</OPTION><OPTION value=Gabon>Gabon</OPTION><OPTION value="Gaza Strip">Gaza Strip</OPTION><OPTION value=Germany>Germany</OPTION><OPTION value=Ghana>Ghana</OPTION><OPTION value=Gibraltar>Gibraltar</OPTION><OPTION value=Greece>Greece</OPTION><OPTION value=Grenada>Grenada</OPTION><OPTION value=Guadeloupe>Guadeloupe</OPTION><OPTION value=Guam>Guam</OPTION><OPTION value=Guatemala>Guatemala</OPTION><OPTION value=Guernsey>Guernsey</OPTION><OPTION value=Guinea>Guinea</OPTION><OPTION value=Guyana>Guyana</OPTION><OPTION value=Haiti>Haiti</OPTION><OPTION value="Heard Island and McDonald Islands">Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands</OPTION><OPTION value="Holy See (Vatican City)`">Holy See (Vatican City)`</OPTION><OPTION value=HongKong>Hongkong</OPTION><OPTION value="Howland Island">Howland Island</OPTION><OPTION value=Hungary>Hungary</OPTION><OPTION value=Iceland>Iceland</OPTION><OPTION value=India>India</OPTION><OPTION value="Indian Ocean">Indian Ocean</OPTION><OPTION value=Indonesia>Indonesia</OPTION><OPTION value=Iran>Iran</OPTION><OPTION value=Iraq>Iraq</OPTION><OPTION value=Ireland>Ireland</OPTION><OPTION value=Israel>Israel</OPTION><OPTION value=Italy>Italy</OPTION><OPTION value=Jamaica>Jamaica</OPTION><OPTION value="Jan Mayen">Jan Mayen</OPTION><OPTION value=Japan>Japan</OPTION><OPTION value="Jarvis Island">Jarvis Island</OPTION><OPTION value=Jersey>Jersey</OPTION><OPTION value=Jordan>Jordan</OPTION><OPTION value="Juan de Nova Island">Juan De Nova Island</OPTION><OPTION value=Kenya>Kenya</OPTION><OPTION value="Kingman Reef">Kingman Reef</OPTION><OPTION value="Korea, North">Korea, North</OPTION><OPTION value="Korea, South">Korea, South</OPTION><OPTION value=Kuwait>Kuwait</OPTION><OPTION value=Laos>Laos</OPTION><OPTION value=Latvia>Latvia</OPTION><OPTION value=Lebanon>Lebanon</OPTION><OPTION value=Liberia>Liberia</OPTION><OPTION value=Libya>Libya</OPTION><OPTION value=Liechtenstein>Liechtenstein</OPTION><OPTION value=Lithuania>Lithuania</OPTION><OPTION value=Luxembourg>Luxembourg</OPTION><OPTION value=Macau>Macau</OPTION><OPTION value="Macedonia">Macedonia</OPTION><OPTION value=Malaysia>Malaysia</OPTION><OPTION value=Maldives>Maldives</OPTION><OPTION value=Mali>Mali</OPTION><OPTION value=Malta>Malta</OPTION><OPTION value=Martinique>Martinique</OPTION><OPTION value=Mauritius>Mauritius</OPTION><OPTION value=Mexico>Mexico</OPTION><OPTION value="Midway Islands">Midway Islands</OPTION><OPTION value=Moldova>Moldova</OPTION><OPTION value=Monaco>Monaco</OPTION><OPTION value=Mongolia>Mongolia</OPTION><OPTION value=Montserrat>Montserrat</OPTION><OPTION value=Morocco>Morocco</OPTION><OPTION value=Mozambique>Mozambique</OPTION><OPTION value=Namibia>Namibia</OPTION><OPTION value=Nauru>Nauru</OPTION><OPTION value="Navassa Island">Navassa Island</OPTION><OPTION value=Nepal>Nepal</OPTION><OPTION value=Netherlands>Netherlands</OPTION><OPTION value="Netherlands Antilles">Netherlands Antilles</OPTION><OPTION value="New Caledonia">New Caledonia</OPTION><OPTION value="New Zealand">New Zealand</OPTION><OPTION value=Nigeria>Nigeria</OPTION><OPTION value=Niue>Niue</OPTION><OPTION value="Norfolk Island">Norfolk Island</OPTION><OPTION value="Northern Mariana Islands">Northern Mariana Islands</OPTION><OPTION value=Norway>Norway</OPTION><OPTION value=Oman>Oman</OPTION><OPTION value=Pakistan>Pakistan</OPTION><OPTION value=Palau>Palau</OPTION><OPTION value="Palmyra Atoll">Palmyra Atoll</OPTION><OPTION value=Panama>Panama</OPTION><OPTION value="Papua New Guinea">Papua New Guinea</OPTION><OPTION value="Paracel Islands">Paracel Islands</OPTION><OPTION value=Paraguay>Paraguay</OPTION><OPTION value=Peru>Peru</OPTION><OPTION value=Philippines>Philippines</OPTION><OPTION value="Pitcairn Islands">Pitcairn Islands</OPTION><OPTION value=Poland>Poland</OPTION><OPTION value=Portugal>Portugal</OPTION><OPTION value="Puerto Rico">Puerto Rico</OPTION><OPTION value=Qatar>Qatar</OPTION><OPTION value=Reunion>Reunion</OPTION><OPTION value=Romania>Romania</OPTION><OPTION value=Russia>Russia</OPTION><OPTION value=Rwanda>Rwanda</OPTION><OPTION value="Saint Helena">Saint Helena</OPTION><OPTION value="Saint Lucia">Saint Lucia</OPTION><OPTION value="Saint Vincent and the Grenadines">Saint Vincent And The Grenadines</OPTION><OPTION value=Samoa>Samoa</OPTION><OPTION value="San Marino">San Marino</OPTION><OPTION value="Sao Tome and Principe">Sao Tome And Principe</OPTION><OPTION value="Saudi Arabia">Saudi Arabia</OPTION><OPTION value=Senegal>Senegal</OPTION><OPTION value=Seychelles>Seychelles</OPTION><OPTION value="Sierra Leone">Sierra Leone</OPTION><OPTION value=Singapore>Singapore</OPTION><OPTION value=Slovakia>Slovakia</OPTION><OPTION value=Slovenia>Slovenia</OPTION><OPTION value=Somalia>Somalia</OPTION><OPTION value="South Africa">South Africa</OPTION><OPTION value="South Georgia">South Georgia</OPTION><OPTION value="Southern Ocean">Southern Ocean</OPTION><OPTION value=Spain>Spain</OPTION><OPTION value="Spratly Islands">Spratly Islands</OPTION><OPTION value="Sri Lanka">Sri Lanka</OPTION><OPTION value=Sudan>Sudan</OPTION><OPTION value=Suriname>Suriname</OPTION><OPTION value=Svalbard>Svalbard</OPTION><OPTION value=Swaziland>Swaziland</OPTION><OPTION value=Sweden>Sweden</OPTION><OPTION value=Switzerland>Switzerland</OPTION><OPTION value=Syria>Syria</OPTION><OPTION value=Taiwan>Taiwan</OPTION><OPTION value=Tajikistan>Tajikistan</OPTION><OPTION value=Tanzania>Tanzania</OPTION><OPTION value=Thailand>Thailand</OPTION><OPTION value=Togo>Togo</OPTION><OPTION value=Tokelau>Tokelau</OPTION><OPTION value=Tonga>Tonga</OPTION><OPTION value="Trinidad and Tobago">Trinidad And Tobago</OPTION><OPTION value="Tromelin Island">Tromelin Island</OPTION><OPTION value=Tunisia>Tunisia</OPTION><OPTION value=Turkey>Turkey</OPTION><OPTION value=Turkmenistan>Turkmenistan</OPTION><OPTION value="Turks and Caicos Islands">Turks And Caicos Islands</OPTION><OPTION value=Tuvalu>Tuvalu</OPTION><OPTION value=Uganda>Uganda</OPTION><OPTION value=Ukraine>Ukraine</OPTION><OPTION value="United Arab Emirates">United Arab Emirates</OPTION><OPTION value="United Kingdom">United Kingdom</OPTION><OPTION value="United States">United States</OPTION><OPTION value=Uruguay>Uruguay</OPTION><OPTION value=Uzbekistan>Uzbekistan</OPTION><OPTION value=Vanuatu>Vanuatu</OPTION><OPTION value=Venezuela>Venezuela</OPTION><OPTION value=Vietnam>Vietnam</OPTION><OPTION value="Virgin Islands">Virgin Islands</OPTION><OPTION value="Wake Island">Wake Island</OPTION><OPTION value="Wallis and Futuna">Wallis And Futuna</OPTION><OPTION value="West Bank">West Bank</OPTION><OPTION value="Western Sahara">Western Sahara</OPTION><OPTION value=Yemen>Yemen</OPTION><OPTION value=Yugoslavia>Yugoslavia</OPTION><OPTION value=Zambia>Zambia</OPTION><OPTION value=Zimbabwe>Zimbabwe</OPTION>

<th>* Captcha Verification</th>
var RecaptchaOptions = {
lang: 'en',
theme: 'blackglass'
echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey); 

<table><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle;">
<input style="padding-left:0; margin-left:0; width:15px;} "type="checkbox" id="checkbox" name="terminos" class="validate[required] checkbox">
</td><td style="vertical-align: middle;">
I have read and agree to the <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline; color: #707070;">terms of service</a> and <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline; color: #707070;">privacy policy</a> of this service.
<div align="center">

<input value="Register" style="width: 88px; height: 29px;" src="images/Register.png" type="Image" name="submit" class="submit">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="submitted">
<button type="reset" value="" style="border: 0; cursor:pointer; background: url(images/Reset.png); width: 88px; height: 29px;" ></button></a>



I already replaced my TantraParam in both Client and Server folders but still stuck @ the server selection screen. The TantraParam that I used is the one provided by Terrified in the first post. Can you teamviewer my computer please? For you to be able to see which files are missing or some configuration that I missed. Hope you consider.

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 13, 2014
Reaction score
?>                    <td id="RegTable">
                    <div class="margin">
                    <a style="margin-left: 2px;"><img src="http://forum.ragezone.com/images/RegisterTxt.png"></a>
                    <div style="height: 12px;"></div>


// Get a key from https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create
$publickey = "6LfoRMoSAAAAAIYdcY_W4_t5Bu7d58VhaqbQfGcw";
$privatekey = "6LfoRMoSAAAAAImA0Vty7kLySIvrW1WgNSUTLJLV"; 

# the response from reCAPTCHA
$resp = null;
# the error code from reCAPTCHA, if any
$error = null;

if ($_POST['action'] == 'submitted')
        $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,
    $Email = $_POST['txtEmail'];
    $UserID = $_POST['txtUser'];
    $Password = $_POST['txtPass'];
    $CPassword = $_POST['txtPass2'];
    $UserKey = mt_rand(1000000, 9999999);
    $SecretQuestion = $_POST['txtQuest'];
    $Answer = $_POST['txtAnswer'];
    $FirstName = $_POST['txtName'];
    $MI = substr($UserID,0,1);
    $LastName = $_POST['txtLastName'];
    $Month = $_POST['txtMonth'];
    $Day = $_POST['txtDay'];
    $Year = $_POST['txtYear'];
    $Sex = $_POST['txtSex'];
    $Address = $_POST['txtAddress'];
    $Country = $_POST['txtCountry'];
    $ZGCode = mt_rand(1000000, 9999999);
    $activecode = sha1(mt_rand().time().mt_rand().$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    $ZGActivation = substr($activecode,0,16);

    function is_email($email){
       $x = '\d\w!\#\$%&\'*+\-/=?\^_`{|}~';    //just for clarity
       return count($email = explode('@', $email, 3)) == 2
           && strlen($email[0]) < 65
           && strlen($email[1]) < 256
           && preg_match("#^[$x]+(\.?([$x]+\.)*[$x]+)?$#", $email[0])
           && preg_match('#^(([a-z0-9]+-*)?[a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}.?$#', $email[1]);

        $SecretQuestion = str_replace("'", "''", $SecretQuestion);
        $wea = mssql_query("SELECT UserID FROM Account where UserID='$UserID'");
        $row = mssql_fetch_row($wea);
        $wea2 = mssql_query("SELECT Email FROM Account where Email='$Email'");
        $row2 = mssql_fetch_row($wea2);

        if (strlen($UserID) < 4 || strlen($UserID) > 15 || !preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/", $UserID)) {
            $resultado = "The username '$UserID', is not valid. Only letters and numbers are allowed (lenght 4~15).<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";
        elseif (strlen($Password) < 6 || strlen($Password) > 15 || !preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/", $Password)) {
            $resultado = "Unvalid password, only letters and numbers are allowed (lenght 6~15).<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

        elseif ($Password != $CPassword) {
            $resultado = "Passwords do not match.<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

        elseif (!is_email($Email)) {
            $resultado = "Please, use a valid email address. (Required for account activation)<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

        elseif (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z 0-9_-]+$/", $Answer) || strlen($Answer) == "0" || strlen($Answer) > 15 || strlen($Answer) < 4) {
            $resultado = "Secret Answer invalid, only letters and numbers are allowed (lenght 4~15).<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

        elseif (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z_-]+$/", $FirstName) || strlen($FirstName) == "0" || strlen($FirstName) > 15 || strlen($Answer) < 4) {
            $resultado = "Please, enter your name correctly. (lenght 4~15).<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

        elseif (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z_-]+$/", $LastName) || strlen($LastName) == "0" || strlen($LastName) > 15 || strlen($Answer) < 4) {
            $error .= "Please, enter your last name correctly. (lenght 4~15).<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";
            return 0;

        elseif ($Month > 12 || $Month < 1 || !preg_match("/^[0-9]/", $Month) || strlen($Month) == "0") {
            $resultado = "Please, indicate the correct date of birth.<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

        elseif ($Day > 31 || $Day < 1 || !preg_match("/^[0-9]/", $Day) || strlen($Day) == "0") {
            $resultado = "Please, indicate the correct date of birth.<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

        elseif ($Year > 2007 || $Year < 1950 || !preg_match("/^[0-9]/", $Year) || strlen($Year) == "0") {
            $resultado = "Please, indicate the correct date of birth.<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

        elseif ($Sex != 1 && $Sex != 2) {
            $resultado = "Please, select your gender.<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

        elseif (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z 0-9_-]+$/", $Country)) {
            $resultado = "Please select your country of residence.<br><br> <a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";
        elseif ($row[0] != "") {
            $resultado = "<font color=#777777 face=Arial><b>This User ID is in use, please choose another.</b><br/><a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a></font>";
        elseif ($row2[0] != "") {
            $resultado = "<font color=#777777 face=Arial><b>This Email is in use, if you forgot your account, <a href=lostpw.php style='text-decoration: underline; color: #7D7D7D;'>click here</a>.</b><br/><a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a></font>";

            elseif (!$resp->is_valid) {
            $resultado = "Please enter the correct security code shown on the display.<br/><a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a>";

    if($resultado == ''){

        $result = "<font color=#777777 face=Arial><b>This User ID is in use, please choose another.</b><br/><a href=javascript:history.go(-1)>Go back!</a></font>";

        mssql_query("INSERT INTO Account VALUES ('$Email', '$UserID', '$Password' , '$UserKey', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '$SecretQuestion', '$Answer', '$FirstName', '$MI', '$LastName', '$Month/$Day/$Year 00:00:00', '$Sex', '$Address', NULL, NULL, '$Country', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]', newid(), GETDATE(), 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 1, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, '$ZGCode', 0, '$ZGActivation')") or die($ZGActivation);
        mssql_query("DECLARE  [USER=850422]return[/USER]_value int,
        @NCashResult int,
        @NCashMsg nvarchar(100)

EXEC  [USER=850422]return[/USER]_value = [dbo].[AccountInsertUserInBilling]
      [USER=213273]email[/USER] = N'".$Email."',
        @NCashResult = @NCashResult OUTPUT,
        @NCashMsg = @NCashMsg OUTPUT");

        $fp = fopen("D:/Server/Hero/Share/Serv00/new/$UserID.txt","w");

require 'class.phpmailer.php';
require 'class.smtp.php'; //incluimos la clase para envíos por SMTP
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->CharSet = 'iso-8859-1';
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl";
$mail->Host = "smtp.gmail.com"; //servidor smtp
$mail->Port = 465; //puerto smtp de gmail
$mail->Username = $SMTPUser;
$mail->Password = $SMTPPass;
$mail->FromName = $SMTPName;
$mail->From = $SMTPEmail;//email de remitente desde donde se envía el correo.
$mail->AddAddress($Email, $FirstName. " " .$LastName);//destinatario que va a recibir el correo
$mail->Subject = 'Account register in Zone Gamerz - Tantra Daksha';

$mail->MsgHTML("Dear $FirstName,<br><br>

Thank you for registering at the $ServerName <b>Tantra Online</b>. Before we can activate your account one last step must be taken to complete your registration.<br><br>
Please note - you must complete this last step to become a registered member. You will only need to visit this URL once to activate your account.<br><br>
To complete your registration, please visit this URL:<br>
<a href=$TantraWebLink/activation.php?id=$UserID&activateKey=$ZGActivation>$TantraWebLink/activation.php?id=$UserID&activateKey=$ZGActivation</a><br><br>

**** Does The Above URL Not Work? ****<br>
If the above URL does not work, please contact the staff through the support section at:<br>
$SupportLink <br>
or the forum: <br>
$TantraForumLink <br><br>

Your Username is: $UserID <br>
Your Activation ID is: $ZGActivation <br><br>
If you are still having problems signing up please contact a member of our support staff at [email]support@zonegamerz.net[/email]<br><br>
All the best,<br>
$NameServer Staff <br><br>
");//cuerpo con html

   $result = "Your account has been registered successfully, but it is possible<br> that your activation is <b>not sent</b> to your email. Please contact as soon as possible to the ZG Staff by <br> the support section.<br>";
   $result = "<b>Your account has been registered successfully!</b><br><br>The activation of the same has been sent to your email.<br>If you do not have Tantra Daksha (Zone Gamerz) on your computer <a href=download>Download now</a>.<br>";

    echo "<div id=regresult align=center>";
    echo $result;
    echo "</div>";
    echo "<div id=regresult align=center>";
    echo $resultado;
    echo "</div>";

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    function valida(F) {
        var mail_comp = /^[^@\s]+@[^@\.\s]+(\.[^@\.\s]+)+$/
        if(F.txtUser.value == false ) {
                alert("Forgot to write your name.")
                return false
        if(F.txtUser.value.length<4) {
                alert("Your name is not valid.")
                return false
        if(F.txtPass.value == false ) {
                alert("You must enter a password.")
                return false
        if(F.txtPass.value.length<6) {
                alert("Your password is too short. (lenght 6~15)")
                return false
        if(F.txtPass.value.length>15) {
                alert("Your password is too long. (lenght 6~15)")
                return false
        if((F.txtPass.value) !== (F.txtPass2.value)) {
                alert("Passwords do not match.")
                return false
        if(F.txtEmail.value == false ) {
                alert("Forgot enter your Email.")
                return false
        if(!mail_comp.test(F.txtEmail.value)) {
                alert("The email is incorrect (Required for Activation)")
                return false
        if(F.txtQuest.value == false ) {
                alert("Please, select a secret question.")
                return false
        if(F.txtAnswer.value == false ) {
                alert("Please, enter a secret answer.")
                return false
        if(F.txtAnswer.value.length<4) {
                alert("Your secret answer is too short.")
                return false
        if(F.txtAnswer.value.length>15) {
                alert("Your secret answer is too long.")
                return false
        if(F.txtName.value == false ) {
                alert("Please, enter your name.")
                return false
        if(F.txtName.value.length<3) {
                alert("Your name is not valid.")
                return false
        if(F.txtName.value.length>15) {
                alert("Your name is not valid.")
                return false
        if(F.txtLastName.value == false ) {
                alert("Please, enter your last name.")
                return false
        if(F.txtLastName.value.length<3) {
                alert("Your last name are invalid.")
                return false
        if(F.txtLastName.value.length>15) {
                alert("Your last name are invalid.")
                return false
        if(F.txtDay.selectedIndex==0 ) {
                alert("Please, select your date of birthday.")
                return false
        if(F.txtMonth.selectedIndex==0 ) {
                alert("Please, select your date of birthday.")
                return false
        if(F.txtYear.selectedIndex==0 ) {
                alert("Please, select your date of birthday.")
                return false
        if(F.txtSex.value == false ) {
                alert("Please, select your gender.")
                return false
        if(F.txtCountry.value == false ) {
                alert("Please, select your country of residence.")
                return false
        if(F.terminos.checked == false ) {
                alert("First you must accept the legal terms if you want to create an account")
                return false

<form method="POST" action="http://forum.ragezone.com/#" OnSubmit="return valida(this);"><div id="divr1">

<div id="registerform">

<p>Once registered, you can enjoy all the services for free.<br>
Your personal information is secure and will not be shared with third parties.<br>
By registering you agree to accept our terms and conditions of use.<br>
If you are under age, it is recommended to register in the company of a parent or guardian.</p>

<table id="centertable">
<colgroup><col class="c1" /><col class="c2" /></colgroup>

<th><label for="txtUser">* User ID:</label></th>
<td><input type="text" id="txtUser" name="txtUser" value="" tabindex="1" maxlength="15">

<th><label for="txtPass">* Password:</label></th>
<td><input type="password" id="txtPass" name="txtPass" value="" tabindex="2" maxlength="15">

<th><label for="txtPass2">* Confirm Password:</label></th>
<td><input type="password" id="txtPass2" name="txtPass2" value="" tabindex="3" maxlength="15">

<th><label for="txtEmail">* E-mail</label></th>
<td><input type="text" id="txtEmail" name="txtEmail" value="" tabindex="4" maxlength="50">

<th><label for="txtQuest">* Secret Question</label></th>
<select id="txtQuest" name="txtQuest" tabindex="5">
    <OPTION value="0" selected>Select a Question...</OPTION>
    <OPTION Value="What is your pet's name?">What is your pet's name?</OPTION>
    <OPTION Value="What is the name of your first school?">What is the name of your first school?</OPTION>
    <OPTION Value="Who is your favorite hero?">Who is your favorite hero?</OPTION>
    <OPTION Value="What is your favorite pastime?">What is your favorite pastime?</OPTION>
    <OPTION Value="What is your favorite sport?">What is your favorite sport?</OPTION>
    <OPTION Value="What is your father lastname?">What is your father lastname?</OPTION>
    <OPTION Value="Where you met your girlfriend?">Where you met your girlfriend?</OPTION>

<th><label for="txtAnswer">* Secret Answer</label></th>
<td><input type="text" id="txtAnswer" name="txtAnswer" value="" tabindex="6" maxlength="15">

<th><label for="txtName">* First Name</label></th>
<td><input type="text" id="txtName" name="txtName" value="" tabindex="7" maxlength="15">

<th><label for="txtLastName">* Last Name</label></th>
<td><input type="text" id="txtLastName" name="txtLastName" value="" tabindex="8" maxlength="15">

<th><label for="txtDay">* Date of Birthday</label></th>

<select id="txtDay" name="txtDay" tabindex="9">
<option value="0">Day</option>
for ($i=1;$i<=31;$i++){
echo '<option>'.$i.'</option>';

<select id="txtMonth" name="txtMonth" tabindex="10">
<option value="0">Month</option>
for ($i=1;$i<=12;$i++){
echo '<option>'.$i.'</option>';

<select id="txtYear" name="txtYear" tabindex="11">
<option value="0">Year</option>
for ($i=1950;$i<=2011;$i++){
echo '<option>'.$i.'</option>';

<th><label for="txtSex">* Gender</label></th>
<select id="txtSex" name="txtSex" tabindex="12">
<option value=0 selected>Select...
<option value=1>Man</OPTION>
<option value=2>Woman</OPTION>

<th><label for="txtCountry">* Country</label></th>
<SELECT id="txtCountry" name="txtCountry" tabindex="13">
<OPTION value="0" selected>Select your country..</OPTION>
<OPTION value=Afghanistan>Afghanistan</OPTION><OPTION value=Albania>Albania</OPTION><OPTION value=Algeria>Algeria</OPTION><OPTION value="American Samoa">American Samoa</OPTION><OPTION value=Andorra>Andorra</OPTION><OPTION value=Angola>Angola</OPTION><OPTION value=Anguilla>Anguilla</OPTION><OPTION value=Antarctica>Antarctica</OPTION><OPTION value="Antigua and Barbuda">Antigua And Barbuda</OPTION><OPTION value=Argentina>Argentina</OPTION><OPTION value=Armenia>Armenia</OPTION><OPTION value=Aruba>Aruba</OPTION><OPTION value="Ashmore and Cartier Islands">Ashmore And Cartier Islands</OPTION><OPTION value=Australia>Australia</OPTION><OPTION value=Austria>Austria</OPTION><OPTION value=Azerbaijan>Azerbaijan</OPTION><OPTION value=Bahamas>Bahamas</OPTION><OPTION value=Bahrain>Bahrain</OPTION><OPTION value="Baker Island">Baker Island</OPTION><OPTION value=Bangladesh>Bangladesh</OPTION><OPTION value=Barbados>Barbados</OPTION><OPTION value="Bassas da India">Bassas Da India</OPTION><OPTION value=Belarus>Belarus</OPTION><OPTION value=Belgium>Belgium</OPTION><OPTION value=Belize>Belize</OPTION><OPTION value=Benin>Benin</OPTION><OPTION value=Bermuda>Bermuda</OPTION><OPTION value=Bhutan>Bhutan</OPTION><OPTION value=Bolivia>Bolivia</OPTION><OPTION value="Bosnia and Herzegovina">Bosnia And Herzegovina</OPTION><OPTION value=Botswana>Botswana</OPTION><OPTION value="Bouvet Island">Bouvet Island</OPTION><OPTION value=Brazil>Brazil</OPTION><OPTION value="British Indian Ocean Territory">British Indian Ocean Territory</OPTION><OPTION value="British Virgin Islands">British Virgin Islands</OPTION><OPTION value=Brunei>Brunei</OPTION><OPTION value=Bulgaria>Bulgaria</OPTION><OPTION value="Burkina Faso">Burkina Faso</OPTION><OPTION value=Burma>Burma</OPTION><OPTION value=Burundi>Burundi</OPTION><OPTION value=Cambodia>Cambodia</OPTION><OPTION value=Cameroon>Cameroon</OPTION><OPTION value=Canada>Canada</OPTION><OPTION value="Cape Verde">Cape Verde</OPTION><OPTION value="Cayman 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<th>* Captcha Verification</th>
var RecaptchaOptions = {
lang: 'en',
theme: 'blackglass'
echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey); 

<table><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle;">
<input style="padding-left:0; margin-left:0; width:15px;} "type="checkbox" id="checkbox" name="terminos" class="validate[required] checkbox">
</td><td style="vertical-align: middle;">
I have read and agree to the <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline; color: #707070;">terms of service</a> and <a href="" style="text-decoration: underline; color: #707070;">privacy policy</a> of this service.
<div align="center">

<input value="Register" style="width: 88px; height: 29px;" src="http://forum.ragezone.com/images/Register.png" type="Image" name="submit" class="submit">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="submitted">
<button type="reset" value="" style="border: 0; cursor:pointer; background: url(images/Reset.png); width: 88px; height: 29px;" ></button></a>



I already replaced my TantraParam in both Client and Server folders but still stuck @ the server selection screen. The TantraParam that I used is the one provided by @Terrified in the first post. Can you teamviewer my computer please? For you to be able to see which files are missing or some configuration that I missed. Hope you consider.


Apparently we have the same form.php script but it does not really work on my registery .. Im sorry I dont have a team viewer...
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 17, 2013
Reaction score
hi again. i'm still awake lol. ok, evaluating the things you did, i missed some part. it is K5 Client and server files, as you did get the link from heterojeneo. from the looks of it, i am not quite sure of what to do there. because that is already set up.

anyway, i would like you guys to download the tantraparam.xml by heterojeneo in the tantra releases. create a tantraparam.tpa for client and server. then Admin.txt and LocalIP.txt should have the same IP address, ports differ from each zones. admin.txt should look like "0" without the quotes.

and then please check the zone/data/setting.ini if the [Version] Ver = to compare the version of your htlauncher.exe

I omitted the captcha part since i made my own for that, with 6000 types of data to post. What is important is the anti-sql injector.

hope i cleared out some things.
Tantra Freelancer
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
hi again. i'm still awake lol. ok, evaluating the things you did, i missed some part. it is K5 Client and server files, as you did get the link from heterojeneo. from the looks of it, i am not quite sure of what to do there. because that is already set up.

anyway, i would like you guys to download the tantraparam.xml by heterojeneo in the tantra releases. create a tantraparam.tpa for client and server. then Admin.txt and LocalIP.txt should have the same IP address, ports differ from each zones. admin.txt should look like "0" without the quotes.

and then please check the zone/data/setting.ini if the [Version] Ver = to compare the version of your htlauncher.exe

I omitted the captcha part since i made my own for that, with 6000 types of data to post. What is important is the anti-sql injector.

hope i cleared out some things.

Yeah I forgot to mention too that I had already change the .ini files with regards to the [Version] and change it to The only I haven't done yet is to use the TantraParam provided by heterojeneo.

Anyways, the worst thing I am experiencing aside from being stuck in the server selection screen is that I can login in the game using a random (anything I can think of) username and password. :(

What do you think the problem of this sir? If we can do teamviewer in my computer that would be appreciated but I think you are busy a man so its Ok if no. I am fine of your presence here sir.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 13, 2014
Reaction score
hi again. i'm still awake lol. ok, evaluating the things you did, i missed some part. it is K5 Client and server files, as you did get the link from heterojeneo. from the looks of it, i am not quite sure of what to do there. because that is already set up.

anyway, i would like you guys to download the tantraparam.xml by heterojeneo in the tantra releases. create a tantraparam.tpa for client and server. then Admin.txt and LocalIP.txt should have the same IP address, ports differ from each zones. admin.txt should look like "0" without the quotes.

and then please check the zone/data/setting.ini if the [Version] Ver = to compare the version of your htlauncher.exe

I omitted the captcha part since i made my own for that, with 6000 types of data to post. What is important is the anti-sql injector.

hope i cleared out some things.

Sir I deleted the reCaptcha but my web registry now look like this..

BUT still it can register account About the mount bug Sir do I have change ClientRes??? I use hetero param but still its bug I cant move using the mount.

And Sir do you have a link for working GMTool for this file Sir can you PLEASE share a link.. I Have already tested some of the link but it wont work..

My only problem for now is I dont have a decent webpage and mount bug im now exploring shambala ss
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Tantra Freelancer
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score

My server files on my screen. Let me know if you find something wrong. With XAMPP 1.7.3 - Apache running.

mdkF1s6 - To all Tantra newbie developers I think you might like this - RaGEZONE Forums

My SQL Server and ODBC (User and System)


What Server files and Client did you use for your tantra development?
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 13, 2014
Reaction score

What Server files and Client did you use for your tantra development?[/QUOTE]

Oh forgot I tried also getting my own keys but it didnt show up too. Probably because our local IP is not a domain. So I did was just use the keys provided by Webxonegamers website php file.

Maybe I can help you with your problem cause I went to that problem also I a solve it.but the problem is even your self are not willing to share
I know you did not tell everything about the reCaptcha cause if you did I might solve my problem too. you see us I go over to the point that you give me its way out of bound coz if you really using the old key den that will work also for me

"Also, did you already change the $SMTPUser & $SMTPPass (Line 24 & 25) of the config.php @ htdocs\config\config.php ?" so as to this reply why change this one when we still use the old key..... IM NOT THAT DUMB I know your no telling the truth...

Tantra Freelancer
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score

Seriously mate? I wasn't hiding anything from you. I wasn't expecting that you will think that way.

About the recaptcha I can honestly tell you that I am using the OLD KEYS in the form.php and also that SMTPUser * $SMTPPass Line 24 and 25 I didn't know that the recpatcha will still work even if not editing those parts because that first time I successfully registered using the webzone file I already edited those lines (Line 24 and 25) but managed to use the OLD Keys.

Please I am your friend if you want to and I hope you see me that way too. I am going to share everything I have just to make these things work for us.

Apologies if you think that way mate. Again I am not hiding anything. Everything is free here.
Skilled Illusionist
Nov 26, 2011
Reaction score
@TantraNewbie I suggest you do what I did on the website. It is something like this... (No Captcha).

Terrified - To all Tantra newbie developers I think you might like this - RaGEZONE Forums

and the register is like this:
Terrified - To all Tantra newbie developers I think you might like this - RaGEZONE Forums

inject sql on register.php and you'll be fine. Regarding the Mounts, I have encountered the same problem, but I manage to complete it using heterojeneo's tantraparam.xml or zonakaotic blogspot (they have the same). for gm tool, I didn't used it because its not working well on my server. I made one in C++ to fit in my game. (inspired by jbietz).

to elitegeek your problem is just in the htsmessage.txl, tantraparam (server and client), website login, and serverlist.bin you did not connect them all that is why you are stuck-up in the server selection screen. you can figure that out.
Tantra Freelancer
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score

Thank you for your attention sir. However I don't understand when you said that "I did not connect them all". Sorry but I didn't quite get it, what do you mean by this?
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 17, 2013
Reaction score
thanks kyle!
sir, you have passed the registration page and the server selection so it is a good news, however, you need to polish out things, your account is in a .tad file, this files serves as the link between dbserv and htlauncher. the bridge connecting them is the login.php or whatever you named your login page. serverlist.bin is the ports to be targeted between htlauncher and zones. admin.txt and local ip denotes specific folder. they are calling the tantraparam.tpa as their main database for settings of fixed items, mounts, monters, etc... tantraparam.tpa however called the clientres.hpk as main data of graphics, sprites etc... and so on. so, if you can login any account, there is a problem between the link of your .tad file and htlauncher. might want to check it up.
sir, what kyle meant was your webpage - htlauncher - tad files did not connect with each other.

sorry guys i cannot elaborate more as it is already been discussed over and over. i just simplified it so others who are trying to make their own server can make it without any knowledge in programming. an easier server to mount is posted by infinium. K4 without 3 skill bar.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 13, 2014
Reaction score
thanks kyle!
sir, you have passed the registration page and the server selection so it is a good news, however, you need to polish out things, your account is in a .tad file, this files serves as the link between dbserv and htlauncher. the bridge connecting them is the login.php or whatever you named your login page. serverlist.bin is the ports to be targeted between htlauncher and zones. admin.txt and local ip denotes specific folder. they are calling the tantraparam.tpa as their main database for settings of fixed items, mounts, monters, etc... tantraparam.tpa however called the clientres.hpk as main data of graphics, sprites etc... and so on. so, if you can login any account, there is a problem between the link of your .tad file and htlauncher. might want to check it up.

Thank you very much Sir I will be examining that one. Just a query Sir I already check the param and clientres but still I can not move the mount is there an adjustment that I have to do in order I can travel with the mount...Thanks in Advance..

@TantraNewbie I suggest you do what I did on the website. It is something like this... (No Captcha).

Terrified - To all Tantra newbie developers I think you might like this - RaGEZONE Forums

and the register is like this:
Terrified - To all Tantra newbie developers I think you might like this - RaGEZONE Forums

inject sql on register.php and you'll be fine. Regarding the Mounts, I have encountered the same problem, but I manage to complete it using heterojeneo's tantraparam.xml or zonakaotic blogspot (they have the same). for gm tool, I didn't used it because its not working well on my server. I made one in C++ to fit in my game. (inspired by jbietz).

Thanks Sir Kyle I do hope I can make one..Any adjustment that will do sir inorder the mount will work? Thanks regards.
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 17, 2013
Reaction score

sir, try to look at your codes in register.php

it should have something like
$result = "Registration Complete!";
$f=fopen("./inc/sample.tad", "r");
$acc = fread($f,7124);
$acc = str_replace($demoid,$UserID,$acc);
$acc = str_replace($demopass,$password2,$acc);
// echo $accdir."\\".$initial."\\".$UserID;
$f2=fopen($accdir."\\".$initial."\\".$UserID.".tad", "a");