To all Tantra newbie developers I think you might like this

@TantraNewbie there is a conflict in your clientres and your tantraparam.tpa (client side) that is why your mount didn't work.
elitegeek congrats your server is up!

@John Ray I believe you should check your operating system if it is 32bit or 64bit. then you can decide.

To those who learned from this thread. Thank you very much. have fun with your servers.
Terrefied & Kyle

Thank you so much for the info I will be exploring and testing the param & clientres . hope I can find solution to the problem..Regards
Now help me please..

i present this problem actually help me please...

Terrified - To all Tantra newbie developers I think you might like this - RaGEZONE Forums
Hi all, to address the queries:

I have made this thread to assist newbies mounting their own tantra server. And before you ask questions, please read throughout or search the forum. So I don't have to answer over and over., I will be ignoring repeated questions that have been answered. Sorry but do some work. What I have posted was spoon-feed already. with some clarifications if the links didn't work, then I have to re-update it again.

I find it annoying asking the same questions that have been asked several times and answered several times. I was trying to help in mounting server. Not a Technical support for countless repetitive questions.

Furthermore, If the clients linked in here did not fit your needs, you may download other clients that fits your needs. I am not responsible in anyway regarding the computer specs and how powerful the server are. I don't even mentioned a specs that will be needed. And please don't PM me blaming why you have not yet installed your server. Go back to the first page and start reading again.

To all that supports this thread, Thank you very much.

Any idea how to open my test server to my friends? I already tried /openserver command but they can't still connect

Update (edit)

All OK now I found the Zone Code and my other computers connecting to the same router can connect now.

New Problem:

Tried to connect via Hamachi but my other computer can't connect using different ISP

What I did:
- Change all my other computer's tantra client's Serverlist.txt, HTLauncher.exe and HTMessage.txl to my Hamachi's Network IP Address but when I tried to login to my other computer (using different ISP) I can log in in the game but got stuck in the server collection screen.

Any idea how to rectify this?
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Hi all, to address the queries:

I have made this thread to assist newbies mounting their own tantra server. And before you ask questions, please read throughout or search the forum. So I don't have to answer over and over., I will be ignoring repeated questions that have been answered. Sorry but do some work. What I have posted was spoon-feed already. with some clarifications if the links didn't work, then I have to re-update it again.

I find it annoying asking the same questions that have been asked several times and answered several times. I was trying to help in mounting server. Not a Technical support for countless repetitive questions.

Furthermore, If the clients linked in here did not fit your needs, you may download other clients that fits your needs. I am not responsible in anyway regarding the computer specs and how powerful the server are. I don't even mentioned a specs that will be needed. And please don't PM me blaming why you have not yet installed your server. Go back to the first page and start reading again.

To all that supports this thread, Thank you very much.

¿People blaming you because they cant install it?...My goodness...That is why sometime people don't want upload some files or edits of own or guides...They want all in a spoon on their mouth...i used Mr Terrified files 3 month ago and didn't have almost any trouble!! Just need 3 day to read all Tantra forum and make the server work...from zero. If you cant make it work is because you are not reading others topics or you are not understanding something or just lack of knowledge(in this case search and learn)...Mr terrified posted a mini tutorial guide to clarified the steps (enough to put your server on) not a full walkthrough tutorial...peace
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Does Anyone knows fixing xampp crash whats the main cause of it Players can't enter the game when xampp crashes any idea how to resolve this I keep finding solutions in Ragezone but seems I can't find the right Keyword..
Thanks elche27 for clarifications. It is indeed enough to mount and run the server. elitegeek to open the server, type /w GMCODE /openserver and with regards to hamatchi, I personally don't prefer to use it. I cannot share it to others.
Thanks elche27 for clarifications. It is indeed enough to mount and run the server. @elitegeek to open the server, type /w GMCODE /openserver and with regards to hamatchi, I personally don't prefer to use it. I cannot share it to others.

Thanks for your response sir. I already managed to get the GMCODE using @heterojeneo's ZoneSRV.exe. Anyways, since you suggested that Hamachi won't be a good choice to let other user's online to a Tantra server and I also read your post regarding port 7514, is there a cheapest way aside from Hamachi that can be a solution to let other users play in my server (limited number only just to test anything)? I know you already done so much for me for the past few days but still I prefer you to be my guide on this please :)

Talk to your ISP. There is no other option unless you want to use Hamachi and pay for it or you can opt for a server lease or speak with your ISP to get a static and open ports. These are the only options you will have.
sir, you need a static public ip address to share it. however, the cheapest so far is the US based ip. about 1.5 USD per month. including hosting service. you can also try canadian internet service provider, but i do recommend us. like