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[Tool] Aweb's Pk Editor

Re: Aweb's Full Pk Editor !

Just modify it in my software's settings ;)

Next version will ahve basic tools sucha s search (already done) and replace.

That would be a huge step on .PK edition.

Go Go, im regarding to see that update :)
Re: Aweb's Full Pk Editor !

hey guys,

when i open a file (.pk) i get the message : Runtime arror 53 data don't found. What is that and what can i do against it?

Thx for help
Re: Aweb's Full Pk Editor !

doesnt work for me. all weird characters :)

maybe the international password has cahnged?

and when i open E.pk i got file not found
Re: Aweb's Full Pk Editor !

Maybe it does need another program to decrypt ? I use Yubba's ones (DAT2TXT).
Here is a .NET DLL for encoding/decoding the bytes in the DAT file, the namespace is SwordCrypt.
It's based on Phantom's orginal GPL'ed source for Swordcrypt.

... just in case you still had problems :-)


Re: Aweb's Full Pk Editor !

when i edited files in config.pk and i try to play it says im expelled any1 knows what i need 2 do??^^
Re: Aweb's Full Pk Editor !

i know the thread is old but i need some help i open my config.pk file and click on the file i want to edit and all i get is a load of unreadable junk on my screen?? below is a screen shot of what im talking about do i some how need to use swordcrypt with it?

Re: Aweb's Full Pk Editor !

if i try to open a .pk.....
Aweb - [Tool] Aweb's Pk Editor - RaGEZONE Forums
Plase check you have the vb runtimes and everything.

No error = normal process, maybe your pk file uses another password than the one used by default.
OMG... this editor works for me but only with the original Config...
But when i use it with the Config that I'm using to run the game, It's all blank :S

Can someone post their msn or e-mail me.
when i edit my xlate-e datei....then i cant log in :( why??????
the game staret normally but when i wants press the log in button then happend nothing :scratch:

ps. sry for my bad english........ :germany:
i have only edit the name from "Vladis Server Repack" in my server name....not more
Nice tools thanks for sharing:construct

Check ur md5 if u r using the KOCP & KOSP
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