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Updated GM Addon.

Junior Spellweaver
Jul 9, 2015
Reaction score
Updated GM addon. Made by Grimthar of gameforge gm team. 1000x better then the original gm menu.

Also contains itempreview2 with Give button for fast giving items /spawning npcs.

Password for the forbidden override in config tab is "true". Will unlock extra parts of the addon and allow you to use forbidden commands.

If it doesn't appear ingame on login try type /Gma Show

db51241487873bbd98daed09bd94f3df - Updated GM Addon. - RaGEZONE Forums

a61f62496b31eb53992848403b84c0d4 - Updated GM Addon. - RaGEZONE Forums
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Great release, thank you for sharing! You dont by chance know the compiler that was used to make this do you?
I don't no, had tried a few times in the past to decompile it but it always broke the local variables. You could of course correct this, but would take a while as its quite a large addon.
Yea ive been reading the bytecode today but to rewrite this would take time i dont have right now. I may do it in a month or 2
Decompiling would only be worth it if you want to add/modify stuff or run it on a 64bit game client. For the most part it has everything that you'd need at least.
Oh i will definitely be modifying it lol

Turns out it wasn't as much of a pain as i thought, this is the full save.lua file

for i = 1, GetPlayerNumClasses() do
    if GetPlayerClassInfo(i, true) == "GM" then

if not false then

pylib.GetLibraries().RegisterEventHandler("VARIABLES_LOADED", "GMA_SETGM", function()
    if GMA_SAVE then

pylib.GetLibraries().bindings.Register("GMA_LIST_FRAME", "--GM-Addon--", function()
    print("You need to be GM!")

pylib.GetLibraries().bindings.Register("GMA_EVENT_FRAME", "--GM-Addon--", function()
    print("You need to be GM!")

pylib.GetLibraries().bindings.Register("GMA_MAIN_FRAME", "--GM-Addon--", function()
    print("You need to be GM!")

pylib.GetLibraries().bindings.Register("GM_ADDON_QA_UI", "--GM-Addon--", function()
    print("You need to be GM!")

this is a corrected version, after updating each file to the new format it will work the same as it did before but with the ability to be modified.
local GMA_SAVE = false

for i = 1, GetPlayerNumClasses() do
    if GetPlayerClassInfo(i, true) == "GM" then
        GMA_SAVE= true

if not GMA_SAVE then
    pylib.GetLibraries().bindings.Register("GMA_LIST_FRAME", "--GM-Addon--", function()
        print("You need to be GM!")

    pylib.GetLibraries().bindings.Register("GMA_EVENT_FRAME", "--GM-Addon--", function()
        print("You need to be GM!")

    pylib.GetLibraries().bindings.Register("GMA_MAIN_FRAME", "--GM-Addon--", function()
        print("You need to be GM!")

    pylib.GetLibraries().bindings.Register("GM_ADDON_QA_UI", "--GM-Addon--", function()
        print("You need to be GM!")
    pylib.GetLibraries().RegisterEventHandler("VARIABLES_LOADED", "GMA_SETGM", function()
        if GMA_SAVE then
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So we should overwrite the save.lua with this ?

And i add this to my addon folder it does nothing different ???? I dont see any of the pictures you show?
Thanks Beerpyrs for the Share and also Lifefire for the save.lua thing (i do not know exactly what you did and why you did it, but thanks for doing it). In my next life i maybe will be someone who has more knowlegde in programming and sql stuff, lol.

I tried the addon yesterday but it does nothing to me ^^ (copied the folder in /interfaces and also in interfaces/addons, also the subdir gm-addon), i looked through the lua files but found nothing like for example in item preview /ip2 to start it.

But i will try further :D
Everyone should be aware, you cannot just replace 1 file. All of them have to be decompiled and updated to match the correct formatting in order for the addon to work with the new files
If it doesn't appear in-game at startup try type /gma show

The add-on will check if you have GM permissions on the account by authenticating the GM password (still uses the default one from runewaker lmao) and then try to execute gmcommand with different permissions to see which level of access you should have. Never tried this add-on with GM commands turned on on the server so if it doesn't work try manually typing the GM password and the show command above and see if it works.

If you use a different gm password you can modify the core.lua with a hexeditor to change the password string.
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Thank you for the shares, really. I told it 1000x in the forums, but this game is so fucking awesome!

GM-Addon seems to work now, also with new IP2 addon.

GM_Addon - Updated GM Addon. - RaGEZONE Forums

I still have not figured out how to manually show this menus. For now i set in interface.xml the hidden="true" variable to false. :D: Think i will figure the rest out.

There seem also some commands in it, where you have to take care, not sure ^^
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The GM Addon is really nice, you can port to all bosses in instances directly.

I can even port to vale of rites and run through whole ini, unfortunately no mobs, no scripts, no sql for that ini.

Rites - Updated GM Addon. - RaGEZONE Forums
If you're using the 6.4.2 global.db there should be some npcs in VoR, but it looks like your client is outdated and potentially is missing the npc/string data.

But most of the scripts are incomplete.
Yepp, using 6.4.2 sql, client patched to I dont have any bosses of vale in my client. When i patch it further it starts to get errors until i can't login anymore. So i stayed on 6.5.2. :D It's great nevertheless
Could you give me suggestions for getting the GM panel to work? I added the contents of your upload to interface/addons, and I also ran "setup" in the GM-Addon folder... my account level is 13 so the addon should load for me right?

The ItemPreview2 and chat addons all loaded for me just fine, so I'm stumped for making the GM Addon appear.
Yes, I did try /gma show, it does nothing. Also thank you in advance if you choose to write me a reply.
Try authenticate the gm password ingame, maybe you have a different one if you use the custom 6.4.2 files from Lifefire. Also make sure you have debug messages enabled on your client.
I have authenticated the in game password, I realized I am getting an error when I load the client, it says "You shall not pass!" twice and then loads other plugins in the folder... is there something I need to change in one of the files? Also, how does one enable the debug messages for client?

Sorry for all the questions, I am new to this.
You shall not pass means you don't have gm permissions.