• Networking: We're currently investigating a cascade effect causing network performance degradation in our network. - Sponsor

Updated GM Addon.

I figured it out, everything works great. Nice addon and thank you

Can you share already comiled with this missing parametres in lua file ? Thx

I didn't change any parameters, I enabled debug mode and debug messages for the client (you edit this in runedev.ini); and then I logged in to my GM character, typed in the /gm ? 2013Runewaker_Rom0628 password manually, then logged out, then back in again. The plugin loads after doing all that
Ok, this is an old one, but i have 2 questions:

1) What exactly happens if you type in the password in the "advance" registertab ?

2) what is this windows in the middle and how to get it ? ^^ (or was it only for the 32Bit version?)

GM_addon - Updated GM Addon. - RaGEZONE Forums
Ok, this is an old one, but i have 2 questions:

1) What exactly happens if you type in the password in the "advance" registertab ?

2) what is this windows in the middle and how to get it ? ^^ (or was it only for the 32Bit version?)

View attachment 236048
Hi there,

I have taken a small look, but it appears that the lua-files are compiled which means they won't work on the 64bit client only on the 32bit version (Which I no longer have)