v362 KMS Source

Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score

I would strongly recommend not using this release if you are new.

Link updated 8/9/2022, original link died.

This source is quite recent. 1.2.362 is March 2022. I found it accidentally on GitHub and been having fun with it. You may be able to rip parts from it. It has Lara, etc. Code is Lithium-based, so take that as you will.

Of course, zero credits to me. All credits to whoever created it. It appears to be part of a group called "Happy" sources.

Take down if necessary.

Update 8/4/22: If you need a download use this:

Official source files appeared to have been provided thanks to Racooning.

Screenshots of me playing random parts of it:

SZdcQ1c - v362 KMS Source - RaGEZONE Forums

IRhK4bI - v362 KMS Source - RaGEZONE Forums
Vp686XH - v362 KMS Source - RaGEZONE Forums
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Is there any client or ways to connect to the server?

Is there any client or ways to connect to the server?
Honestly it kinda saddens me how people still use Java and old technologies for MapleStory even though it's been over a decade with so much technology advances.

Honestly it kinda saddens me how people still use Java and old technologies for MapleStory even though it's been over a decade with so much technology advances.
Honestly it kinda saddens me how people still use Java and old technologies for MapleStory even though it's been over a decade with so much technology advances.

Honestly it kinda saddens me how people still use Java and old technologies for MapleStory even though it's been over a decade with so much technology advances.

do something bout it kekw

This source is quite recent. 1.2.362 is March 2022. I found it accidentally on GitHub and been having fun with it. You may be able to rip parts from it. It has Lara, etc. Code is Lithium-based, so take that as you will.

Of course, zero credits to me. All credits to whoever created it. It appears to be part of a group called "Happy" sources.

Take down if necessary.

Update 7/27: If you need a download use this:

The server is highly edited, and causes many parts of the source to crash, I believe. But, it's all I got for now. You can go to another server called MapleJin which is the same version, but that server is only accessible with a korean phone number. The download is not obtainable otherwise.

If anyone reading this could provide a clean version of 1.2.362, mainly with the .4 client .exe update, that would be great.

Screenshots of me playing random parts of it:

SZdcQ1c - v362 KMS Source - RaGEZONE Forums

IRhK4bI - v362 KMS Source - RaGEZONE Forums
Vp686XH - v362 KMS Source - RaGEZONE Forums

hello, Halcyon send me your discord id to chat on a project
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This client is not clean version.

But at the time this source was released, the distributor also released this client.

If need client, i think use this is better than mapleroyal's client.

This client is not clean version.

But at the time this source was released, the distributor also released this client.

If need client, i think use this is better than mapleroyal's client.

Thank you. That's far better. Do you have any idea what the random assortment of files thrown throughout the client files are? Like Release.zip, which has Local.dll and nsp64.dll. There's also MapleStory.dll.
Thank you. That's far better. Do you have any idea what the random assortment of files thrown throughout the client files are? Like Release.zip, which has Local.dll and nsp64.dll. There's also MapleStory.dll.

I don't know exactly about that. Maybe that use to connect with server in localhost.

I know that if Local.dll is in client folder, you can connect your local server when you launch game from GameLauncher.exe.
Thank you. That's far better. Do you have any idea what the random assortment of files thrown throughout the client files are? Like Release.zip, which has Local.dll and nsp64.dll. There's also MapleStory.dll.
Halcyon - v362 KMS Source - RaGEZONE Forums

Help me! Why do i forced return when i enter the game. Nothing can be done in the game.
ZqZ0iGz - v362 KMS Source - RaGEZONE Forums

How to connect to local server?
I try to start GameLauncher.exe but it fails to connect.
Is it possible to change the language from korean to english? i noticed the client has a locales folder with enus.pak in it, how do i utilize it?

EDIT: please ignore what i said below, i managed to fix the problems on my own by messing with the files and thinking hard XD

can you please include the launch.bat? I don't know how to launch the server. I built the server files using netBeans correctly and they built successfully, I have the dist folder, inside it the .jar and the lib folder with the library jars, i also have the build folder.

can you please share the launch.bat of these files or tell me how to make one correctly?

also, (cmd points to the dist folder and i type java -jar "MapleStoryv362.jar" ) if i try to open the .jar through cmd it says
no main manifest attribute, in MapleStoryv362.jar

Edit: to fix the manifest issue, open the .jar file that is in the dist folder using WinRar and go to META-INF and make sure that at the very very end it says "Main-Class: server.Start" , otherwise it won't work. for some reason when i built the files, it didnt include that sentence.

Here is my manifest incase someone wants it, you can edit the manifest file that is inside WinRAR using any editor, or you can extract it, edit it, and then drop it into winrar to overwrite the file.

Manifest-Version: 1.0Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.9.7
Created-By: 1.8.0_241-b07 (Oracle Corporation)
Class-Path: lib/HikariCP-2.5.0.jar lib/activation-1.1.jar lib/commons- dbcp-1.3-SNAPSHOT-r796150-jdbc4.jar lib/commons-pool-1.5.2.jar lib/ma il-1.4.7.jar lib/mina-core-2.0.9.jar lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.34- bin.jar lib/netty-all-4.1.30.Final.jar lib/slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar lib/s lf4j-jdk14-1.7.10.jar lib/swing-layout-1.0.4.jar
X-COMMENT: Main-Class will be added automatically by build
Main-Class: server.Start

Edit: I think the files originally use Eclipse but i used NetBeans, so maybe that caused an issue? It did say "build successful" without any errors whatsoever.

EDIT: i managed to make my own launch.bat and it now works, i also fixed the manifest issue, so i guess the server is working

there is another issue though, in the client, if i open gamelauncher.exe or maplestory.exe , i get "maplestory this client can be executed only in korean code page"

i am using the local.dll from the comment

Edit 2: i think the korean code page error is related to the region language, i googled a bit. I changed it to korean, i will restart the computer and then see if the issue got fixed or not, i also installed the korean language pack

Edit 3: IT WORKS!!!! YAY

Also, here is my launch.bat incase anyone wants it for any reason

@[I][B][URL="https://forum.ragezone.com/members/2000306500.html"]Echo[/URL][/B][/I] off
@title MapleStoryv362
set PATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_211\bin;%PATH%
set CLASSPATH=.;dist\*java -Xmx2048m -Dwzpath=wz\ server.Start

Make sure each sentence is in its own line (use notepad++)

and if anyone wants a tutorial, i followed this guide (until he finished making the server, i didnt watch the client segment of the video as i assume the client from the reply #7 and #12 from this page is already enough, right? can someone please confirm?)

Also, here are the launch.bat and manifest files as attachments, so if someone needs them, they can just download and use them.
View attachment manifest and launch dot bat.7z
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This URL has expired
Can you reissue or send it to me? Thank you
in case anyone is having trouble with compiling etc and just wants to test the files locally quickly, here is the source + pre-compiled jar. (you don't need to compile, you dont need to use netbeans/intelj unless you plan on editing the files, in which case, i trust you know what you are doing)

So this is basically a "repack", but all it really does is just skip 1 or 2 steps for you.

literally all you gotta do is setup the database and then open launch.bat (and make sure "database.properties" has your MySQL user and password because the files I will send will have a different user and password, so when you download my files, so make sure to edit database.properties)
and let the server load.

and of course have the client that is in the thread with the Local.zip from the comment #12

Also, if gamelauncher.exe isn't opening due to an error, make sure to set your system locale to korean

Here are the steps I did for that

Make sure to have Korean region in your computer, to do that, in windows search bar in the taskbar, type "Language Settings" then click "Add Language" and then download and add "Korean" and "Chinese" languages

(if it asks you to check a box related to Font and so on, make sure to check it, basically download everything related to the language)and then on the top right, click "Administrative Language Settings" then click "Change system locale" and then make it "Korean (Korea)"

and then restart your computer.

After you have restarted your computer,
open launch.bat, and let it load everything completely until the CMD says "Input Command: "and then go to the client files, open "GameLauncher.exe" (open it as admin), a pop-up in korean will appear, click the button that is on the right.The game should open and work.

your computer language will remain as it is, this is just needed to open the korean client, otherwise it won't open.

The client might crash, it's okay, just open it again.if you used the SQL that comes with the source, then the user and password ingame will be asd1234 (for both user and password and pin)

the game will be in Korean, there is no english translation.If you want to play in english (or spanish, or any language), you will have to manually change the korean text in every .wz file in the client (using Harepacker-resurrected) and the .exe of the client using a Hex Editor program, and edit every korean sentence/word in the server files.