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Private What exactly makes a Retro 'different'?

Aug 19, 2010
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If your having problems with your VPS, he wont be able to sort it.. He will run back to whatever company he resells for.. That's why kids like him shouldn't be running services such as. They are basically ripping people off with their lack of knowledge, take otakuhosts for example, before that got shut down absolutely no support was given to it's customers.. It was a terrible service.

If there is no support given, why do people continue to use keyhosts?
May 11, 2012
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I look at it this way a community is what makes a retro, Some are the same some have their own custom emulators. Like Muscab said he runs on a R63B. Me personally i like R63B also another thing that makes hotels different from one another believe it or no is the staff members they change the hotel. Also one things that gets me with hotels is the CMS i love the layouts of CMS's. What im trying to say pretty much is the things the users see is what they will judge off of liking the hotel or not. You can get some users also you can lose some users with what you have. It's a hit or miss chance not only that I couldn't see myself playing a hotel with Rev CMS (Big Uber fan)
Staff Members aren't very different anywhere you go. The only Staff that I trust are the ones who I've worked with in the past 2-3 hotels, meaning I've gone through thick and thin with them. Otherwise, they're just in it for the fame and fortune on the hotel; nothing more.
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 16, 2012
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I prefer hotels under the average of 150 users online. There are usually very nice communities there and a lot of people know each other. On a smaller scale it is also easier to take part in events and competitions and it' s easier to feel special because there a lot more chance to win something or become a staff member. Smaller hotels usually have a very nice mood and I really like it.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 26, 2010
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I like the oldskool Retro's to go back in the time. The R63 has been used too much now. Where are the V1/V18 topics and new emus?
Make old hotels a new succes with new features and options. If i want play the last hotel, i go to habbo.com.

The oldskool options are great and i'm missing that :(
Good luck everyone :D
Apr 24, 2013
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There are also good RevCMS hotels my friend :)
Well thanks for BUMPing this discussion. However you're right indeed, but that good revCMS hotels have edited their CMS into something original, new and decent looking. Not much retro owners are able to edit the poop out of a CMS, beause they're just too stupid and only care about being 'THE OWNER OF A HOTEL', DDoSing/hacking other hotels and of course: money. :)
Old Habbo Developer
Loyal Member
Jan 12, 2009
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In my opinion what makes a retro "different" isn't just a customized emulator. It's the approach of the retro itself. Different CMS, different ways to update, keep your users happy, and make your site popular without the need of harassing other owners that you claim as "rivals". Right now, people make retros for revenue. Nobody has thought about creativity and thought that should really be put into a hotel and learning how to run it on your own expenses. There's nothing wrong with selling $5 VIP, but when you're selling rares and $30 VIP memberships that kinds of run the users away because most of them are young and don't have that type of money to spend especially not on a virtual hotel that could shut down tonight or tomorrow. Most people have friends that want to be staff, BUT don't know how to properly moderate the hotel. They want the fame, praise, etc which is totally ridiculous, you're not the pope, ok.