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Emulator are not dead

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Now you can tag me!
Loyal Member
May 26, 2009
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I thought I was an idiot?
divinepunition - Emulator are not dead - RaGEZONE Forums

Well your reply to that thread was completely idiotic. I never said anything about your work, your talent or your dedication. Completely different things.
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 28, 2008
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I wish you luck , though you should really consider another language.

I can't help it.. Everytime I hear someone saying " Java " it's like.. something is dying deep inside of me.

It makes me want to cry.
• ♠️​ ♦️ ♣️ ​♥️ •
Mar 25, 2012
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you're right ! Of course i could use official file, but there are some reasons why i will not use them.

1. I worked too much on morpheus (to learn and study programation and c#) to simply leave it now.
2. I really don't like to work on those official file, i think it's too hard to find anything in it (that's my opinion and i'm not a great developer ) and Morpheus code is cleaner and easier to read and manipulate.
3. Because by creating my own server i code some system like i wanted them to be, some system will not work like official server file, for exemple, tax will not be applied to NPC in some town but they will be applied on "dungeon drops" and guilds will be able to capture those dungeon and own them. So Guild master will be able to apply a tax on this dungeon.
this is just an exemple of some things i intend to code. And i prefer to start from nothing than to have to modify a code that i don't really know (sorry for my bad english, it's difficult to explain what i actually think)

So yes you're right, our server will probably be less stable than official file, perhaps i will be obliged to limit to 500 player on a server where official file could go to 3000 player.....
Beta test will tell us our limits and i will see at that moment if we are able to make a real international server... We didn't try our test server with more than 15 player. I think we will be able to make an open beta in september 2013. (i had to finish some codes on Morpheus before)

If beta test, show me that it's impossible to make a server with morpheus, then i will probably think to another way, but for the moment i prefer to continue.

I really like the work I see above, and I like this answer, obviously because I'm a C# coder. I also agree the source is horrible programmed and the best is to do it from scratch. And this on an environment the admin feels home, that's a good base.

If you are worried about your files not being able to handle the amount of users, don't lol.

Flyff community is not as active as in the past, I'm sure that won't be a problem.
This will not only catch the Flyff community, it will even catch many new players. You ask Why?
See why the community is dead. It's because of the same on the servers day in day out. Sure, things like the custom events you made where interesting, but whole replacements of the maps and many new systems will make out a new game. I hope the navigation of the characters will be improved, too. Such as old common bugs we remember from retail.

I agree with Adler. Most servers multiplies the number of players online. This is not our case, we want the players enjoyed our work, not drawn into a slot machine.
That's something I like to here. I miss programmers and admins with passion in the flyff scene, reputation up against the red bar! ;)

Your work seems to be very interesting, I could never imagine to build a C# emulator for server files. Keep up your work guys, I want to test this out in beta, please keep us informed.
Experienced Elementalist
Nov 13, 2008
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I really like the work I see above, and I like this answer, obviously because I'm a C# coder. I also agree the source is horrible programmed and the best is to do it from scratch. And this on an environment the admin feels home, that's a good base.

This will not only catch the Flyff community, it will even catch many new players. You ask Why?
See why the community is dead. It's because of the same on the servers day in day out. Sure, things like the custom events you made where interesting, but whole replacements of the maps and many new systems will make out a new game. I hope the navigation of the characters will be improved, too. Such as old common bugs we remember from retail.

That's something I like to here. I miss programmers and admins with passion in the flyff scene, reputation up against the red bar! ;)

Your work seems to be very interesting, I could never imagine to build a C# emulator for server files. Keep up your work guys, I want to test this out in beta, please keep us informed.

I'm sorry but new maps running on an emulator will not catch many new players from other MMOs.
Also, I don't see any new systems on the OP, so I don't know if you're suggesting it to him, or what..

I'm sure the OP can learn a lot from doing this emulator, but as I said before, the server handles many players well, and if you work with the source for a while, it is not that hard to get used to it. A new client with a better rendering engine would be much more useful.

But that's just my opinion :)
• ♠️​ ♦️ ♣️ ​♥️ •
Mar 25, 2012
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I'm sorry but new maps running on an emulator will not catch many new players from other MMOs.
Also, I don't see any new systems on the OP, so I don't know if you're suggesting it to him, or what..

I'm sure the OP can learn a lot from doing this emulator, but as I said before, the server handles many players well, and if you work with the source for a while, it is not that hard to get used to it. A new client with a better rendering engine would be much more useful.

But that's just my opinion :)

before I suggest new systems I'm curious what's the base they provide. He said he programmed a lot of extensions in C# for the server, so it's a good idea to stay the way when it works out. Even when you come around in any language, you will be more productive on your favorite and easy understanding language, always. So, faster development, better systems, and a clean scratch design based on the common technology. At the end it's always case-dependent, and it's dependent on the quality of the emulator (design, resourcing behaviors, caching systems, reusable code, etc.), too.

However, I've to agree a new client would be the gold of the egg, but C# is a bad choice due easy understanding MSIL. Every idiot could read the source then. A solution for a C# client would only be an own written wrapper app in Cpp. Or simply a new better client in Cpp, that brings more effort, perhaps.
Dec 5, 2008
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For informations, they will be some new systems (some never seen on any private server). I just wait before speak about them that i had finished to work on them ;)

if you want one or two example :

- catch monster and use them to fight with you
- dungeon capture (guilds will be able to capture dungeon)

an already new system that i have implemented is ingame video, i just need to make the videos :p (i actually just render a test video )
Those video will allow me to increase the interest of player on our scenario...
I have a list of system i intend to implement but for the moment i prefer to wait before saying more
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 8, 2008
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This is some realy nice maps! I must say one of the best ive seen.
Experienced Elementalist
Nov 13, 2008
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For informations, they will be some new systems (some never seen on any private server). I just wait before speak about them that i had finished to work on them ;)

if you want one or two example :

- catch monster and use them to fight with you
- dungeon capture (guilds will be able to capture dungeon)

an already new system that i have implemented is ingame video, i just need to make the videos :p (i actually just render a test video )
Those video will allow me to increase the interest of player on our scenario...
I have a list of system i intend to implement but for the moment i prefer to wait before saying more

Like that Monster DNA thing?

Or do you mean summons like in Rose Online? That's not very hard to code in the original source to be honest.

But let's see what else you guys will come up with, and how long it will take before someone copy and release for everyone lol, because believe me, it will happen.
Jan 20, 2009
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So i'll write this as is and speak my mind. I'm sure the trolls will chime in.

In 4 years time this project is still the same as it was, recoded OSA and nothing more. While i commend you on working on it, i for one am far from impressed and don't see exactly what all the hype is about?

So said users rip models from other games, make map's and boom it's a killer server? If that's how people think no wonder the entire flyff scene is so dull. Custom systems such as "monster dna" which is more then likely converted to C# from C++.

  • Gangnam style - mot00Horseriding from masquerade.
  • Maps - All models ripped, none actually made by them.
  • Half completed tools
  • Graphics look slightly better, but not much better then current retail or servers.

I remember when Morpheus started out and it was going to kill the scene, but sadly i think you have arrived to the party quite late and honestly not much to show at all. Also to mention the fact OSA should have been completed and fixed as it progressed rather then scrapping it which honestly was quite stupid.

Possibly if you show other things then just maps, a re-coded emulator, ripped models i might be impressed, but until that happens i won't be hopping on the bandwagon, like everyone else seems to be.

My post is not hate in any aspect, but if you look @ this compared to any other server out the only difference is a emulator and sadly the official source is more then likely 900x more stable.

I really see no difference between this and any other server out currently.
• ♠️​ ♦️ ♣️ ​♥️ •
Mar 25, 2012
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Yes, but in my eyes. It doesn't care what you steal, the question is how to present it. I care more about balancing, fairness to non donating players, an non-greedy team with passion on its work.

Then it's okay to steal, but it shouldn't be used in advertisements, just on detail info. It's even unprofessional only to steal and to build nothing on a good way from scratch.

And the fun is over when DDoS starts, no matter why, the persons who DDoS should shame and use the money to pay more team members to help out the players instead of taking other servers down. And DDoSing back is even so rude, real loyal player will not leave of few times down time, and nobody should do the same failure and waste the same money to DDoS back!


The point is, we do not see here much. But as first they told they did it, now they can invite us soon, or not. I'll not wait for that, but I will take my own unique mind of it. ^^

(We are not too late, I'm just an optimism and hoping to play a good version of that again, anytime.)
Dec 5, 2008
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Well everyone could have is opinion ;)

monster dna ??? No i even don't knwo how it's work, i don't care about code released on every forum because.... i don't use official server file code, i prefer to make my own code.
If you want to kno where i foud those ideas here the list :

dungeon capture : from rappelz
mercenary, and monster who fight on your side : rappelz too.. here you will see what i want to do :

"900x more stable" : lol you able to calculate a value ? without seeing my actual code (joust just have the first version of morpheus with v11 client with less system than osa) i changed a lot of code part, and thread management.

More stable,or less i'm not sure, if the code is correct why do you want it could be less stable. what you could say is that official file will work faster, ok c# is slower than c++. I can't say the contrary of course ! buf like i said, if official file could support 3000 player and mine 500 i will be happy that suffisent for me. I know that i will not have more with french community and for an international version if i more than 500 players want to play i could open more than just one server.

wait and see ;)
Experienced Elementalist
Nov 13, 2008
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Yes, but in my eyes. It doesn't care what you steal, the question is how to present it. I care more about balancing, fairness to non donating players, an non-greedy team with passion on its work.

Then it's okay to steal, but it shouldn't be used in advertisements, just on detail info. It's even unprofessional only to steal and to build nothing on a good way from scratch.

And the fun is over when DDoS starts, no matter why, the persons who DDoS should shame and use the money to pay more team members to help out the players instead of taking other servers down. And DDoSing back is even so rude, real loyal player will not leave of few times down time, and nobody should do the same failure and waste the same money to DDoS back!


The point is, we do not see here much. But as first they told they did it, now they can invite us soon, or not. I'll not wait for that, but I will take my own unique mind of it. ^^

(We are not too late, I'm just an optimism and hoping to play a good version of that again, anytime.)

I guess with all your experience you could try to make this such perfect version of Flyff, I would definately give it a shot.
Loyal Member
Feb 15, 2009
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Whether an emulator is a smart move or not for a successful server, divine and his team seem to enjoy working on this emulator and these maps very much, and that's what's important. I've developed a lot of content that has failed publicly, but I'll never regret it because I enjoyed it so much and it was a learning experience. If it succeeds, good for them and their hard work. If they failed, they can learn what they did wrong and fix their mistakes and try again. No need to demotivate them over small reasons. It also shouldn't matter who steals or has what idea, we're all undeserving thieves anyways.
Jan 20, 2009
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Don't take what i say as a insult divine regardless of our past differences as that is not my intention or anyone else.

I more or likely could say i expected more from you and your project. I mostly say this becuase i remember 4years ago when the models were being ripped, i'm not saying the models are bad at all nor the maps. I also know a bit more about morpheus then others and what was in the process when it started.

What i am saying in general and i guess this sort of applies to everyone, server and well flyff in general is that the scene lacks creativity and it's boring. It's gotten old, stale and somewhat repetitive.

While you have been working on the emulator for quite some time, i feel as though you have a far more advantage over those working with the source due to the learning and the you working on it before it dropped. So i personally expected more out of you and your project and esp the creativity level you and other Morph team members had before me and you verbally got into it.

So for me seeing what you have now compared to everyone else is just well blah to me. I do know how you are and i do know more then likely your holding out on showing everything, which i completely understand. As i know just as much as everyone else in this scene does know once u show it, boom it's taken.

I also expected to see more of the emulator, it's functionality and a lot more about the emulator. In all honesty all i saw was more of a server advertisement or a project advertisement and some maps. Again, people are semi-mad about what i posted and i can see that, but when i open a thread called Emulators are not dead, i expect personally to see something about a emulator and info on the emulator not maps.

I do hope what you are doing survives now and actually goes far, but like i said as me personally i won't be fully impressed until you launch and you know why i have those standards and if you don't know who i am or don't remember feel free to drop me a pm.

Kind regards,
- Defiance
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Skilled Illusionist
Nov 21, 2012
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I was speaking with a friend a while ago about this and the idea of an emulator for FlyFF and his response made the most sense to me concerning these types of ordeals.. and he's a relatively distinguished developer of this scene:

If your interest lies in changing the way FlyFF is played as a game, or not just improving the idea of how FlyFF is played, then creating an entirely different game, completely unrelated to FlyFF, is the only solution. You could work on an emulator for years, and still end up with the same heap of poop, just comes in a different package. Especially since the official source is released.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 25, 2012
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For people who speak without knowing any line of code: wait and see :)
The stability of a server depends first of its programmer, not the langage used.

Athene making a new client is totally different to making an emulator. It is easy to say, but not to do.
Celestia will not change the way FlyFF is played as a game: fighting, flying, contact between players will never change. We only make the game better in some points.
And even if we make a new client, the server will be in C# so it doesn't change anything.
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