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The Obama Deception

Junior Spellweaver
Dec 21, 2004
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FEMA camps, martial law, planned economic meltdowns... they just aren't real, and this 'solid evidence' doesn't exist.
Correction. Martial law does exist (here in the States'). Mainstream media has reported on that bit, so it surprises me that you are still like that.

Last year in October, a military brigade was put on duty to assist in matters of local law. That is, by definition, martial law.

The first group of people to find out about this were the soldiers themselves, naturally ->

An old article. I know I've mentioned it before. More so that I've specifically told you about it, vannaroth. You shouldn't forget things when you find it convenient for your preordained arguments. ^^
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2005
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fine, it doesn't exist in the manner or extant that Alex Jones believes is happening. I didn't think I needed to be that specific.
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 21, 2004
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this documentary does look amazing though. It's like everything rolled into one:

New World Order
North American Union
Obama is a socialist
Evil bankers rule the world
Comparisons to Nazi Germany

it's like a masterpiece of paranoia and mental illness
fine, it doesn't exist in the manner or extant that Alex Jones believes is happening. I didn't think I needed to be that specific.
It's better than your generalization that any idea (in the slightest of motion or possible insinuation), that is out of touch with your reality, belongs to those suffering from mental illnesses.
To avoid being termed a troll, you should try being more specific, more often. If termed a troll, people will know not to take you seriously, and will be able to tell that you just want a response out of them with which to get your shits and giggles. Or they will think they know that, regardless of whether or not you really are a troll.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2005
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oh and if anyone wants to see this movie, it's right here:

Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Dec 10, 2007
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oh and if anyone wants to see this movie, it's right here:

Thanks for that link. :):

This video reminds me of The Zeitgeist Movement, or at least from the economic aspect of it. As it has to do with how banks control everything, which is true. I can't really some it up, but I advice everyone to watch it, as it think it's more important than The Zeitgeist Movement.

Here's the fully documentary:
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Experienced Elementalist
Aug 25, 2008
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looks intereseting..surely i'll be watching it
Oct 4, 2004
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This is all just for profit. He is taking the fears of the people, putting it all into a video and based on wiki he is a repub which makes him biased cause how could you believe something so one sided :p
Mythic Archon
Loyal Member
Aug 29, 2006
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The only way, the only truth, the only life, is Jesus Christ. He has shown me several startling things about this man. I am not going to say them because they are not up for debate as they were spoken to me, and intended for me, but I encourage you all to talk to him sometime ....You'll be surprised at the response ;D

P.S - My Belief = Not up for debate. If you don't agree, that is your God-Given right, nobody will try to talk you into anything.

THanks folks...
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jan 17, 2008
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Alex Jones is a whackjob, but I must say that this is something I believe, infact I've been saying this for a while, there is no way you can be able to get into a position like that without being affiliated with the Illuminati, so the deception of a Black president who is "pure and uncorrupted" would have been ideal.
Apr 9, 2005
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The only way, the only truth, the only life, is Jesus Christ. He has shown me several startling things about this man. I am not going to say them because they are not up for debate as they were spoken to me, and intended for me, but I encourage you all to talk to him sometime ....You'll be surprised at the response ;D

P.S - My Belief = Not up for debate. If you don't agree, that is your God-Given right, nobody will try to talk you into anything.

THanks folks...
If you talk to God
Initiate Mage
Jan 21, 2009
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Obama ever loses his place , there will prob be another bush , which he was all about war.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 30, 2008
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I cant believe this guy is actually trying to sneak into the private conference of Obama and Clinton.
Dec 1, 2003
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When i saw the start of the movie , i thought i was gonna play an rpg game where i was the savior ( nice intro and then when it said someone would come - aka Obama , the game would start )

you guys forget that no new president can get into his chair and change everything he wants to change there are contract and there are things that they only get to know when they stick their asses in there

its like when a "socialist" or a left wing party gets into power and people expects to see those "socialist" ideas come and you actually see them continue the right wing politics or similar.

I love the thing where the Americans say he ( Obama ) would make the USA a Socialist country because he wanted to Tax the rich guys for a mere 3% , or that he would take out all American troops from the war terrain ( he only said from Iraq to be honest - so dont know where's the problem of taking them from Iraq and putting them next to iraq ( aka Afghanistan )

I wonder what people will say when all embargo from Cuba its removed , The Union the movie talks at start Mexico and Canada , its something normal , its more or less like the EU or the Mercosul ( where its the South American countries associated )

oh ps i did loved to see those little black kids dressed like in the army ( nothing like a well made anti propaganda us media :p )

edit : oh and yes I also loved to see in the middle of the movie, being asked to go to the prisonplante.tv or infowars.com and get the download or order the Dvd to show to your neighbours , but lets see at 5 bucks per account just to "download for free" , i wonder how much money the guy makes
Elite Diviner
Loyal Member
Nov 22, 2008
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But Obama is black. Therefore you're racist if you begin comparing him with monkeys like one did with Bush.

Wow, your definitely ignorant think before you talk not being mean but listen to yourself look at his post hes not being racist hes being truthful both bush and obama lied. Such failures. AND GUESS WHAT IM NOT racist
Dec 1, 2003
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Akaruz, it's pointless to talk politics in this board, Is like trying teaching a blind person to read. Save your energy old man.

once in a while we do have some clever ones :p , thats why i waste my energy so i can Illuminate some poor souls and see if they emerge from the shadows

but to be honest , it makes me laugh those movies , specially this one and when you go to their site and see the other ones

Nothing like some nice sensationalism ( typo? )

its like the Zeitgeist ones , very well made , but some nice "mistakes" , but well i do know some guys that believe that the story from Da Vinci Code its real :p

but to the guy below , i do ask where did Obama Lied ?

and please dont say the following : he lied when he said he would remove the troops , since WE did knew he would remove from Iraq and put in Afheganistan ( thats where the problem was and thats the only thing we ( as in the UN ) allowed , Iraq was just a Bush/Cheney war )
Fell In Love Without You
Loyal Member
Dec 22, 2004
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Well yeah, we all know the guy wants fame, so let's give him his 15 minutes of fame and let him be, alex jones is a joke, but I'll be honest, I've seen other movies of his.