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[Aion] Looking for partner 3.9

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 11, 2023
Reaction score
Hey all, I am looking for someone to partner up with me and get Aion 3.9 going. Was a classic, and a lot of people enjoyed said classic times and days before it went downhill. I'd like to set up a server for this.

Already some work is done, and renting server wouldn't be a problem, I'll cover that part. But need someone with programming experience etc to set it up properly, help me with updates etc. If you're interested send me a message here, or can add me on discord.


1687081431280 - [Aion] Looking for partner 3.9 - RaGEZONE Forums

Added this guy, tried to work with him. Asks for Crypto voucher, $200 or something or whatever. I was like yeah sure not a problem, I mean don't expect everyone to wanna work for free on the project... and this account is probably his as well or something to draw in people.

Long story short, he is full of shit. A fucking scamming brat. Will give you a quite a convincing story but don't bite into any of it. I have a server hosting, web hosting, etc... but he couldn't do shit.

Anyways, I won't die for $200, but sure as hell glad to pay $200 to expose cunts like that.

Still looking for someone on that note...
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I can give you the tip to check the register date, how many posts he did and !which posts he made! <- important!

I'm sorry for that trashcan but many many many ppl always try to scam, gl with your project