
  1. xilfhunter

    Extracting .pak files to ,fbx, .obj etc.?

    Hello friends, Is there a way to extract the .pak files and view or modify them in 3D-Software for educational purposes? I can’t seem to 1. extract the files at all and 2. view or modify them
  2. Beckupgaming

    [Aion Classic 2.5] Hivegamez Aion Alpha | Europe | No Siels Energy | Plan to long term after Alpha phase | Currently with Commands

    Hello Ragezone Member. Me and my team are currently working on an Aion Classic 2.5 server. The server should be operated in the long term. We are a team of 2 admins, 2 GM's and 1 programmer. Currently you can say that the server is in the alpha phase, not everything is fixed yet. Small Showcase...
  3. patrikus18

    Aion classic emu files gathering (2.7 classic files uploaded)

    Hello everyone! Since Aion Classic is out, I've decided to make a post about classic emulators to gather all possible versions that are around, starting with version 2.4 Classic. You must be registered for see element. So if you are the owner of any classic files, don't be shy and share them...
  4. hexcode

    [Aion 4.6]Gods of Aion - The European Aion 4.6 Private Server | x2 EXP/AP/QUESTS| Europe | Long Term | GO 23.07.2024

    You must be registered for see element. Gods of Aion - The European Aion 4.6 Private Server Gods of Aion is a classic low-rate, long-term private server, fully matching the official, most stable, and balanced version of Aion 4.6. GOA is hosted on its own dedicated server located in...
  5. T

    From a player to Developers of Aion.

    Hi I know it's weird that a player posting in MMO development forums but I guess there's no way to say my needing better than here. Aion is my passionate game but it doesn't mean it's perfect it has many flaws. Let use 4.6 as an example since it's official leak means everything working...
  6. Loyfil

    [Aion Online] Aion Sea Private Server

    Aion Sea Private Server - Server Version 2.7 - Classic Gameplay - Classic Classes - Free Starter Gear - Level Up Rewards - PvPvE You must be registered for see element. Aion SEA Private Server in Southeast Asia. Server Version 2.7 with classic gameplay and classic classes, server focused on...
  7. margriff

    [Aion 4.9][Docker] Aion Lightning 4.9 Automated Build with Docker

    Hello, guys, I've managed to run Aion Lightning 4.9 using docker with few commands. Don't know if anyone is interested but decided to share as it's beginner friendly. Here's the repo link with docs: You must be registered for see element. And a video guide: You must be registered for see...
  8. K

    AionLightning-4.9-master Error Game Server Error

    Hey, i might be stupid but when I start the build_gameserver.bat I get this error: compile: [javac] Compiling 2429 source files to F:\Aion\Aion 4.9\AionLightning-4.9-master\AL-Game\build\classes [javac] warning: [options] source value 7 is obsolete and will be removed in a future...
  9. Mantios

    How to build an any aion server from source video tutorial.

    Not explaining here. Just watch in slow mode to flow all clues. Use exac same Java compiler as provided by your source in build file. You must be registered for see element.
  10. Jaguar00

    Need File Bin32 For Aion (Include Mouse Fix Windows 10) Crack Aion.bin and etc

    I Already Have Bin32 With version.dll mouse camera fix but You must be registered for see element. Open The Game And Do Nothing You must be registered for see element. And AionClient Gone But if i delete version.dll and install d3dx9_38.dll the aion not have problem but camera is crazy
  11. notwonderful


    You must be registered for see element. You must be registered for see element. Required PHP version is 8.2+ Time spent on the user panel is about one and a half days. Please note that the user panel is made for the soul, therefore any claims are inappropriate. Features Login / Registration /...
  12. Beckupgaming

    [Aion] Searching for some testers and maybe Developers for Aion Classic 2.4

    Hello, I am working on an Aion Classic 2.4 and an Aion 3.9 server based on Java. Currently I create every xml file new to read everything correctly. If you are interested in testing and bug reporting you are welcome to join my small Discord community. The source is and will remain closed source...
  13. Thrarion

    [Aion] Server with working geoengine looking for more testers before relaunch

    You must be registered for see element. [Relaunch] Hivegamez Aion Testserver with working GEOEngine and about 80% (content/mechanics) fixed in total ONLINE - steady development - free 2 play - online more then 1 year allready and developed since then - started on ragezone Web: You must be...
  14. pressure68

    Aion 5.8 emulator improvement community project

    This project is a continuation of the work Robyson did packaging the code from an Encom release that was based on Aion-Lightning. All credits that we are aware of are listed on the github site as well as in the code. ———————————————————————————————————— You must be registered for see element...
  15. MATTYOne

    Aion 6.5 Emu [Aion Germany]

    There is no direct link to files Aion 6.5 Emu on the forum For those who do not want to search for a long time in the repositories of Aion-Germany Download: You must be registered for see element.(Google Drive - UPDATE!!!) Github Aion-Germany - You must be registered for see element. (Current...
  16. William Takuma

    How can i add collision to barrels from rifts?

    I just started with programming in emulators but a doubt arose, where can I find the ids of objects with collision to add to other objects, for example the barricades that have an id and a static_id that gives the collision and appearance Example: Barricades of Gelkmaros <!-- Barricade -->...
  17. Naru12

    GeoData?Error please help!

    Hello. GeoData Requesting Help I used a translator because I couldn't learn English. I'm sorry! I also have all the Geodata files. NPC or Monster running in the sky is 99% fixed. But! I just can't figure it out. It penetrates why NPC and Monster do not recognize objects. Is there anything...
  18. mysticcro

    [Aion] Looking for partner 3.9

    Hey all, I am looking for someone to partner up with me and get Aion 3.9 going. Was a classic, and a lot of people enjoyed said classic times and days before it went downhill. I'd like to set up a server for this. Already some work is done, and renting server wouldn't be a problem, I'll cover...
  19. Jaguar00

    Tutorial Setup Aion Server Emulator (From (0) Install Java To Final)

    I will shere my video uncut for setup aion, i use emulator from ragezone u can download in forum ragezone all emulator basicly same about setup server emulator aion this from 0 nothing install program java, all setup from zero to final You must be registered for see element.
  20. R

    Aion 5.8 encom help

    1. Selling from inventory not working. When click on sell nothing happen items back to inventory. You must be registered for see element. 2. buffs like running scrolls disappear if i teleport somewhere. 3. Enchant works but kinah does not decrease. Can someone direct me to the server file that...