big bang 2.0 WTF?

Mythic Archon
Loyal Member
Oct 31, 2007
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Omg, today in the danish newspapers i read about big bang 2.0.

The french scientist built a giant machine to re-generate big bang.
If it fails its the end of the world.

If i could, i would beat those fags who are about to destroy the earth!!!

Translated from Danish to English:

(I could not find any english articles.)
ah great, so were gonna die if this guy has got it all wrong?
well at least we wont kick his butt when were all dead
Omg, today in the danish newspapers i read about big bang 2.0.

The french scientist built a giant machine to re-generate big bang.
If it fails its the end of the world.

If i could, i would beat those fags who are about to destroy the earth!!!

Translated from Danish to English:

(I could not find any english articles.)

iBimbo - big bang 2.0 WTF? - RaGEZONE Forums

Please tell me you're trolling.
What the duck?
Wow, what can I say talk about emos.
If your talking about the LHC there like 100 odd threads about this :/

New papers are little late i got put on in the summer pmsl.
He's taking about the large hadron collider. I guess they call it the 'Big Bang 2.0'...
Break through in physics ftw ^_^

well evan if earth goes bye bye at-lest everyone going to go.
wtf this is mad stupid, someone should stop this. so are they going to blast this poop right on earth?
Someone stop those people, I aint prepare to die (yet).

Also, someone was making a machine to create a little blackhole.
They are basically recreating the big bang event.
wtf this is mad stupid, someone should stop this. so are they going to blast this poop right on earth?

Someone stop those people, I aint prepare to die (yet).

Also, someone was making a machine to create a little blackhole.

i dont get what theyre gonna do...
so they made this huge machine and gonna shoot it at the sun?

You are all Ducking retarded, do some research before posting poop like this. Gullible morons.
yay another reason for us to think we're either going to die or make an explosion for good stuffs. You'd think there'd be someone out there that could figure out a way of explaining events in the universe without the threat of extinction being present.

article said:
And the world has not been absorbed by a black hole or turned on the reverse of the antibody.

love translation errors XD
For all we know, we could have been sucked into a black hole, no one knows what will happen once an object gets sucked into one.

Just plain theoretical.
ah great, so were gonna die if this guy has got it all wrong?
well at least we wont kick his butt when were all dead
You wrote the article about it...the Large Hydrogen Collider, the Atom Smasher...

They are NOT "re-creating" the big bang. They say that it's possible to create small black holes, invisible to the human eye...which disappear just as quickly as appearing with no danger to anyone or anything. The only danger is that it might create a large black hole, which is according to some scientists a 1 in a million chance.

Either way, who gives a poop even if it'll be more exciting than anything you've ever done/ will do...

A risk of black holes, but no risk of the Earth being engulfed and wiping out the human race.
Omg, today in the danish newspapers i read about big bang 2.0.

The french scientist built a giant machine to re-generate big bang.
If it fails its the end of the world.

If i could, i would beat those fags who are about to destroy the earth!!!

Translated from Danish to English:

(I could not find any english articles.)
Its called the LHC, and actully I believe its located in France and Germany (yes, its huge). LHC stands for Large Heydrom Collider, and it was made to collide protons at sub-light speeds. When you collide them at faster speeds, the more information you get *Note: Protons are one of the smallest things on earth*. The information we get can help us prove the big bang theory. The LHC is 99.999% safe, and is being turned online on September 9th. This will NOT destroy the earth, it is simpily to get information about the big bang, and the "god particle." The god particle is named because it gives everything mass. Not only is the LHC an amazing engineering and building achivement, but it is a scientific milestone.
If that poop comes down on us on 2012, i'll feel dumb because I've been to everybody who believe the world is gunna in 2012, i told them it was impossible and stuff

but i highly doubt that the scientist has the authority do that
few things to say:
2, what's the LHC
3,duck! Black holes?
4, what would happen exactly that could kill us all? ( I can't read the danish)
5, I don't want to die a virgin.
6, Does anyone here read the Bible? In the bible it says the 6 stages of arnegeddon... 4-5/6 have ALREADY happened...