big bang 2.0 WTF?

Is this even real?
Or am I just a newbie ><
Read the whole topic? Nothing is going to happen, jesus..
dont worry, this has happened alot of times in nature :P the hole is too small to be stable (from what i have heard) and will collaple almost immeadetly.

And IF it actually did go wrong, dont worry this guy will save us:
dont worry, this has happened alot of times in nature :P the hole is too small to be stable (from what i have heard) and will collaple almost immeadetly.

And IF it actually did go wrong, dont worry this guy will save us:

He so will! I mean super cool dude or what?

My friends kept spreading this around the whole school.
Guys go to look at the image ;) ironic isent it

But yes it has been turned on today for a small test..... LATER This year it will reasamble before the bigbang so atm its nothing yet :)
The project leader of LHC said it was safe, as in nothing would happen.
I find it hard to believe how it would completely destroy the Earth if it is not successful?

Anyone care to explain?

Also, yes, I was watching it on GMTV today. And most of the people in my little brothers class cried rofl because he told them about it!
I just got a question.

I haven't read about this anywhere or anything but what is the big bang. Lmao.

This is why it's a bad idea to make a child with your sister.

Seriously, it's disgraceful you don't know what the big bang is. But even if you didn't, one google search could've gave you all the answers. But instead, you need to be a douche and make some half-butt retarded post in an already retarded thread.

If I could I'd stab you in the face. Really.