big bang 2.0 WTF?

Quit being so gullible.

If this had a chance to destroy the Earth, they would obviously have been stopped by now.

Actually, it does have a chance, but it's too small of a chance for scientists to care. :euro:
I couldnt care more , Mini Black Holes will dissipate in secs - minisecs ( too small even if they appear )

Beside Breakthroughs comes from Experiences and stupid ideas , If he blows up or we go into another dimension , sucked by a Black hole , we wont be here , at least no more climate problems no more Iran , Oil , Russia and specially no more BUSH and US Politics shenanigans
There would be more of a chance of habbotards ruling the earth than this thing destroying the earth.
nano-nano-nano-nano-nano-nano-nano-nano-nano-nano-second it will disappear
99.9999999999999% Chance that it's safe
Is this this Hadron Collider thing again? Seriously, if I'm gonna die, I don't wanna know when, and if, it will happen.

Can you not read?
Or are you just spamming randomly.
Well it should be getting done on wednesday, quite humerous and worrying how crazy it has gotten at my school, everyone worrying they are going to die.

Though, even with the chances being super slim, i wouldn't be doing it whilst it could happen. The chance to be swallowed by a blackhole or to have the world turn into a blob of strange matter.

Well no-one will know what will happen and if it does happen, the effects will happen so fast, we probably won't know it happened as we're all dead.
i want to finish college 1st!
change these grades i got =/
Im glad im not in school anymore id be punching allot of my class mates.
wow, this will surely start an internet meme. get ready to lulz so hard even chuck norris shall poop bricks.
Lol i read this a few weeks back, And it could cause a black hole, but some scientist said it wud dissappear as soon as it came lol...And someone is trying to sue them over it rofl
Guys, if this will fire and fail i would like to state

I LOVE U ALL!!!!!!!!!!!

So, a test is scheduled for wensday isnt it? acording to wiki there will be also something else on october...

bah we wont die anyways... they have said id before

in the 2000 they all said we were going to die... nope
in the 2001 as well... still here
2003 once again... nope nothing
2006... 06-06-06.... mhm still here!

now the shenanigans about blackhole in the 2008, and finally the poop about the 2012 because the mayan calendar says is the end blah blah... just wondering how much more stories about this are they going to make?

yes this might kill us, but it wont. duh
and hmmm about the bible, do you really believe in that? (sorry if anyones feels insulted, i dont believe in god, curch or anything anymore...)
Eek Beat Those Crazy Fags and send them to hell to test it xD