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Girl I met at a club...

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I'll take you all on.
Loyal Member
May 11, 2004
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yeah and we don't have time for your shenanigans.
Fell In Love Without You
Loyal Member
Dec 22, 2004
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Konrow, with all do respect, he's full of poop and you know it. He's like devin, made a bunch of lies to look cool in front of others (remember the "I Joined the army" thread?) yeah...
I don't know why kids have to lie over the internet to look cool..
and If he is really telling the truth, I hope you get Herpes.
I'm done, Ignore list.
Mar 7, 2003
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If this is true, not only have you fucked your own life up, and quite possibly the girls life, but your also bringing a child into such an unstable environment.

Frankly I think everyone in this thread has the right to call you a complete and utter duck tard. I'm sure you thought you were being all cool and clever at the time, and tbh this is one of the reasons why children aren't allowed to drink.

I seriously hope you grow up in the next 8 months. And your friends give you a right kick in the nuts so it doesn't happen again.

I blame the parents... and video games... dam sims!
Mar 7, 2003
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I would say to do something... But I received a warning for saying it once before. :p

Sooo... I wont say anything.

What for flaming someone for having under age sex and bringing children into the world in such a bad situation?

I don't see how ANYONE could possibly support ninja in this, Ducking retarded thing to do!
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jan 17, 2008
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If this is true, not only have you fucked your own life up, and quite possibly the girls life, but your also bringing a child into such an unstable environment.

Frankly I think everyone in this thread has the right to call you a complete and utter duck tard. I'm sure you thought you were being all cool and clever at the time, and tbh this is one of the reasons why children aren't allowed to drink.

I seriously hope you grow up in the next 8 months. And your friends give you a right kick in the nuts so it doesn't happen again.

I blame the parents... and video games... dam sims!
I don't even know if it's mine yet... duck....
All is well...
Loyal Member
Feb 22, 2006
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What for flaming someone for having under age sex and bringing children into the world in such a bad situation?

I don't see how ANYONE could possibly support ninja in this, Ducking retarded thing to do!
Ducking owned ahaha
If he would have been serious about this he wouldn't have posted it in spamzilla =p
Either way I would say abort... child support = lose


Well kid.. take it like a man

/but why do you tell us this in a public forum... makes me doubt)


Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 30, 2007
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Lies and deception!
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jan 17, 2008
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Damn it all, I basically tore out my hair today, to find out she's not pregnant, she just wanted a cheap buck... duck!!! Eh, imma be off rz for a couple of days to recuperate. Damnitall! Can a mod ban or some poop, I don't want to see the posts of people taking shots at me while I'm down...
Mar 7, 2003
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Ducking owned ahaha
If he would have been serious about this he wouldn't have posted it in spamzilla =p
Either way I would say abort... child support = lose

Don't even think of saying abort! If you do the crime you should take the punishment. Killing the child is not the answer.

You should NOT be advising murder on a public forum. That baby has as much right to live as you did when you were a foetus. How would you like it if people told your mum to abort you?

Child support might be bad, but he should of thought about that at the time. Murder is not the solution to his problem. He should man up and marry the girl frankly, even if he doesn't love her he should do the honourable thing. The child should not pay for the mistakes of the parent.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jan 17, 2008
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Don't even think of saying abort! If you do the crime you should take the punishment. Killing the child is not the answer.

You should NOT be advising murder on a public forum. That baby has as much right to live as you did when you were a foetus. How would you like it if people told your mum to abort you?

Child support might be bad, but he should of thought about that at the time. Murder is not the solution to his problem. He should man up and marry the girl frankly, even if he doesn't love her he should do the honourable thing. The child should not pay for the mistakes of the parent.
Dude, she was never Ducking pregnant, my head hurts, please someone close this thread so I don't hear "I told you so" like 500 times...
Mar 7, 2003
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Dude, she was never Ducking pregnant, my head hurts, please someone close this thread so I don't hear "I told you so" like 500 times...

And you think you don't deserve the I told you so speech?

Admit it, you were just bullshitting us to make yourself sound big. You couldn't simple say you had sex because we'd have still taken the piss so you used the old I got someone pregnant routine. Don't you think we have seen this before?

I hope you do take a few days off RZ to have a think about this. Under age sex is not a joke! Using it to make you look cooler is not acceptable. The laws are not only there to protect you and your peers but also to stop children ending up being parents. What kind of life do you think it is for a child having 15-16 year old parents?
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