Initiate Mage
Hey is anyone familiar with Habbo Dice Functionality on Shockwave, I am in need of assistance. I am trying to develop a program to help to be able to script certain dice values so its easy to setup furni grabbers without constantly having to roll the number needed.
If anyone has an understanding of shockwave and how to create some sort of script please message me or reply below.
Thanks in advance!
I have found the scripts I need to edit if someone would be willing to assist that would be greatly appreciated. I am basically looking to be able to create a rigging script for my retro to help assist me on dice rolling.
If anyone has an understanding of shockwave and how to create some sort of script please message me or reply below.
Thanks in advance!
I have found the scripts I need to edit if someone would be willing to assist that would be greatly appreciated. I am basically looking to be able to create a rigging script for my retro to help assist me on dice rolling.
Script #1: hh_room.cct -> E-Dice Class
property pActive, pValue
on prepare me, tdata
pActive = 1
pValue = integer(tdata[#stuffdata])
if not integerp(pValue) then
pValue = 1
end if
if pValue > 6 then
pValue = 6
end if
if pValue < 0 then
pValue = 0
end if
return 1
on select me
if me.pSprList.count < 2 then
return 0
end if
if rollover(me.pSprList[2]) then
if the doubleClick then
tUserObj = getThread(#room).getComponent().getOwnUser()
if not tUserObj then
return 1
end if
if (abs(tUserObj.pLocX - me.pLocX) > 1) or (abs(tUserObj.pLocY - me.pLocY) > 1) then
repeat with tX = me.pLocX - 1 to me.pLocX + 1
repeat with tY = me.pLocY - 1 to me.pLocY + 1
if (tY = me.pLocY) or (tX = me.pLocX) then
if getThread(#room).getInterface().getGeometry().emptyTile(tX, tY) then
getThread(#room).getComponent().getRoomConnection().send("MOVE", [#short: tX, #short: tY])
return 1
end if
end if
end repeat
end repeat
if pActive = 0 then
getThread(#room).getComponent().getRoomConnection().send("THROW_DICE", me.getID())
end if
end if
end if
if rollover(me.pSprList[1]) and the doubleClick and (pActive = 0) then
getThread(#room).getComponent().getRoomConnection().send("DICE_OFF", me.getID())
return 1
end if
end if
return 1
on diceThrown me, tValue
pActive = 1
if tValue > 0 then
pValue = tValue
pValue = tValue
end if
on update me
if pActive then
the itemDelimiter = "_"
tMemName = me.pSprList[2]
tClass = tMemName.item[1..tMemName.item.count - 6]
if me.pSprList.count < 2 then
end if
tsprite = me.pSprList[2]
if pValue < 0 then
if tsprite.castNum = getmemnum(tClass & "_b_0_1_1_0_7") then
tmember = member(getmemnum(tClass & "_b_0_1_1_0_0"))
tmember = member(getmemnum(tClass & "_b_0_1_1_0_7"))
end if
tmember = member(getmemnum(tClass & "_b_0_1_1_0_" & pValue))
pActive = 0
end if
tsprite.castNum = tmember.number
tsprite.width = tmember.width
tsprite.height = tmember.height
end if
Script #2: hh_room.cct -> Furniture Edicehc Class
property pActive, pValue, pAnimStart, pChanges
on prepare me, tdata
pChanges = 1
pAnimStart = 0
pValue = integer(tdata[#stuffdata])
if not integerp(pValue) then
pValue = 1
end if
if (pValue > 6) or (pValue < 0) then
pValue = 0
end if
return 1
on select me
if me.pSprList.count < 2 then
return 0
end if
if rollover(me.pSprList[2]) then
if the doubleClick then
tUserObj = getThread(#room).getComponent().getOwnUser()
if not tUserObj then
return 1
end if
if (abs(tUserObj.pLocX - me.pLocX) > 1) or (abs(tUserObj.pLocY - me.pLocY) > 1) then
repeat with tX = me.pLocX - 1 to me.pLocX + 1
repeat with tY = me.pLocY - 1 to me.pLocY + 1
if (tY = me.pLocY) or (tX = me.pLocX) then
if getThread(#room).getInterface().getGeometry().emptyTile(tX, tY) then
getThread(#room).getComponent().getRoomConnection().send("MOVE", [#short: tX, #short: tY])
return 1
end if
end if
end repeat
end repeat
if pActive = 0 then
getThread(#room).getComponent().getRoomConnection().send("THROW_DICE", me.getID())
end if
end if
end if
if rollover(me.pSprList[1]) and the doubleClick and (pActive = 0) then
getThread(#room).getComponent().getRoomConnection().send("DICE_OFF", me.getID())
return 1
end if
end if
return 1
on diceThrown me, tValue
pChanges = 1
pValue = tValue
if pValue < 0 then
pValue = 0
pActive = 1
end if
return 1
on update me
if me.pSprList.count < 3 then
end if
if pChanges = 0 then
end if
tName = me.pSprList[2]
tDelim = the itemDelimiter
the itemDelimiter = "_"
tClass = tName.item[1..tName.item.count - 6]
the itemDelimiter = tDelim
if pActive then
tSprite1 = me.pSprList[2]
tSprite2 = me.pSprList[3]
tMember2 = member(getmemnum(tClass & "_c_0_1_1_0_1"))
if pValue <= 0 then
if tSprite1.castNum = getmemnum(tClass & "_b_0_1_1_0_7") then
tMember1 = member(getmemnum(tClass & "_b_0_1_1_0_0"))
tMember1 = member(getmemnum(tClass & "_b_0_1_1_0_7"))
end if
tMember1 = member(getmemnum(tClass & "_b_0_1_1_0_" & pValue))
pActive = 0
pChanges = 1
end if
tSprite1 = me.pSprList[2]
tSprite2 = me.pSprList[3]
tMember1 = tSprite1.member
if integer(pValue) = 0 then
tMember2 = member(getmemnum(tClass & "_c_0_1_1_0_0"))
tMember1 = member(getmemnum(tClass & "_b_0_1_1_0_" & pValue))
tMember2 = member(getmemnum(tClass & "_c_0_1_1_0_1"))
end if
pChanges = 0
end if
tSprite1.member = tMember1
tSprite1.width = tMember1.width
tSprite1.height = tMember1.height
tSprite2.member = tMember2
tSprite2.width = tMember2.width
tSprite2.height = tMember2.height
return 1
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