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[PC] League of Legends - General Talk

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Loyal Member
May 25, 2006
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I have seen a lot of trists lately. Is it because of the rapid fire buff?

Ahri fail... she doesnt have all her tails.
It has a lot to do with her rapid fire. Since it no longer kills 1/3rd her mana and still had the same CD, she can now pressure lanes and push rather than forcing the fight or flight (rapid fire, or jump out). Add better adc itemization, and she is super viable without being over powered. A lot of the issue now it's that players don't know how her counter play works
Sep 10, 2003
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I'm really considering maining ADC, just did a game on ADC because everyone was poop at it apparently, went tristana, even though I haven't played her for like a year, and that was AP Tristana as well. I had an idiot support Thresh, first 5 minutes afk under tower, didn't ward, even when he had a sightstone he just constantly forgot to ward, as in not putting down any wards, not putting them down to scout and also not even putting them down when I told him to put down. I mean he put down 13 wards in a 37 minute game, that's with a early sightstone. This should be at least 30, especially because you normally reposition wards quite often.
To add to that, he kept going in like an idiot, we had a Lucian/Karma lane, and if you follow up with your Q, Karma is gonna W you, and since he wouldn't leave a lantern behind, I had to W to go in, but since he died so quickly, I just continued farming, because it was the only way to not be useless myself lategame.

Still, I didn't suck, I farmed up, properly last hitted (he made me miss a few because he had relic and didn't time last hit properly, I really dislike relic on Thresh, it is good, but because you don't get the damage bonus, it's really annoying to plan, both for adc and sup)

I just had another game with Trist, now I had a blitz that fed 4 kills to vayne (fb, then 2 while they waiting and taking our blue, then intentionally fed 1 in lane because he went full troll, then he trolled other lanes because I told him to duck off), yet I was still able to out farm a vayne/thresh combo 1v2. Obviously she was much stronger, but still.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 29, 2013
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I've been playing PBE alot recently, just to play the champs I don't have unlocked and test the runes/masteries I don't have.

A level 20 doesn't get everything :D
Staff member
Mar 5, 2012
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Cait main but I play a mean Ashe, she's just not a great pick that often. also good with Tristana, Ezreal, Sivir, MF, Jinx, and Vayne.

Ashe really doens't have the damage output the other adcs do but low her kiting potential. I main Tristana adc but really want to learn Caitlyn but she just seems like she is shooting a pea shooter mid game.
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2011
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You should try out Vayne. Pretty damn beast character. I like him out of all the ADC's. But usually play Ashe.

Benn trying to work on my jungle and mid game these days. Can do pretty well in top lane.

Vayne is best suited for agro-type players( solo or duo ). If you are more of a kiter then ashe is good. ( Ezreal da best :p )

You guys have fun playing LoL =)
Master Summoner
Jun 27, 2012
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You should try out Vayne. Pretty damn beast character. I like him out of all the ADC's. But usually play Ashe.

Benn trying to work on my jungle and mid game these days. Can do pretty well in top lane.

You should be banned from LoL for calling the vampire hunter a he!

This is my order of damage output for ADCs (with all items):
Draven>Vayne>Jinx>Ezreal>Varus>Twitch>Lucian>Miss Fortune>Caitlyn>Ashe

I personally hate playing ADC because I cant farm well. Playing on a laptop with 18 fps and a ping 140 doesnt help the cause either.
Sep 10, 2003
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Vayne is best suited for agro-type players( solo or duo ). If you are more of a kiter then ashe is good. ( Ezreal da best :p )

You guys have fun playing LoL =)
Vayne requires a lot of skill and patience early game though. You cannot afford to lose your lane, nor can the other lanes, because if you can't go late, she's useless.

If you play with Vayne, you need something like an Alistar who can keep you safe, help you farm under tower with Relic when they push in, and heal you up, otherwise it can get very hard, especially with the likes of Cait against you.
Staff member
Apr 3, 2009
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Yeah just remembered he is actually a she.

But Vayne really does take damn skill to use. I like using harder champions though, might not be for others. Funny enough I did have to play a Vayne and Alistar combo bot and it didn't go pretty.Once she got farmed up it was gg no re.
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2011
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Vayne requires a lot of skill and patience early game though. You cannot afford to lose your lane, nor can the other lanes, because if you can't go late, she's useless.

If you play with Vayne, you need something like an Alistar who can keep you safe, help you farm under tower with Relic when they push in, and heal you up, otherwise it can get very hard, especially with the likes of Cait against you.
Totally right. But that is with almost any adc. You do not want to lose your lane. If you get shutdown, and you know your opponent can pwn you. What one should do is farm jungle too.

Yeah just remembered he is actually a she.

But Vayne really does take damn skill to use. I like using harder champions though, might not be for others. Funny enough I did have to play a Vayne and Alistar combo bot and it didn't go pretty.Once she got farmed up it was gg no re.

I just loved playing vayne. Was my main adc.
Staff member
Mar 5, 2012
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You should be banned from LoL for calling the vampire hunter a he!

This is my order of damage output for ADCs (with all items):
Draven>Vayne>Jinx>Ezreal>Varus>Twitch>Lucian>Miss Fortune>Caitlyn>Ashe

I personally hate playing ADC because I cant farm well. Playing on a laptop with 18 fps and a ping 140 doesnt help the cause either.

Why you miss out tristana.

Only thing is Draven, Vayne and Ezreal all have the potential to have high damage but you need to be very skilled. Catching your axes in a team fight is much harder than when in lane because sometimes your axes can make you move out of position and Ezreal you have to hit your q, every time or he loses out on quite a bit of damage. I would actually move Lucian because he has very high burst and so does caitlyn with her passive procs with a crit.
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2011
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Totally forgot about Lucian. He is the best in lane and off. Great bully. Is he fixed now? heheh
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Staff member
Mar 5, 2012
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Totally forgot about Lucian. He is the best in lane and off. Great bully. Is he fixed now?

He got his range reduced but extremely mobile now. His E has no mana cost and the cool down gets reduced by 1 second per bullet of his passive (2 on a champion) so 4 seconds if your passive procs on a champion then you get cool down reduction boots now because Lucian doesn't need the attack speed boots like other adc's so he can have his e up so quick with 2 passive procs.
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2011
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Is his build the same? Like TF > bortk > AS > whisper > GA?
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2011
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Yea ghostblade active makes him so good at pwn mode( with his ultimate ) . If the enemy team is tanky then go Whisper. Usually I go with GA first. ( used to go )