Question current Emus

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
century prime
I have a question about the current capabilities of the emulators.

I had an idea of playing around with the settings (moding) to create my own version of the game with the same graphics, same characters, or are the emulators only capable of emulating the real game?
If modding, I'd suggest you use eAthena for the server. When it comes to the client, sure you can mod the grfs and stuff, however, you may get sued by gravity for using their client and graphics.
You can get sued by any game owner for running a server lol
Trust me if you don't have more than 1k there's practically no risk at all considering all the other servers out there

But yah, eA is awesome. If you wanted you guild remake every graphic and map and basically have a completely new game with it. There's only so much you can do clientside and only so much server side. So it depends on what you wanted to do (I still recommend eA for anything)
I ran a very successful server (spyro) for a good time with no lawsuits.
my basic idea would be to create countries out of the regions and break the classes up into alliances and have full pvp.