[Release] Tera-Shock Java-Server | Rev. 218413

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 2, 2010
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BDHbJqq - [Release] Tera-Shock Java-Server | Rev. 218413 - RaGEZONE Forums

Thanks to gda123123 for the video.

The private free server ( ) is closed now, and they free the source.

Here is:

Ready Server + Database (rev.218413):


Recent fixes:
1. Poison Blade - reduced chance
3. Raised mana regen
4. Fixed skill Staggering Counter

1. Spring Attack - damage increased by 10%
2. Lockdown Blow - Increased the damage by 10%
3. Onslaught - Increased the damage by 20%

1. Added a chance of overturning
2. Fixed the skill Measured Slice

1. Thrall of Wrath:
The lifetime of the pet - 3 minutes
Rollback - 5 minutes

2. Thrall of Life:
The lifetime of the pet - 30 seconds
Rollback - 3 minutes

3. Raised mana regen


1. Incendinary Trap - Increased the damage by 20%
2. increase the thickness of the arrows at all skill of the archer
3. Raised mana regen
4. Slow Trap set immediately
5. Chance Paison Arrow reduced


1. Increased the movement speed in combat by 5%
2. Increased the attack speed by 5%
3. Raised mana regen

Source: [url]http://teraonline.org/247-obnovlenie-271014-rev-405711.html[/url]

Client + Patch:

Localhost Tutorial:

1.- Download "Ready Server + Database".

2.- In this, create a database, for example: terax1.

3.- Upload terax1.sql to terax1 database.

4.- Goto serverfolder/config/database.xml and edit:

58YoQCN - [Release] Tera-Shock Java-Server | Rev. 218413 - RaGEZONE Forums

Localhost is the host of MysqlServer and terax1 the name of the Database.

WavD3Gu - [Release] Tera-Shock Java-Server | Rev. 218413 - RaGEZONE Forums

Value = username of the MySQL Server.

E63N4y9 - [Release] Tera-Shock Java-Server | Rev. 218413 - RaGEZONE Forums

Value = password of the MySQL Server.

5.- Then, Run the StarGameServer in the main server folder. Wait until the "Gameserver Started" appear.

6.- Ready, the server is ON.

7.- Now, in the htdocs/www folder (Necessary a WAMP Server, ex: XAMPP), create a folder "server" and create a new TXT with this inside:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <category sort="1">PVE</category>
        <name raw_name="Tera Project">
            <![CDATA[Tera Project]]>
        <crowdness sort="1">No</crowdness>
        <open sort="1">Low</open>
            <![CDATA[Unable to access the server at this time.]]>

8.- Then save the file with ".en" extension, and rename it to "serverlist", the final file is "serverlist.en".

NOTE: IMPORTANT, THE PATH OF THIS IS %WAMPSERVER%/www/server, so this links "" must be works to you, if not, something you did wrong.

7.- For enter in the server is necessary the Client, this is in "Client + Patch" link.

8.- If all is downloaded, put this two files in the Client Folder.

Thanks to TieLay for those files.

9.- You can edit the BAT-FILE with yours user and password hash. All works, because the "autocreate account" is ON by default.

10.- Execute the BAT-FILE, and enjoy.

Multiplayer tutorial:

Do all the same of Localhost Tutorial, but edit this files:

1.- The database.xml file, edit with the respective Host, database name, user, and password.

2.- Upload this web:

Thanks to nicolasn1 for this.

3.- Go to WebFolder/core/connect/ and edit database.php file:

SR7m1WD - [Release] Tera-Shock Java-Server | Rev. 218413 - RaGEZONE Forums

Host = IP of MySQL Server.
Username = Username of MySQL Server.
Password = Password of MySQL Server.
dbname = The name of DataBase.

4.- Go to Navicat or PhpMyAdmin, and execute this SQL Query in your database, ex: terax1.

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `accounts`
-- ----------------------------
Create TABLE `accounts` (
`AccountId` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`login` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`password` varchar(256) CHARACTER SET latin1 DEFAULT '',
`email` varchar(45) CHARACTER SET latin1 DEFAULT 'null@null',
`access_level` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`end_pay` bigint(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`end_block` bigint(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`last_ip` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`allow_ips` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '*',
`comments` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`LastOnlineUtc` bigint(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`EmailVerify` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
`PasswordRecovery` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`Coins` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`Ip` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
`Membership` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`isGM` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

PRIMARY KEY (`AccountId`),
KEY `access_level` (`access_level`)
Thanks to nicolasn1 for this.

4.- Edit the serverlist.en file with the Public IP, not localhost or and upload it to %WAMPSERVER%/www/server. Same in Localhost Tutorial, the must be work, if not, you did it something wrong.

5.- Then, you must download this launcher:

Thanks to gda123123 for this.

6.- Extract in Client Folder, and execute "Generator.exe".

B1rawWn - [Release] Tera-Shock Java-Server | Rev. 218413 - RaGEZONE Forums

In this, edit to you ServerPath, I recommend: .

7.- Start you server, wait until "Gameserver started".

8.- Go to url for the Web, uploaded in the step 2.

9.- Register a New Account.

10.- If you want a GM Account, go to your database, ex: terax1, characters tab, and edit access level to 100.

11.- Start teraLauncher.exe, put your username and password, click in Play.

12.- Enjoy.

Tools for Tera-Shock:

English Distance Control

How to Use:

1.- In serverfolder/config/DistanceControl.xml

NU8Riqm - [Release] Tera-Shock Java-Server | Rev. 218413 - RaGEZONE Forums

2.- Verify this:
DIST_CONTROL_ENABLED = Must be in "True".
DIST_CONTROL_PORT = Port of the distance control, default "2101".
DIST_CONTROL_LOGIN = Username for distance control, default "root".
DIST_CONTROL_PASSWORD = Password for distance control, default "df1sdf7d852cs".

3.- When you change whatever you need, download:

Thanks to Bola for this release.

4.- Extract, and open config.xml.

gUB1rm1 - [Release] Tera-Shock Java-Server | Rev. 218413 - RaGEZONE Forums

DEFAULT_HOST = The host of your server.
DEFAULT_LOGIN = Username of DistanceControl.xml,
DEFAULT_PASSWORD = Password of DistanceControl.xml.
DEFAULT_PORT = Port of DistanceControl.xml.

5.- When you edit all of this, open Teramanager.jar.

6.- All ready, control your Server.

I will write a detailed info about this Distance Control... someday.[/COLOR


[B]Resourse Commands (Access Level: 100)[/B]

[B]Config Commands (Access Level: 100)[/B]

[B]World Commands (Access Level: 100)[/B]

[B]Skill Commands (Access Level: 100)[/B]

[B]Heal Commands (Access Level: 100)[/B]

[B]Developer Commands (Access Level: 100)[/B]

[B]Item Commands (Access Level:100)[/B]

[B]User Commands (Access Level: 0)[/B]

[B]Censore Commands (Access Level: 40)[/B]

[B]Summon Commands (Access Level: 100)[/B]

[B]Quest Commands (Access Level: 100)[/B]

[B]Var Commands (Access Level: 100)[/B]

[B]NPC Commands (Access Level: 100)[/B]

Tera-Shock Server Tutorial by Kaze is licensed under a
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Re: [Release] Tera Server Java (v218413) teraonline.org

Thanks guys :)

This link is correctly? http://teraonline.org/247-obnovlenie...ev-405711.html is in russian or I don't know, and I don't find any source :(

How I can put my ip hosts, and how I can log into gameserver for play in tera?


You can host it by exactly the same old way
just remember to match the server port
Already Host this source and play with friends for 2 days
Incredible battle experience, just like official server
Skill,Quest,Mob, almost everything work fine(haven't find any issue so far)
except climbing and achievement
but Tera-Shock already remove any quest that you need to climb
so..basically, You can play through the game process and story without major issue.
totally enjoyable
TERA_ScreenShot_20150521_193157 - [Release] Tera-Shock Java-Server | Rev. 218413 - RaGEZONE Forums

I was playing Witcher III 2 days ago
but now,I Play Tera all day, nice game
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Re: [Release] Tera Server Java (v218413) teraonline.org

thanks gda123123 but I like set ip of java gameserver to 192.168.x.x and I don't find this option. And for a localhost login I don't know what I need to have a correct connection :(.

I'm playing GTA V in 4k, max specs, a funny game :).
Re: [Release] Tera Server Java (v218413) teraonline.org

You can host it by exactly the same old way
just remember to match the server port
Already Host this source and play with friends for 2 days
Incredible battle experience, just like official server
Skill,Quest,Mob, almost everything work fine(haven't find any issue so far)
except climbing and achievement
but Tera-Shock already remove any quest that you need to climb
so..basically, You can play through the game process and story without major issue.
totally enjoyable
View attachment 151981

I was playing Witcher III 2 days ago
but now,I Play Tera all day, nice game

what client are you using? and what launcher are you using?
Re: [Release] Tera Server Java (v218413) teraonline.org

thanks gda123123 but I like set ip of java gameserver to 192.168.x.x and I don't find this option. And for a localhost login I don't know what I need to have a correct connection :(.

I'm playing GTA V in 4k, max specs, a funny game :).

of course you can host a public server
like I said, I host a public server and play with my friends.
you don't have to set any ip in game server file
just make client connect to your server
Re: [Release] Tera Server Java (v218413) teraonline.org

Yep, a catch problem too
So i use launchers from neighborhood projects on RAGEZONE, but can't launch client correctly/
So question still open - how launch TERA Client correctly ?

P.S. Sorry 4 my bed Inglish.
Re: [Release] Tera Server Java (v218413) teraonline.org

Skkont where do I find the commands to Adm GM this source friend

You can also help post a tuturial on how to compile this source
Re: [Release] Tera Server Java (v218413) teraonline.org

Here the GM commands ( java\game\tera\gameserver\scripts\commands )
Re: [Release] Tera Server Java (v218413) teraonline.org

Ready Server + Database (rev.218413) is already the latest version.
you can just run the server without compile the source
Every nessasary files are already appear in Tera-Release section
You need to modify the old laucher and web documents to match this server
I'm re-coding a new launcher and new website for this server
but not ready yet (busy playing)
Or I'll just post a simple tutorial for setting up this server(maybe someone would do that before I do it myself)
everyone care about battle system,I uploaded a video for it.

you can really enjoy those attack and skill combo, evasive mob's attack, perfect battle experience

BTW..map climb works

TERA_ScreenShot_20150522_023649 - [Release] Tera-Shock Java-Server | Rev. 218413 - RaGEZONE Forums
Re: [Release] Tera Server Java (v218413) teraonline.org

Hello, I am concerned about this emulator. I want to use this emulator in the French language, should I make changes directly on the servers files or should I use a French client.

Sorry for my english.
Re: [Release] Tera Server Java (v218413) teraonline.org

Hello, I am concerned about this emulator. I want to use this emulator in the French language, should I make changes directly on the servers files or should I use a French client.

Sorry for my english.

TERA_ScreenShot_20150522_052705 - [Release] Tera-Shock Java-Server | Rev. 218413 - RaGEZONE Forums

You don't have to do anything
just simply enter game with French option
everything will be French, even voice in cutscene would be in French
Re: [Release] Tera Server Java (v218413) teraonline.org

Okay so using the Tera_shock client ( .torrent ) everything works. Concerning the / java / game / tera / gameserver I saw that he had translated so he is useful phrases to translate ?

a big thank you for your help
Re: [Release] Tera Server Java (v218413) teraonline.org

where to Get a working client, it seems the link from tera shock client is not working.
Re: [Release] Tera Server Java (v218413) teraonline.org

where to Get a working client, it seems the link from tera shock client is not working.

Original Torrent is totally work, just download with BT software