[COLOR=#3f7f5f]// биндим порт[/COLOR]
network.bind(new InetSocketAddress("192.168.0.XXX", 15141));
<category sort="2">PVP</category>
<name raw_name="Tera Test -Beta PvP">
<=!=[=C=D=A=T=A=[ Tera Test -Beta PvP ]=]=>
<crowdness sort="1">No</crowdness>
<open sort="1">Low</open>
<=!=[=C=D=A=T=A=[ Unable to access the server at this time. ]=]=>
Yeah same question about dungeons, as far as I could find only kesiek nest is working or atlest in the server files, is there any way to implement other dungeons?
Is it the classic version of Tera? Do you have the server version for Linux?