[Release] Tera-Shock Java-Server | Rev. 218413

how can i set on public ip ?
the client connecting via 192.168.0.xxx but not connecting with public ip
The client freeze for 1 moment and say can't connect.

I need to edit the launcher or the server source ?

up :
i found this line :
[COLOR=#3f7f5f]// биндим порт[/COLOR]
i changed like this but same happened :

network.bind(new InetSocketAddress("192.168.0.XXX", 15141));
webserver cnf :
<category sort="2">PVP</category>
<name raw_name="Tera Test -Beta PvP">
<=!=[=C=D=A=T=A=[ Tera Test -Beta PvP ]=]=>


<crowdness sort="1">No</crowdness>
<open sort="1">Low</open>
<=!=[=C=D=A=T=A=[ Unable to access the server at this time. ]=]=>


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You shuold go take P5YLO repack, he has made a tutorial on yt. After your server is correctly setup, make sure to open the ports (11101, 80) for both tcp and udp. Then setup your vhost, the json for neolauncher, or custom launcher. Then you should be good to go.
Do anyone have a tool that can unpack Terashock datacenter into xml files then repack them? ive tried multiple things but all failed, Terascanner to working and Datacenter tool can't seem to be able to extract the IV and Key, it gives me an empty window as result...
Only Teraemu helped a bit, giving me a .bin, but I got no idea how to repack it, and guess that doing modifications directly into .bin ain't very wise...
Try this
It worked for me:
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Hello, thanks for the reply!
The python3 one not produce any output for me and with just python am getting an error, did try it like this, with and without args:
python3 unpack
python unpack

The java one telling me that IV and Key ain't correct, same if I take the keys from the python one :/
I've tried getting these by using Tera scanner, and the Datacenter Tool from Gothos, but after the process, the Key and IV are empty...
And I don't know how to get those yet :(
I updated the gameserver files with the visibility fix now cause some people asked on ytube, and have problems with re-compiling the java version...
I have had my problems too so far, cause you know i hate Java IDE but i manged it somehow just some .xml skill file errors appear in gameserver not sure if the were there before but after a first try game looked working fine... ^^

i will repack them and do a fresh update of the links on the ytube video with the tutorial...
and adding the latest neoLauncher Files

but i think i try to make a new updated video including downloading client from mega with the 5GB trasfer volume workaround

just be a bit patient 1-2 days... im totally drunk for now...
Hi everyone!

Please forgive me for necroing this thread but help would be appreciated. I got stuck with the step 3. xampp Setup i get this when i open it:
fjeb9tB - [Release] Tera-Shock Java-Server | Rev. 218413 - RaGEZONE Forums

Does anyone know what i messed up?
And here's the video i followed: watch?v=s1KGhjmKXH8
shit... ^^ just wrote long text and RZ.. refreshed page and everything was gone... doing it now short...

checks line.. 311-313 in file install.php where your error is....
seems like count(blablaslashes) = count function checks slash/backslashs etc...

seems like you are using a portable version and its just a warning.... maybe it has no problems
you can try starting xampp -> apache and mysql (should be the next step)
if it works and you can reach the website it shouldnt be any problem
then take it just as an information warning ^^

but its always a bad idea (in my eyes) to use directorys with (much) spaces in the name
like yours..."Game Library" or "TERA Online" or "Tera Private Server"
i know it looks good... ^^ but sometimes program just dont like spaces ^^

its always a good idea to prevent spaces in directory names and use "_" underscores or even dots
"Game_Library" ... or "E:\TERA_SERVER\..." or "Tera_Shock_Server" or "E:\Game.Library"

alternatively just write it with Upper&Lower naming like... "E:\TeraShockServer\..." .. "E:\GameLibrary\..."

just try if you can reach the webiste if it works its okay.. and forget it...
but my advice..
try copying everything to a simpler path...like "E:\TeraServer" or "E:\Tera_Shock_Server" something like that and run setup_xampp again...
And no problem at all and works just fine! But still thank you for your time and help it did me a big favor and finally can play a bit of Tera.

Dungeons are not implemented yet or have been cut out from this version?
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Yeah same question about dungeons, as far as I could find only kesiek nest is working or atlest in the server files, is there any way to implement other dungeons?