Here's a reupload to the unedited client, I'll leave these links up until/if they get pulled down. Password is my username

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

I am getting invalid encryption key using the username as the key in mega.
how to i "Create a website Website name such as "WebApp" Physical path D:\WEBAPP"
i dont know how to create the website
please help and teach me thks u
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Finally restored the f*** Sirjuka Gallery Teleportal, i'll post the fix in some hours

Tiberium - [RELEASE ]TERA v100.02 RETAIL FILES - RaGEZONE Forums

Tiberium - [RELEASE ]TERA v100.02 RETAIL FILES - RaGEZONE Forums

In NpcData_72.xml replace the existing <Template id="1451" with this one

<Template id="1451" stopOnIdelInDungeon="true" villager="true" name="Sirjuka Gallery Teleportal" shapeId="600920" basicActionId="200010" race="object" aiid="100" scale="0.625000" questVillager="false" resourceType="medium" resourceSize="100" size="medium" class="" collideOnMove="true" invincible="true" lifeTime="0" spawnScriptId="0" despawnScriptId="0" pcDespawnScriptId="0" dontTurn="true" hideQuestId="0" appearQuestId="0" isObjectNpc="false" isWideBroadcaster="false" villagerVolumeOffset="" villagerVolumeActiveRange="0.000000" villagerVolumeHalfHeight="0.000000" villagerVolumeInteractionDist="0.000000" balanceType="" partyMember="0" playStyle="" elite="false" isFreeNamed="false" showAggroTarget="false" showShorttermTarget="false" isLightParty="false">
        <Abnormality strA="50.000000" resA="40.000000" strB="50.000000" resB="40.000000" strC="50.000000" resC="40.000000" strD="50.000000" resD="40.000000"/>
        <Stat maxHp="10000" walkSpeed="60" runSpeed="110" atk="50" def="2000" exp="1" level="40" epExp="0" ignoreDefaultEpExp="false"/>
        <NamePlate deathNameplateHeight="0" nameplateHeight="0"/>
        <StackPoint maxStackPoint="10" minStackPointRequire="3" stackPointPeriod="8000"/>
        <AbnormalityResistanceOverride resetTime="60000">
            <Abnormality kind="5" initRes="40.000000" incRes="3.000000"/>
            <Abnormality kind="6" initRes="50.000000" incRes="3.000000"/>
            <Abnormality kind="7" initRes="30.000000" incRes="3.000000"/>
        <Aggro cancelLinkedBehaviorWhenAggroChange="false" hateSkillCategoryName="" viewRadius="200" viewAngle="360" sightRangeAggroWeight="1.300000" hateSkillAggroWeight="1.000000" bigReactionAggroWeight="0.500000" aggroSendToClanDistance="300" clanName="" aggroSendToPartyDistance="400" aggroSendRate="1.000000" aggroSendStackRate="0.100000" aggroSendStackRateWhenFirstAttacked="2.000000" aggroIgnoreClanName="false" aggroReceiveOnlyInSight="false" aggroReceiveRate="0.500000"/>
        <Anger gaugeSize="403799" time="16633" moveSpeedUpRate="1.600000" accumRateWhenHpLow="1.000000" accumRateWhenHpMed="1.000000" accumRateWhenHpHigh="1.000000" modeOnProbabilityWhenPartyMemberDead="0.200000"/>
        <BalanceRef ignoreAttr=""/>
        <Critical str="30.000000" res="180.000000" powRate="1.500000"/>
        <CriticalAdjust front="1.000000" right="1.200000" left="1.200000" back="1.600000"/>
        <NpcOnly onDeathSkill="0"/>
        <Reaction statStr="40.000000" statRes="150.000000" miniRes="100.000000" basicRes="100.000000" basicIncRes="0" basicGaugeResetTime="20000" maxBasicGauge="2000" maxAdditionalGauge="600000"/>

In TerritoryData_72.xml insert the following lines after instanceId="7200491"

Screenshot_118 - [RELEASE ]TERA v100.02 RETAIL FILES - RaGEZONE Forums

<Npc instanceId="7214510" desc="Sirjuka Gallery Teleportal" memberId="0" npcTemplateId="1451" battlefieldTeam="" ai="100" randomPos="false" spawnCount="1" pos="964.28967285,-8078.57617187,6841.21289063" offsetZ="0" dir="180" respawnTime="90000" delaySpawnTimeWhenWorldStart="0" isAggressiveMonster="false" viewRadius="200" viewAngle="360" alertRadius="400" alertAngle="360" aggroSendToClanDistance="300" aggroSendToPartyDistance="400" aggroSendToTerritory="" aggroReceiveOnlyInSight="false" aggroIgnorePartyId="" aggroShareGroupId="0" aggroTargetIsUserOnly="false" escapeLocation="0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000" isReturn="true" isReturnMyTerritory="false" conditionalSpawn="false" returnDistance="2000" questPatrol="false" peaceStateNoMoving="false" cautionStateNoMoving="false" voidSpawn="false" respawnRandomTime="20000" moveInTerritory="true" popupMsg="" msgProb="0.000000" msgInterval="0" msgBroadcastingChannel="false" excludeAggroLimit="false" aggroCopyFromNpc="" aggroCopyFromNpcDistance="0" isFlying="false" flyMoveSequenceId="0" interactionRuleId="0">
                    <PatrolList type="default" socialDuration="0" randomSocial="false"/>
                    <SocialSet checkInterval="0" probSocial="0.000000"/>

That's all, everything else is the same thing (Area, DungeonConstraint, NewWorldMapData etc)

Keep in mind this only works with 32bit TERA (92.03/04), would work with 100.02 too, but as far as i know the dungeon itself don't work.
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Keep in mind this only works with 32bit TERA (92.03/04), would work with 100.02 too, but as far as i know the dungeon itself don't work.

Correct. On 100.02 the client crashes if you try to enter. Seems the only things that are not working on 100.02 are:
Suryati's Peak
Sigil Adstringo
Sirjuka Gallery

Everything else seems to work. But seeing as the server has no issues, is it only something missing in the client then?
1685158801689 - [RELEASE ]TERA v100.02 RETAIL FILES - RaGEZONE Forums

I heard that this location changed the link, and I couldn't find the changed location.
I want to edit the circled content and links in the image
Have you tried using for example AgentRansack, and searching through the unpacked DC folder and see where it will find that string? That is the easiest way for you to find where things are.
That message should be in the StrSheet_SystemMessage.xml from the unpacked DC. Make sure you unpacked the right DC file though (EUR, KOR etc)