Would you please be so kind and share it again, the link is no more working.
Thank you very much!
Would you please be so kind and share it again, the link is no more working.
Thank you very much!
In Robson's VM this is implemented https://forum.ragezone.com/f797/92-03-vmware-1198583/#post9085823
I will share it again, got sick and taken out of comission for the past 2 weeks. So I will post them again along with other things.
Thanks, I haven´t known that.
Use this, credits to dziobus!!To view the content, you need to sign in or register
Here's a reupload to the unedited client, I'll leave these links up until/if they get pulled down. Password is my username
To view the content, you need to sign in or registerPart 1
To view the content, you need to sign in or registerPart 2
To view the content, you need to sign in or registerPart 3
To view the content, you need to sign in or registerPart 4
To view the content, you need to sign in or registerPart 5
To view the content, you need to sign in or registerPart 6
To view the content, you need to sign in or registerPart 7
To view the content, you need to sign in or registerPart 8
To view the content, you need to sign in or registerPart 9
To view the content, you need to sign in or registerPart 10
I am getting invalid encryption key using the username as the key in mega.
<Template id="1451" stopOnIdelInDungeon="true" villager="true" name="Sirjuka Gallery Teleportal" shapeId="600920" basicActionId="200010" race="object" aiid="100" scale="0.625000" questVillager="false" resourceType="medium" resourceSize="100" size="medium" class="" collideOnMove="true" invincible="true" lifeTime="0" spawnScriptId="0" despawnScriptId="0" pcDespawnScriptId="0" dontTurn="true" hideQuestId="0" appearQuestId="0" isObjectNpc="false" isWideBroadcaster="false" villagerVolumeOffset="" villagerVolumeActiveRange="0.000000" villagerVolumeHalfHeight="0.000000" villagerVolumeInteractionDist="0.000000" balanceType="" partyMember="0" playStyle="" elite="false" isFreeNamed="false" showAggroTarget="false" showShorttermTarget="false" isLightParty="false">
<Abnormality strA="50.000000" resA="40.000000" strB="50.000000" resB="40.000000" strC="50.000000" resC="40.000000" strD="50.000000" resD="40.000000"/>
<Stat maxHp="10000" walkSpeed="60" runSpeed="110" atk="50" def="2000" exp="1" level="40" epExp="0" ignoreDefaultEpExp="false"/>
<NamePlate deathNameplateHeight="0" nameplateHeight="0"/>
<StackPoint maxStackPoint="10" minStackPointRequire="3" stackPointPeriod="8000"/>
<AbnormalityResistanceOverride resetTime="60000">
<Abnormality kind="5" initRes="40.000000" incRes="3.000000"/>
<Abnormality kind="6" initRes="50.000000" incRes="3.000000"/>
<Abnormality kind="7" initRes="30.000000" incRes="3.000000"/>
<Aggro cancelLinkedBehaviorWhenAggroChange="false" hateSkillCategoryName="" viewRadius="200" viewAngle="360" sightRangeAggroWeight="1.300000" hateSkillAggroWeight="1.000000" bigReactionAggroWeight="0.500000" aggroSendToClanDistance="300" clanName="" aggroSendToPartyDistance="400" aggroSendRate="1.000000" aggroSendStackRate="0.100000" aggroSendStackRateWhenFirstAttacked="2.000000" aggroIgnoreClanName="false" aggroReceiveOnlyInSight="false" aggroReceiveRate="0.500000"/>
<Anger gaugeSize="403799" time="16633" moveSpeedUpRate="1.600000" accumRateWhenHpLow="1.000000" accumRateWhenHpMed="1.000000" accumRateWhenHpHigh="1.000000" modeOnProbabilityWhenPartyMemberDead="0.200000"/>
<BalanceRef ignoreAttr=""/>
<Critical str="30.000000" res="180.000000" powRate="1.500000"/>
<CriticalAdjust front="1.000000" right="1.200000" left="1.200000" back="1.600000"/>
<NpcOnly onDeathSkill="0"/>
<Reaction statStr="40.000000" statRes="150.000000" miniRes="100.000000" basicRes="100.000000" basicIncRes="0" basicGaugeResetTime="20000" maxBasicGauge="2000" maxAdditionalGauge="600000"/>
<Npc instanceId="7214510" desc="Sirjuka Gallery Teleportal" memberId="0" npcTemplateId="1451" battlefieldTeam="" ai="100" randomPos="false" spawnCount="1" pos="964.28967285,-8078.57617187,6841.21289063" offsetZ="0" dir="180" respawnTime="90000" delaySpawnTimeWhenWorldStart="0" isAggressiveMonster="false" viewRadius="200" viewAngle="360" alertRadius="400" alertAngle="360" aggroSendToClanDistance="300" aggroSendToPartyDistance="400" aggroSendToTerritory="" aggroReceiveOnlyInSight="false" aggroIgnorePartyId="" aggroShareGroupId="0" aggroTargetIsUserOnly="false" escapeLocation="0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000" isReturn="true" isReturnMyTerritory="false" conditionalSpawn="false" returnDistance="2000" questPatrol="false" peaceStateNoMoving="false" cautionStateNoMoving="false" voidSpawn="false" respawnRandomTime="20000" moveInTerritory="true" popupMsg="" msgProb="0.000000" msgInterval="0" msgBroadcastingChannel="false" excludeAggroLimit="false" aggroCopyFromNpc="" aggroCopyFromNpcDistance="0" isFlying="false" flyMoveSequenceId="0" interactionRuleId="0">
<PatrolList type="default" socialDuration="0" randomSocial="false"/>
<SocialSet checkInterval="0" probSocial="0.000000"/>
Keep in mind this only works with 32bit TERA (92.03/04), would work with 100.02 too, but as far as i know the dungeon itself don't work.
Keep in mind this only works with 32bit TERA (92.03/04), would work with 100.02 too, but as far as i know the dungeon itself don't work.
What do you mean? you can't find where is StrSheet_SystemMessage.xml located?View attachment 236056
I heard that this location changed the link, and I couldn't find the changed location.
I want to edit the circled content and links in the imageWhat do you mean? you can't find where is StrSheet_SystemMessage.xml located?
Have you tried using for example AgentRansack, and searching through the unpacked DC folder and see where it will find that string? That is the easiest way for you to find where things are.I want to edit the circled content and links in the image
Guys plz seeding game client, speed so low.