Client links are down
Thanks! <3
Server Version: 5c077(branch:Live100_02_TW)Exception: %saccess violation(c0000005)

Go to arbiter server properties, then clic on compatibility and check execute as administrator.

I have the same problem, with same log, but launching it as administrator doesn't work.


Can anyone share rhe WebAppDB sql file? The backup file does not work for me and gives sql errors when importing to mssql


You don't have to import anything to MSSQL, just create the WebAppDB database and when you start the WebApp the first time it will auto populate by itself.

So, make sure to fulfill the correct database name and credentials in WebAppConfig.xml
What do you put for username here?

For add your server i suggest you to do it directly in you webappdb, table ServerList,

1719077308396 - [RELEASE ]TERA v100.02 RETAIL FILES - RaGEZONE Forums

adminPort: 8081
orderId: 1
planetId: 2800
serverName: you server name
serverNo: 1
connString: Data Source={SQL Server};Server=;Database=PlanetDB_2800;UID=sa;PWD=YOUR_MSSQL_PASSWORD
logDbConn: Data Source={SQL Server};Server=;Database=LogDB_2800;UID=sa;PWD=YOUR_MSSQL_PASSWORD
sharedDBConnString: Data Source={SQL Server};Server=;Database=SharedDB_2800;UID=sa;PWD=YOUR_MSSQL_PASSWORD
collectionDbConnString: Data Source={SQL Server};Server=;Database=CollectionDB_2800;UID=sa;PWD=YOUR_MSSQL_PASSWORD

Or use this query and replace it with your data,

INSERT INTO [dbo].[ServerList] ([adminAddr], [adminPort], [connString], [logDbConn], [mergeReportDbConn], [orderId], [planetId], [reportDbConn], [serverName], [serverNo], [sharedDBConnString], [collectionDbConnString]) VALUES (N'', 8081, N'Data Source={SQL Server};Server=;Database=PlanetDB_2800;UID=sa;PWD=YOUR_MSSQL_PASSWORD', N'Data Source={SQL Server};Server=;Database=LogDB_2800;UID=sa;PWD=YOUR_MSSQL_PASSWORD', NULL, 1, 2800, NULL, N'YOURSERVERNAME', 1, N'Data Source={SQL Server};Server=;Database=SharedDB_2800;UID=sa;PWD=YOUR_MSSQL_PASSWORD', N'Data Source={SQL Server};Server=;Database=CollectionDB_2800;UID=sa;PWD=YOUR_MSSQL_PASSWORD'));
Excuse me, newbie question but I can't find a final answer to this.
Are there source files for any version of client and server? Or all the clients I see packed here are leaks from official setups (and therefore they are immutable in their functionalities)?
And if that's true, how the various private servers (MT, Akeron, Starscape, etc.) can offer updates and added content to the game?
Thanks in advance for any hint.
Excuse me, newbie question but I can't find a final answer to this.
Are there source files for any version of client and server? Or all the clients I see packed here are leaks from official setups (and therefore they are immutable in their functionalities)?
And if that's true, how the various private servers (MT, Akeron, Starscape, etc.) can offer updates and added content to the game?
Thanks in advance for any hint.


AFAIK, there aren't any source leaks. Only server deployments leaks.

TERA is not hard to mod if you have working tools for do it. (Composite, GPK etc). Take in mind that tera devs were lazy as hell, they didnt inmutate to completely delete all the server/clients assets of "removed content" (Ex Sirjuta Gallery, Wonderhome, MCHM etc). they just disable it.

Almost everything is editable and since almost all the clients are still available even with the official servers closure, you can take components from those clients and "mod" your own client.

I think, the only skilled devs are on Menma since they "bring" really "original" content.

I could be wrong, ofc, but that's my pov.
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Almost everything is editable and since almost all the clients are still available even with the official servers closure, you can take components from those clients and "mod" your own client.
Oh my gosh.... I really haven't idea how it is possible.
One thing is to activate a disabled content (like, for example, a closed dungeon - although I can think of hundreds of ways things can broke and make the game stop working at all), another thing is to create new content or even new game mechanics, rules, etc.
To make a simple example: if the TERA executable is without sources, how can I add a gui element, or implement a new skill/spell? Without access to sources, it looks just plain impossible to me.

Anyway, thank you for the informations, much appreciated.

In your opinion, what is the extent one (let's consider a skilled software developer) can reasonably modify the core rules of the game, for example to add a new skill or alter meaningfully the behaviour of existing ones?
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