All done, download done.
Guys, haw many ram need for full run server without vm and swap?
Hello I just read the topic from the beginning I found people with the same problem as me but impossible with the same solution to have a good result:
problem =
2023-06-27 14:17:19 TopographyServer.exe --sharedmemoryproducer=true
2023-06-27 14:17:19 New LogFileWriter Key[0] PlanetId[0] ServerType[0] 06-27 -1:-1
2023-06-27 14:17:19 SVN Info: Live100_02_TW(376951)
2023-06-27 14:17:29 CreateFileMapping 실패 (5)
2023-06-27 14:17:29 지형을읽어들일수없습니다. 지형이 제대로 떠 있는지 확인바랍니다.
Solution Test without success =
Skip the bone in English - same
Try to start TopographyServer as admin - Nothing starts
I currently work on WIndows 10 pro I followed all the instructions I have the same SQL and Mysql version as the tutorials
I'm starting to dry up in terms of solution, please help me!!!
Thank you it works however I have another problem with arbiter =Check this, almost all of the ppl which i help with this error is because they set as admin the wrong file
Star Topography closes itself without fail. why?
D:\20200409-Live-92-04-01-server-HT\Executable\Bin in the file 1. StartTopography.exe When I run it, it waits for a while and closes and does not give any errors.I worked with the files I downloaded and the video installation.
Why U not User initial SQL-script, for creating clean databases with correct initial data?Thank you it works however I have another problem with arbiter =
2023-06-27 18:42:56 Update Planet Database ... ERROR. check a following message
Failed to validate planet DB (Step 0)
2023-06-27 18:42:57 Arbiter Db version after schema validation check: [375960]
2023-06-27 18:42:57 Synchronizing Planet Database error.
So I'm trying to search but I can't find any topic where the problem is the same!
I can open the service and enter the game normally, but some web programs cannot be opened.
I install WINSERVER2016 system, SQL2017. just need to import sql database. Then change the IP and SA password to enter the game normally.
if you install all on fresh clean OS so you need install ISS to get some web service to work properly also need install node and phyton.
this do not give to any of us any information and do not explain any thing.
So for me, there are two problems with your question! If you are looking to make a box that is given every day via itemClaim apart from going through the calendar or the connection event I don't see (or send it manually to all the players every day... well once there box made it's two clicks but it's boring)! and for me the second problem is that you want to implement an icon for the boxes... I don't know either but rather implement it why not replace one of the two it must be possible...When sending a box using the box web, we can select the icon that the user will see in the item claim window (GiftBox01.bmp & GiftBox02.bmp).
But i do remember that in EME version, you received daily Federation Bill via item claim and they used the Federation Bill item icon for that.
Does anyone know how to do this ?
When sending a box using the box web, we can select the icon that the user will see in the item claim window (GiftBox01.bmp & GiftBox02.bmp).
But i do remember that in EME version, you received daily Federation Bill via item claim and they used the Federation Bill item icon for that.
Does anyone know how to do this ?
I stopped playing in EME very long time ago, didn't knew they replaced it with fashion coupons.That's called "Mail Event" and can be setup from the WebApp
btw, federation bill's was decomisioned and replaced by Fashion Coupons
Also i don't remember to receive Federation Bills via item claim but mail
View attachment 244761
About the icon from the item claim, it use the icon from the CommonResources.dat, so i think if you put the federation bill icon there and set it in the api it could be used
I stopped playing in EME very long time ago, didn't knew they replaced it with fashion coupons.
Thanks for the answer, i'll look at that
Why can't the arbiterserver be started? hub, arb_gw starts, but nothing else starts, the window just closes without loading
Post the arbiter console logs