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rMap 2.7 - RYL Map Editing Software

Jul 19, 2006
Reaction score
rMap is a R.Y.L zone file (*.z3s) editor.

  • Ryl 1, 2 and RoW support.
  • Supports the modification of everything that's inside the file.
  • Cut-copy-paste anything and across multiple rMap instances. Basically you can copy objects from one zone to another.
  • Recent file list for fast opening.
  • Add and remove functionality so you can add new types to a zone which doesn't have any objects of that type yet.
  • Hotkeys: Ctrl+S for save, Ctrl+X,C,V for cut-copy-paste, Ctrl+O for opening, Delete for removing and Ctrl+A for add new object.
  • Excact placement for trees on a map
  • Map from where you can select any object
  • 3d window for viewing the models
  • Model browser from where you can easily see the names for any model
  • Crypto support (for RoW files)

Config file location: C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\AlphA

Runtime dependencies
.net 4.0 http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=17718
xna 4.0 http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=20914

Recommended System Requirements
CPU: Pentium 4 or equivalent
Memory: 2GB
Operating System: Windows XP / 7



  • ObjectSelector3 - rMap 2.7 - RYL Map Editing Software - RaGEZONE Forums
    49.7 KB · Views: 672
  • CryptoSupport - rMap 2.7 - RYL Map Editing Software - RaGEZONE Forums
    86.9 KB · Views: 603
  • ObjectEditor_rotation1 - rMap 2.7 - RYL Map Editing Software - RaGEZONE Forums
    205.3 KB · Views: 551
  • zone15 - rMap 2.7 - RYL Map Editing Software - RaGEZONE Forums
    187 KB · Views: 541
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Why not release RYL Src, its more crazy :P

alphaest - rMap 2.7 - RYL Map Editing Software - RaGEZONE Forums
wew...after the leak .. =.=
Oh i'm sorry. You can make your own map editor, leech, if you don't like mine.
I would hardly call it a leak when someone, who is in no legal binding with me and who bought the source from me, is sharing it with the world.

Why not release RYL Src, its more crazy :P
You must have me confused with someone else.
i know this moment will come .. Great Job AlphA , eventough someone released it before you the creator

And that was the only reason he did it, just because someone shared his programs source codes.

The RYL community should follow this example, and start sharing good materials, RYL is already dead, maybe with more quality servers, the game can regain his players.

Do you know the .z3m vertex format fully?

I need the vertex stucture between the XYZ and UV datas only (8*4 bytes).

Do you know the .z3m vertex format fully?

I need the vertex stucture between the XYZ and UV datas only (8*4 bytes).

i don't think AlphA will help you .. but keep tryin .. we really appreciate what you did to ryl community .. with respect of course....
I agree with ankhor...i really dont understand, why so many secrets about RYL...

There were no secrets. I made a soft i could turn into profit. I did it until i could. And now i'd rather have people get the program from the creator than a random dude.
And don't turn me into the villain here, there's servers out there making a neat profit into their pocket. If i could've filtered out who makes profit and who doesn't and sell accordingly, i would've.


Do you know the .z3m vertex format fully?

I need the vertex stucture between the XYZ and UV datas only (8*4 bytes).

Sorry but i really can't help anyone with model related stuff. What i can tell you is learn more about 3d, there is common data that usually goes together with vertexes in addition to pos and tex1
What i can tell you is learn more about 3d, there is common data that usually goes together with vertexes in addition to pos and tex1

It sounds funny, because my program supports 679 different 3d file formats. Anyway thank you for your answer.
When i talk in secrets, i mean a lot of things, like HOW to add a pvp map, change somehtings inside gameserver, etc...with a good explanation, all guys could do it. But many times, all that the guys say, is: Hint: search client.exe., ....Lol, if the guy is asking, should at least help a little more...Only few here , are professionals, in computers...Like me, this is a hobby, a distraction from my real, world...i think guys could be more helpful, to help each one, and so, ryl grows up. Like Alpha, said, im not saying he is villain, he did a great job , realy amazing , for ryl scenary...But now, why you can't give a little help to kz_3D? did you really check his software? How many types of 3D his software do the conversion? i think HE IS AN EXPERT in a lot of 3D formats...only ryl, cause is a special 3D format... he is just asking to you, to make the possibility to convert the .z3m format...I bet that he will find the solution, with or without your help...But WHY DONT HELP him? Secret? Ohh, maybe cause you sold the rmodel...man, this is another software...think, that if you help, is better for all...For you too, to not be considered a villain, kkk :)
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When i talk in secrets, i mean a lot of things, like HOW to add a pvp map, change somehtings inside gameserver, etc...with a good explanation, all guys could do it. But many times, all that the guys say, is: Hint: search client.exe., ....Lol, if the guy is asking, should at least help a little more...Only few here , are professionals, in computers...Like me, this is a hobby, a distraction from my real, world...i think guys could be more helpful, to help each one, and so, ryl grows up. Like Alpha, said, im not saying he is villain, he did a great job , realy amazing , for ryl scenary...But no,w why you can give a little help to kz_3D? did you really check his software? How many types of 3D his software do the conversion? he is just asking to you, to make the possibility to convert the .z3m format...I bet that he will find the solution, with or without your help...But WHY DONT HELP him? Secret? Ohh, maybe cause you sold the rmodel...man, this is another software...think, that if you help, is better for all...For you too, to not be considered a villain, kkk :)

Very Nice...LIKE !!
1 thing, all can see, in anothers games...have a lot of foruns, all sharing thier creations...Like ARMA 3...all share all, maps, missions, new wepons created for special add-ons patches, ideas about some diferent thing...Here, all want make all private, to $$$...Guys, this is a game, all need have to fun...Like that guy pitz, released a lot of good new weapons...Maybe Lykan will release some too (i hope so :) ), but Lykan, is an AMAZING guy, tht helped me a lotttttt with amazing tutorials.....1 amazing place, where the knowledge was shared, was a 4ryl site...i learned a lot of things there...Miss there ...Here , sure is amazing too...but...alll the guys want is $$$ kkkk....When i learn something , sure ill release here... :)
It sounds funny, because my program supports 679 different 3d file formats. Anyway thank you for your answer.

Public Structure VertexPositionColor Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position and color information.
Public Structure VertexPositionColorTexture Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position, color, and one set of texture coordinates.
Public Structure VertexPositionNormalTexture Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position, normal data, and one set of texture coordinates.
Public Structure VertexPositionTexture Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position and one set of texture coordinates.

common data.