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Should i Release RoseOnline Official Source Code ?

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Last of the OsRose Devs
Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2006
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It's the same incomplete evo source that we already have
Custom Title Activated
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May 26, 2007
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If it where, what it proports to be in the title, I'd have shifted it into the Releases section by now. I'm not sure if this still warrants that? I'm particularly depressed that I can't even unpack the archives due to the WinRAR specificity (doesn't work with non-Windows OS) and the passwords. If it where reported by others as truly new, I'd find a way to unpack it (VM, most probably) and pack it back up with a nice 7zip or so, and no password, attaching those to the original release post and pop it in the Release section.

So far, it doesn't sound that exciting. However, that's not to say that nothing good has come of this thread, and I am grateful for it. :)
Experienced Elementalist
Aug 19, 2007
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I can't even remember Matt being really into sharing a lot of his work. He has always been aimed at himself. (At least for how I remember him.) I'm mainly hoping to get Raven and Icon back as active participants of this section.
I feel like the release of the I-Rose source would help in that aspect as well, at least I can imagine that it would lower some of the strain on them to keep it all behind bars.

:p I'm not even sure who you are.

wow its a rose rip off!!!
must not of lasted tho


Hell i was wrong this looks better version of rose.
higher quality with most the poop everyone wants.. mounts flying, bla bla junk

The reason why it looks like rose is because it is rose. That is the China ROSE official server.

But anyway, I still think it's funny how I am now just finding out about this release. :/ Oh well.
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 21, 2011
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Maybe someone will release like some real stuff at Christmas. That would be awesome :D
Experienced Elementalist
Sep 25, 2006
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:p I'm not even sure who you are.

The reason why it looks like rose is because it is rose. That is the China ROSE official server.

But anyway, I still think it's funny how I am now just finding out about this release. :/ Oh well.

You should talk to me more on msn then... i mostly always have the low down... it i want it or not -.-
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 8, 2010
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But anyway, I still think it's funny how I am now just finding out about this release. :/ Oh well.

That's because you're raven, HURP DURP

a source gets released, everyone flocks in to see what it is and where it came from... always broken, always incomplete.... always evo.. lol

think i saw someone mention how incomplete the irose source is....funny, because i've seen quite a few people get it fully working in seemingly no time at all....how long did that take you raven, a few days if i remember right? lol

...now the whole 40gig kaboodle, effect/effectmesh... lightmap.. map object... armor.. weapon.. and pat max scenes, psd's, docs, everything right down to the cinematic trailer max scenes...

if that ever dropped into a thread, there's only a few people that'd come from
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 13, 2013
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Hi, this is Matt from Arua (not to be confused with MaTT/tintin from different servers). I lurk this forum and devOS every few weeks and the only reason I'm posting is because my name was mentioned.

I'm confused though - the full Evo source was leaked already last year - [Release] EVO Source and Tools - RaGEZONE - MMO development community - why is there suddenly a lot of interest in this? If someone had the time and capability to do something with the source code, they would have over the past year.

This won't be the IROSE source code like some of the posts suggests. I have the IROSE and Pre-Evo source codes but I don't believe anyone else was ever given access to them. You (whoever was given this source already) can check this easily just by the folder structure:


As to why my name was mentioned, I've no idea. I don't care if anything is leaked - and just to clarify I've never sold anything. If you guys want to go ahead and make something out of the source code then go ahead - I look forward to the creativity that some of you may have.

But please, just remember - there has to be a point in working on something like this. The success of a game is defined by it's sales or player count (if it's a free game). This isn't something you'll be able to put online in a day - it will take weeks / months of preparation and dedication. You have to be realistic - how many players are you going to have? Is that player count worth the time and effort you're going to put in? By all means give it a go - but just consider these things.

Hi Matt, I am another osProse developer(pre-evo), i have one question for you, do you have original PRE-EVO server and client?? client is between 112-124? If yes, i would ask you if you could release it, I have been waiting for years for a private server of pre evo, but it never comes...I will be very grateful with you, trust me. I will work very hard with it if you do it.

Thanks for returning hope to all :rolleyes:!
Experienced Elementalist
Sep 25, 2006
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umm purple you wanna tell him about your pre-evo server?

i dont think pre-evo source ever got out.... its i-rose mostly alway soo modding the i-rose source u can do it i guess.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 9, 2012
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think i saw someone mention how incomplete the irose source is....funny, because i've seen quite a few people get it fully working in seemingly no time at all....how long did that take you raven, a few days if i remember right? lol

Me? To quote from a post I made: "I now know that I can't just simply release it - it's actually missing files"

Some of the files (only the engine but I've not looked at the servers yet) were 0KB, so they were either bugged on the SVN or it wasn't a complete archive to begin with. Evo is largely backwards compatible so it's not a problem. It's great you got it working in a few days - unfortunately it isn't a priority for me to fix up because we've got our own game to maintain. I only spent a few hours on fixing it up and haven't touched it in 2 weeks. The only reason I've said I'll release it in the first place is because ICON and his crew are selling the code and apparently ripping people off in the process.

Hi Matt, I am another osProse developer(pre-evo), i have one question for you, do you have original PRE-EVO server and client?? client is between 112-124? If yes, i would ask you if you could release it, I have been waiting for years for a private server of pre evo, but it never comes...I will be very grateful with you, trust me. I will work very hard with it if you do it.

Thanks for returning hope to all :rolleyes:!

You should be able to find a Pre-Evo client anywhere - check the osROSE forums, the community has compiled a list of different clients. I don't think I have the Pre-Evo source but I'm pretty sure I have the binaries - I remember testing them with a few people ages ago with the Pre-Evo NA client. I wouldn't suggest trying to run a server with just the binaries because they'll be heavily outdated and full of bugs - and without some ASM knowledge you won't be able to fix 'em.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 8, 2010
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Me? To quote from a post I made: "I now know that I can't just simply release it - it's actually missing files"

Some of the files (only the engine but I've not looked at the servers yet) were 0KB, so they were either bugged on the SVN or it wasn't a complete archive to begin with. Evo is largely backwards compatible so it's not a problem. It's great you got it working in a few days - unfortunately it isn't a priority for me to fix up because we've got our own game to maintain. I only spent a few hours on fixing it up and haven't touched it in 2 weeks. The only reason I've said I'll release it in the first place is because ICON and his crew are selling the code and apparently ripping people off in the process.

Hah! Amusing...

Whats on the table?
Source codes:
i-rose source code that setup to compile and work ON first compile. (who cares)
(Evo not available at the moment) (bull*^^*, there are like 5 of them)
1 other but thats only PM available

Max Plug In (Official) Light map editor (useless, i'd choose brett's over it)
Max Plug In (3rd Party) Light map editor (but a bit better) (brett's)
Map Editor (Xadets but heavy modded to not crash + few extra settings to benefit) (just wow...)
Effects Editor (Official) (who cares)
.Mon/Monster Builder (already publicly released)
**MonFileConverter.exe (useless)
**@NPC_Build.bat (wtf)
**LIST_NPC_CHR_BUILD.exe (..wtf)
**PART_NPC_ZSC_BUILD.exe (...wtf already, why not just say "modelmrg" and "monstermrg"...and why only for npcs?)
(Never write a zsc/chr for mobs only ever) (Still will need to for armors weapons maps items)
Akram Dev Studio (lol'd)
Aip Editor (how many of these exist already?)
Npc Studio (P) .Con Editor (i LOVE this tool Helps A TON!) (arua con editor)
Lit Map Builder (kiu's litgen)

Not too surprising though, I've seen a year's worth of my 3D work go up for sale before, wasn't too happy about that...
But now this? Kinda irritating...
Experienced Elementalist
Aug 19, 2007
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That's because you're raven, HURP DURP

a source gets released, everyone flocks in to see what it is and where it came from... always broken, always incomplete.... always evo.. lol

think i saw someone mention how incomplete the irose source is....funny, because i've seen quite a few people get it fully working in seemingly no time at all....how long did that take you raven, a few days if i remember right? lol

...now the whole 40gig kaboodle, effect/effectmesh... lightmap.. map object... armor.. weapon.. and pat max scenes, psd's, docs, everything right down to the cinematic trailer max scenes...

if that ever dropped into a thread, there's only a few people that'd come from

Lol You would reply to me. HAHA.

I still have that recording of you calling pizza hut and I still remember that story that you told of you changing the light bulb. :D

Me? To quote from a post I made: "I now know that I can't just simply release it - it's actually missing files"

He was referring to me.

Some of the files (only the engine but I've not looked at the servers yet) were 0KB, so they were either bugged on the SVN or it wasn't a complete archive to begin with. Evo is largely backwards compatible so it's not a problem. It's great you got it working in a few days - unfortunately it isn't a priority for me to fix up because we've got our own game to maintain. I only spent a few hours on fixing it up and haven't touched it in 2 weeks.

I don't use stuff released on here. never needed to. I got the same code that you have from the same place.

The only reason I've said I'll release it in the first place is because ICON and his crew are selling the code and apparently ripping people off in the process.

ICON has nothing to do with anything. Anytime anything happens it's always stamped with ICON's name since he doesn't give a poop about rose anymore. Anyway that's all I'm going to say on this subject because I don't want to stress myself out and I don't want to piss anyone off. :p
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 8, 2010
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Lol You would reply to me. HAHA.

I still have that recording of you calling pizza hut and I still remember that story that you told of you changing the light bulb. :D

HOLY CRAP GIVE ME THAT RECORDING!! I've been looking for that forever!

ICON gets blamed because it is believable, and because he doesn't give a poop.

You know what we should release? Best release ever... The ICONICLE mob!!!!
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 8, 2010
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Haha, I actually was looking at that the other day just to remind me how funny it was. :D

I may not have poop to do with rose anymore, but I still go dig through docs and max scenes when I'm bored..

Funny how they actually took the time to draw detailed tits on the female avatar, then cover it up with a toga... there's some art history value there haha...but yeah I ran across the iconicle texture a while back and got a real kick out of that, he was so mad rofl
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 13, 2013
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You should be able to find a Pre-Evo client anywhere - check the osROSE forums, the community has compiled a list of different clients. I don't think I have the Pre-Evo source but I'm pretty sure I have the binaries - I remember testing them with a few people ages ago with the Pre-Evo NA client. I wouldn't suggest trying to run a server with just the binaries because they'll be heavily outdated and full of bugs - and without some ASM knowledge you won't be able to fix 'em.

I don't really need client source, the one I need is server source code for pre evo, if you have the server files I will be very happy trying to do it work, thanks for answering!
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 8, 2010
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I don't really need client source, the one I need is server source code for pre evo, if you have the server files I will be very happy trying to do it work, thanks for answering!

There is a massive reoccuring define in the irose source, IsTAIWAN, amongst a few other required ones which compile the client and server as what everyone knows as pre-evo/prose.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 13, 2013
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"IsTAIWAN" is too in the evo source, that means I can compile pre evo with the evo source too? Thanks!

I asked Matt about pre evo source code, because in the Screenshot he showed, appeared that folder and I thought he had full pre evo official server
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