• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[Source] Map/Dungeon Creator

Aug 27, 2013
Reaction score
This is a Cabal Map/Dungeon Maker + Converter + Viever source + MCL script for 3ds Max release.

[I cannot guarantee how much of those are working 100%, but as they are source - you can see whole code and adjust/update it based on your needs.]

Credits goes to chachuy25, GODSKIN, FatDuck, Yamachi & Developer MagnaDever.

Some of chachuy25 threads about maps:
What's important for cabal - maps or dungeons?
Creating New Maps

This release is not for beginner users or those who have no experience with any of the below mentioned programs.

Also, a permission to post this was given by chachuy25 , who is willing to give a helping hand for those who are wanting to get into visual side of cabal and make your own maps or dungeons or adjust existing ones.
I personally use latest VS Community and some of the projects are not compatible with it, so be aware of that.

You will need 4 programs in order to fully utilise this release:

- Photoshop <- No free version available (trial only - you're on your own to find a working one)
- Autodesk 3ds Max <- No free version available (trial only - you're on your own to find a working one)
- <- Select personal free plan to get a free full version.
- Visual Studio Community <- /

This release contains:
- Cabal converter source + compiled version.
- Dungeon Maker Source - only started visual side, no actual code.
- Map/Dungeon Viewer Source.
- All-in-One Converter + Unity Fix Source.
- Some Notes about the process.
- 3ds Max MCL Script.

To view the content, you need to sign In or register.

Other useful things:
- Map Viewer Script for 3ds Max
- EBM/ECH Import/Export Script
- EBM Animation Import/Export Script

- EBM Blender Importer
Blender MCL Importer

Currently there are not many available tutorials on how to use it.

(check chachuy25 reply here )

Anyone willing to make them once figured out full mechanics behind it - will be greatly appreciated.
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Eager to know how long it takes for someone to build a basic environment this way, compared with just doing it through sweetscape which already seems somewhat quick.

Not quite the unity fan myself so I guess I'll wait to see some results before making a decision..

Definitely appreciate the share though
This is definitely not for basic environments or anything like that, it's more for a very detailed map building, due to the fact that it is not worth the effort to make something plain and basic.

Sadly there are no more videos left of the maps made using the above.

Like you've said - for basic stuff is easier to use sweetscape.
Detailed map building is very much easy enough through sweetscape alone so not sure how it wouldn't be worth.

The only somewhat time consuming parts are repetitive bits.

So all I'm curious about is the average time difference.
Not sure what you're exactly specifying by "detailed" building using sweetscape, but when I say detailed, what I mean is that these converters and scripts allow you to build your own terrain from nothing, add your own foliage, allocate models in whatever position needed without defining coordinates and many other things.
In other words it's same as drawing using a pencil on a white A4 paper.

I'm not aware that sweetscape would allow you anything close to that in the most simplistic way possible, like unity would.
I never said it would be as simple, like at all.

Obviously the difference between the two methods is mainly about efficiency hence my curiousity about the difference in the time it takes.

I'm somewhat confused as to why you keep explaining the obvious uses of the above method while all I am curious about is how long it takes (avg).

I know how long it takes to do all that in sweetscape and while it is easy, it is an absolute torture for your free time as you could be a lot more efficient with it if you had a better way (like the above).

So if someone actually worked on something and got to the basic point of the map, which is all I asked for, then I would appreciate the approximate timestamp
For everyone enquiring about the same thing Anndralgon did:

1. You have to know the basics of the 3 following programs - unity, 3ds max and photoshop, also be familiar with the controls and shortcuts preferably.

2. The most time consuming part in the beginning is preparation of models, textures and so on.

3. The actual building (once you have everything ready and experimented sufficiently) can take anywhere from 30mins for something simplistic and very basic to days upon days perfectioning an ideal map vision - all depends how much time and effort planned to be invested.

It might take 1-2 days to reach 3rd point or 1-2 weeks.

Overall, it is fairly time consuming process, considering everything, including the possible error or two.
As i see/think that source/compiled programms useless without tutorials.I have only one video tutorial,which i made while i explaine one man how use programm(unity)

Compiled programm with tg map models

This is test mcl which you need for converting when you make your own map(delete all models from it.Have only 1 model of 3 types of models which need delete manual when you add all models what you need)

Some custom landscapes which you can add for unity project that make your own map.You can use 8bytes .raw from real landscape too that make new maps.
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I made videoguide how make custom landscape.May be i miss some details-if you dont understand something,you can ask.By the way.You can make landscape from any white/black jpg pictures 256x256,only need convert it for .raw format into photoshop that then you can import it for unity project.If this not hard for you,make short video of your work that another people can see your result.
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I made videoguide how make custom landscape.May be i miss some details-if you dont understand something,you can ask.By the way.You can make landscape from any white/black jpg pictures 256x256,only need convert it for .raw format into photoshop that then you can import it for unity project.If this not hard for you,make short video of your work that another people can see your result.

Appreciate that you took the time for that, really do.
This is a Cabal Map/Dungeon Maker + Converter + Viever source + MCL script for 3ds Max release.

[I cannot guarantee how much of those are working 100%, but as they are source - you can see whole code and adjust/update it based on your needs.]

Credits goes to chachuy25, GODSKIN, FatDuck, Yamachi & Developer MagnaDever.

Some of chachuy25 threads about maps:
What's important for cabal - maps or dungeons?
Creating New Maps

This release is not for beginner users or those who have no experience with any of the below mentioned programs.

Also, a permission to post this was given by chachuy25 , who is willing to give a helping hand for those who are wanting to get into visual side of cabal and make your own maps or dungeons or adjust existing ones.
I personally use latest VS Community and some of the projects are not compatible with it, so be aware of that.

You will need 4 programs in order to fully utilise this release:

- Photoshop <- No free version available (trial only - you're on your own to find a working one)
- Autodesk 3ds Max <- No free version available (trial only - you're on your own to find a working one)
- <- Select personal free plan to get a free full version.
- Visual Studio Community <- /

This release contains:
- Cabal converter source + compiled version.
- Dungeon Maker Source - only started visual side, no actual code.
- Map/Dungeon Viewer Source.
- All-in-One Converter + Unity Fix Source.
- Some Notes about the process.
- 3ds Max MCL Script.

[Hidden content]

Other useful things:
- Map Viewer Script for 3ds Max
- EBM/ECH Import/Export Script
- EBM Animation Import/Export Script

- EBM Blender Importer
Blender MCL Importer

Currently there are not many available tutorials on how to use it.

(check chachuy25 reply here )

Anyone willing to make them once figured out full mechanics behind it - will be greatly appreciated.

This is a Cabal Map/Dungeon Maker + Converter + Viever source + MCL script for 3ds Max release.

[I cannot guarantee how much of those are working 100%, but as they are source - you can see whole code and adjust/update it based on your needs.]

Credits goes to chachuy25, GODSKIN, FatDuck, Yamachi & Developer MagnaDever.

Some of chachuy25 threads about maps:
What's important for cabal - maps or dungeons?
Creating New Maps

This release is not for beginner users or those who have no experience with any of the below mentioned programs.

Also, a permission to post this was given by chachuy25 , who is willing to give a helping hand for those who are wanting to get into visual side of cabal and make your own maps or dungeons or adjust existing ones.
I personally use latest VS Community and some of the projects are not compatible with it, so be aware of that.

You will need 4 programs in order to fully utilise this release:

- Photoshop <- No free version available (trial only - you're on your own to find a working one)
- Autodesk 3ds Max <- No free version available (trial only - you're on your own to find a working one)
- <- Select personal free plan to get a free full version.
- Visual Studio Community <- /

This release contains:
- Cabal converter source + compiled version.
- Dungeon Maker Source - only started visual side, no actual code.
- Map/Dungeon Viewer Source.
- All-in-One Converter + Unity Fix Source.
- Some Notes about the process.
- 3ds Max MCL Script.

[Hidden content]

Other useful things:
- Map Viewer Script for 3ds Max
- EBM/ECH Import/Export Script
- EBM Animation Import/Export Script

- EBM Blender Importer
Blender MCL Importer

Currently there are not many available tutorials on how to use it.

(check chachuy25 reply here )

Anyone willing to make them once figured out full mechanics behind it - will be greatly appreciated.
