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[Repack] Scripted's 2.4.3 BlizzLike Repack Updates every 12 hours Ascent 

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 2, 2008
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Hy all.

I have my accounts on ascent and when i start arcemu and connect the game gives me login failed.

is there any way to change my ascent database to arcemu without loosing any accounts or characters.

Pls help me :)

Pls Someone help me :cry_1::cry_1:

Sry for doublepost :|
Initiate Mage
Aug 2, 2008
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I have a Problem With Arcemu-realms. On all IP`s i try its Says: Server Connection From (IP):(ports) DENIED, Not an Allowed IP. Even With the Local Address like this. Example Server Connection From DENIED, Not an Allowed IP. And the ports Changes.
Jun 25, 2008
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<LogonServer RemotePassword = "ascent"
             AllowedIPs = ""
             AllowedModIPs = "">
Should fix the problem.
Initiate Mage
Aug 2, 2008
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thx it Works Now, Bet now i got the Last Prob then i got it online. :), When i try To make a Character I get Disconnected And i dont get the Char?
Last edited:
Skilled Illusionist
Apr 6, 2008
Reaction score
thx it Works Now, Bet now i got the Last Prob then i got it online. :), When i try To make a Character I get Disconnected And i dont get the Char?

Same problem I'm having. I'm doing to try and re-split the databases again into 3 separate schema: world, character, and logon. I don't know if it will actually help, but that's what the other people have said to attempt... And for the record, READ BEFORE POSTING. Cuz that was asked, and answered a LOT already.

And I've noticed you asked for help with several things already, in a step-by-step server setup motion. I'm not trying to be mean, but if you really can't figure some of the easy stuff out yourself, when it's already been answered, you shouldn't be trying to run a server :\

i use "no-ip web site" for my virtual DNS, but all days the ip change and i must to correct always :(
i try there aplication but than says "Connection time out, or somthinhg like this"

anyone knows a easy way to make my serve be online 24hours a day and never go down because of the analogic ip?

You have 3 options:

1. Buy a static IP (Best choice, Dynamic IPs suck).
2. Use a hosting program that other people can connect to without having to know your IP address, like Hamachi (Most retarded hosting way on the planet).
3. Just stop trying to host a server cuz it won't work.

Someone mentioned something of a DNS Updater, but what would that have to do with his Dynamic IP changing constantly?

And Dred, you can't decompile a .exe file completely. Even if you somehow manage to see the raw code, it will only be bits and pieces, and when you try and recompile it, you'll just receive a poop load of errors, and the program won't work. Not to mention, you have absolutely no need to change anything in arcemu.exe, so why are you even bothering to try and decompile it? What purpose could you possibly have in trying to do that? And you say you know how to "program code," so I don't see why you wouldn't know something as common as this...

Dred, you seem to be asking almost all the same questions as the person who I was commenting to above, so I'm going to make the same statement directed at you: I'm not trying to be mean, but if you really can't figure some of the easy stuff out yourself, when it's already been answered, you shouldn't be trying to run a server :\

I have a Problem With Arcemu-realms. On all IP`s i try its Says: Server Connection From (IP):(ports) DENIED, Not an Allowed IP. Even With the Local Address like this. Example Server Connection From DENIED, Not an Allowed IP. And the ports Changes.

I know this was answered already by Ona, but I feel I must make a final comment about it:

Go read the configuration files, dude. It's explained well enough in there, that I'm pretty sure my 12 year old cousin with no computer skills at all could figure it out competently... If you have to ask for help for EVERY problem you run into, you'll never make it as a computer programmer, because the MAIN JOB of a programmer is problem solving, and if you have no problem solving skills, you won't get a job and you won't last long. I don't care if you're planning to go into programming or not, I'm just laying it out on the table for you. You shouldn't be doing this if you can't figure some things out by yourself.

And yes, I did ask for a little help for something myself, in this thread. But under much different circumstances. I had already tried every option that I could think of to fix my problem, yet nothing had worked. So I came to see if anyone had run into the same problem and figured out a way to fix it...
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 18, 2006
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DNS updater gives you an address like lol.servegame.com then updates your ip to it, thus resolving the problem.
Skilled Illusionist
Apr 6, 2008
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DNS updater gives you an address like lol.servegame.com then updates your ip to it, thus resolving the problem.

Ahhh, I see what you're talking about.. But I can also see that costing a lot of money.

I pay a static fee of roughly $5.99 a year for my domain tgforums.com, but I'm also lucky enough to have a static IP address right now, so my subdomain "tgms.tgforums.com" works perfectly and haven't had to update it at all. And used it for other private servers I've ran, so I guess I'm just lucky.

But thanks for clarifying that up with me, as I guess my idea of a DNS updater was incorrect~

Maybe that'd work for him... I did a quick google search for one, and I remember using the dyndns service when I started programming a long time ago, and since the service was decent, he may be able to get some use from it if he has a Dynamis IP and they offer that service:
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
Ahhh, I see what you're talking about.. But I can also see that costing a lot of money.

I pay a static fee of roughly $5.99 a year for my domain tgforums.com, but I'm also lucky enough to have a static IP address right now, so my subdomain "tgms.tgforums.com" works perfectly and haven't had to update it at all. And used it for other private servers I've ran, so I guess I'm just lucky.

But thanks for clarifying that up with me, as I guess my idea of a DNS updater was incorrect~

Maybe that'd work for him... I did a quick google search for one, and I remember using the dyndns service when I started programming a long time ago, and since the service was decent, he may be able to get some use from it if he has a Dynamis IP and they offer that service:

Its free actually :) You just pay a little if you want a "nice" address.
Initiate Mage
Aug 2, 2008
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I use DNS updater and i just get on the Host name i use connection failed:(
Skilled Illusionist
Apr 6, 2008
Reaction score
I use DNS updater and i just get on the Host name i use connection failed:(

Ok, if you're connecting from the computer that's hosting the computer, you need to have your realmlist.wtf file set to:

set realmlist

Or if you're on another computer on your network, you need to set it to:

set realmlist 192.168.x.xxx

Replace the x's with your hosting computer's router-assigned IP address.

And I managed to get it working after splitting up the databases, and the server has been running with several accounts for the passed 4 hours, which is a great sign. I just have a question for you:

Does the server automatically reload the accounts, or do you have to manually type "reload" in the server for the accounts to be refreshed?

It's not a big problem if it's manual, because I can whip-up a C++ or Java program in like 30 seconds to type "reload" and press the enter key, but I'd rather not do that if the server does it automatically. And I looked around, but couldn't seem to find anything in that regards~
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 17, 2007
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Hey Ona.

I just started using your repack, i have been away from the wow emu for a few month and wanted to start a new server, and found yours, looks like its working very smooth.
Last time i was using Emu`s was Ascent with NCDB, so i see alot of new stuff in here.
The one iam using is the version posted right before the one you posted July 31 i made it go online in my first try, and all is working very nicely.

I have people logging in on local net and from outside my lolal net. Even got an account page up and running so people can create an account for themselfes.

I see you posted a new updated Arcemu yesterday, and i can see you have alot of stuff in it, so i would like to know what i need to reuse when i want to update my world.

Is it still just overwriting my files like you could back in time when you updated Ascent..? only backing up the config files and then overwriting the core etc etc..?

Should i use your new database world file.? or just keep my old one.?
I see you have a update folder, do i just use all the updates in there with a newer date on it, or how should i proceed in this matter..? i dont want to ruin my world and all the accounts i already have.

I know how to back up all my stuff accounts, characters, etc etc so what do i need to back up before updating and what do i need to update from which files..?

I know iam asking alot here, but i just dont want to mess up my world.
I see you have a sun++ script, that is new to me, is it already in there, or do i need to activate it..?

I hope you know what iam mumbling about :) and hope you can answer some of my questions i posted.

Cheers Germo
Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
Just swap out the Arcemu-world,Arcemu-logon,and the Script_bin to in the new updated repack :D
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 17, 2007
Reaction score
Cool beans and thanks :)

Germo :flag_schw
Skilled Illusionist
Apr 6, 2008
Reaction score
So anyone know if it auto reloads accounts or should I just make that auto-reloader?
Initiate Mage
Jan 2, 2008
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AS for the no-ip thing, I use it for my server and it works fine. I use the program they give you to update it every whatever hours it does it in. Never had a problem with anyone not being able to connect even after modem resets. Its called No-Ip DUC. Just make sure all your info is correct and it works fine.

Cruceo, logonserver auto reloads accounts every 10 minutes, at least it does on ascent and so far new accounts become active on their own without me manually typing reload into the console since switching to arcemu. Still using the same character database since the server was created a year ago.
Skilled Illusionist
Apr 6, 2008
Reaction score
Nice, thanks for the info. I wasn't sure if it did or not.

I might whip up the program and have it reload every 5 minutes to make it a little quicker, but 10 minutes works fine. Thanks~