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"V" Needs some vacations?

Legendary Trio - Chocolate Rain
Apr 30, 2004
Reaction score
if u r going to keep deleting my posts, just erase the thread, whats the point of a discussion when i cant say what i think

This isn't a discussion, this is you acting like a waffle and us laughing at your expense.


pavy don't be atwat, if you bring up your lack of respect to your dead mother then your insulting everyone who's moved on from a family members death.

and don't even try coming to may saying that I don't know how you feel. My father died when I was 9 years old, it's been 11 years now and moving on was all I cold do.

you disrespect the memory of your mother by being a punt.

cale, I really cannot be fucked quoting everything you said but don't play innocent saying that you started a "legitimate" thread and we started flameing you, saying that exy needs a vacatoin for infracting you, which was well deserved, is indeed a flame, it is also the psark that lead to all of this.

from one person to another, you're a punt, go die in a fire somewhere quietly where no one will miss you and then you might gain some respect back. And even before you try to mention it, no, no one here respects you so saying that you don't need our respect is irrelevant.

you will go through life and arsehole and die an arsehole. have fun kid I'll make sure not to remember you when your gone ^_^
Skilled Illusionist
Loyal Member
Jun 14, 2006
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Lack of respect to my mother? What the hell are u talking about?

It's quite funny though that I'm not supposed to 'flame' people on my mod account, yet another mod is allowed to call people cunts/arseholes. I fail to see the logic in that, but anyways.

V do me a huge Ducking favor and infract me, do it V-style with a superb msg that doesn't expire so it keeps this account banned, for ever :winky:
Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
Lack of respect to my mother? What the hell are u talking about?

It's quite funny though that I'm not supposed to 'flame' people on my mod account, yet another mod is allowed to call people cunts/arseholes. I fail to see the logic in that, but anyways.

V do me a huge Ducking favor and infract me, do it V-style with a superb msg that doesn't expire so it keeps this account banned, for ever :winky:

again i refer you to the car chase metaphor i posted earlier

so you are trying to inspire me into infracting you in a certain style?
if i infract you itl be because of a solid reason, not because i dreamt something up like you seem to feel

if you genuinly think i was out of order for infracting you then please post it here and i will remove your infraction and post a large public apology

if you are not going to do this then shut the duck up you whiney little pig humper
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Feb 25, 2008
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v is head flamer as well as head mod so hes teh best =0
Skilled Illusionist
Loyal Member
Jun 14, 2006
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so you are trying to inspire me into infracting you in a certain style?
if i infract you itl be because of a solid reason, not because i dreamt something up like you seem to feel

Oh I can cause nightmares though, don't get me wrong. But I don't get it. I requested (like u mentioned over PM) to be de-modded, so how come my other request wont be granted? Did I spend my 3 wishes already cause I only counted 2 :eek:

if you genuinly think i was out of order for infracting you then please post it here and i will remove your infraction and post a large public apology

Meh, I've been saying it over and over. I explained why you were out of order starting in the thread were it all happened, over PM and even in staff section.

But like I said, it's history.
Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
Meh, I've been saying it over and over. I explained why you were out of order starting in the thread were it all happened, over PM and even in staff section.

But like I said, it's history.

if you had explained it once and it was reasonable i would have reversed it all, why not post it all in public, in 1 place for all to see. that is of course unless u dont belive it urself

ultimately it is history but you seem eager to bring it back up again
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Bitches should quit moaning and expect behaviour from people.
This is RaGEZONE, not Apple message board, not some coporate company.
Expect people to take things personally/get annoyed and take action.

And for a minority out there, yes V is a super mod and has been here since the beginning, and I know there has always been an 'unwritten law' that oldschool/staff get more respect/more power - it comes with the job.
But some of you got to stop acting like he's a messiah. This is nothing against him, I actually admire him for the fact that he's one of those people who actually gives a damn about the world. But he is just a man who cares who likes visiting a website.

Some of you need to grow a backbone.
An opinion of your own would come in handy, too.

Just, try to comprehend that.
Skilled Illusionist
Loyal Member
Jun 14, 2006
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if you had explained it once and it was reasonable i would have reversed it all, why not post it all in public, in 1 place for all to see. that is of course unless u dont belive it urself

ultimately it is history but you seem eager to bring it back up again

Stop making urself look 'good' towards public cause we both know what actually happened. But since you are trying to be a smart butt I'll sum it up for u;

- my uber racism post
- infraction for spamming
- I pm'd u saying

Say what?

Like I said in the topic, u need to chill out. That infraction was uncalled for cause to me that guy looked like some random guy that was just promoting his myspace. I've seen it before that random people would register on random forums to spam there myspace, so they can get ++ rep and everyone threatened it like spam so wth..
That's basically the first time I actually said to u to cut me some slack and that u need to chill out cause u overreacted.

U asked me to comment on that topic in staff section, but since I was pissed I honestly doubt I approached it on a civil way. I recall saying something in the lines of "If u don't think u overreacted then please do me a favor and kick me of the mod team, cause no way in hell do I want to work together with u, if u have to act all natzi about this".

- so u demodded me by request (lol @ request)
- I recall saying something in the lines of "U guys need to show some respect towards mods cause in they end we're are the ones keeping the forum clean to a certain degree". U started comparing my uber mod history with urs and said "U did 40 mod actions in this month, and I've had that in 1 day". Kind of funny comparing my section with only 3-4 posts a day with a complete forum eh?
- blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.
- I gave up on RZ edited out my last 200 posts and called it a day till I saw this thread.

That's it I believe, rest is irrelevant.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 6, 2004
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erm i do not really like to just bump into and jump into threads like this couse my english sux butt, but i can sense the lulz in this thread and thus it is a must :p
Skilled Illusionist
Mar 3, 2006
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Ca_Ale_Evil - "V" Needs some vacations? - RaGEZONE Forums
Skilled Illusionist
Loyal Member
Jun 14, 2006
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Pavy why not show the infraction, you're bitching about that, so show us your post, and the message that came with it from Exy.

And u are sure that u actually read my post? Cause link is in there together with the so called 'spamming' infraction.

Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
I'm with Pavy, from arguments he has said, I'd say he's right, and really can't understand why are you all "dissing" him.. only because the one he's against is exy?

~my opinion

edit by V: please read my reply with the evidence/information all within context and re consider your judgement
Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
- my uber racism post
- infraction for spamming

yep, keep in mind you were a mod at the time, you are supposed to set an example and treat members ina civil way, not be the 1st person to reply to a thread saying you would have helped them if they had more posts but because they were new you wern't going to

you do understand this is the same as going to someone asking for help and saing well i would help you if you were white, but duck me your black as the night so im not gonna help you

not only did you descriminate but you did it from a position of power, i saw this and gave you a cuff on the wrists a simple infraction explaining i do not want to see that behaviour especially from staff

U asked me to comment on that topic in staff section, but since I was pissed I honestly doubt I approached it on a civil way. I recall saying something in the lines of "If u don't think u overreacted then please do me a favor and kick me of the mod team, cause no way in hell do I want to work together with u, if u have to act all natzi about this".

seeing as you obviously want to make things up i will show you exactly what you posted;

You wanna play it like this? Read your PM. If u still can't agree on the fact that u overreacted then please, de-mod and ban me at will. Cause in no way am I going to be part of a team that threatens there mods such disrespectful.

a team that threatens it's mods? wow that is pretty bad, i doubt id stay if there was some higher up threatening me too! lets take a look at exactly what i said so we can see if it was threatening or not!

V said:
Dear Pavy,

You have received an infraction at MMORPG Development Forums - RaGEZONE (sponsored by TFN.gr).

Reason: Spamming
no posts like this from members and certainley not from mods

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

poop! i cant find the bit where i threatened you! man! i must have missed the bit where your imagination got out of control and you fealt a huge need to kick off over a slap on the wrists.

i must publicly apologise for ever thinking pavy could have been a good mod, poop what was i thinking putting this kid in control of anything

you know they say your true character shows when things aren't going your way, everyone can be nice when things are going well, it's when they aren't going so well people see your true colours.

if i tiny self expiring infraction over the internet can push you so far over the edge you have got a poop load of growing up to do before the real world bends you over and fucks you up the arse so bad you wont sit down ever

if you have any more evidence and please keep it in context post it and it will be taken into consideration
Skilled Illusionist
Loyal Member
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
lawls, I can go on for days no worries but I got more important stuff to do so :D


I'm with Pavy, from arguments he has said, I'd say he's right, and really can't understand why are you all "dissing" him.. only because the one he's against is exy?

But I am right, he just refuses to understand that. That's what I call power trips. But dissing, meh.. doesn't work on me :)

keep in mind you were a mod at the time, you are supposed to set an example and treat members ina civil way

not only did you descriminate but you did it from a position of power, i saw this and gave you a cuff on the wrists a simple infraction explaining i do not want to see that behaviour especially from staff

This whole thread is about how u seem to be all almighty, were rules don't apply to u in particular. For example u are saying I have to be civil to people cause I was on staff, YET u totally ignore this and flame at will. Where's the logic in that sir almighty? Aren't u supposed to be a role model also, being staff and all that?

It's that people somehow like u (probably think arse kissing is da way to go over here) and fail to see what's really going on. I'm not lieing, nor making things up. Actually the only thing I wanted u to understand is that in my eyes u were wrong but after all the 'drama' or whatever u are call it, u still fail to get that. Bummer though cause I'm actually quite a nice guy :>

bb ^ last post on this forum btw w00t
Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
lawls, I can go on for days no worries but I got more important stuff to do so :D


This whole thread is about how u seem to be all almighty, were rules don't apply to u in particular. For example u are saying I have to be civil to people cause I was on staff, YET u totally ignore this and flame at will. Where's the logic in that sir almighty? Aren't u supposed to be a role model also, being staff and all that?

It's that people somehow like u (probably think arse kissing is da way to go over here) and fail to see what's really going on. I'm not lieing, nor making things up. Actually the only thing I wanted u to understand is that in my eyes u were wrong but after all the 'drama' or whatever u are call it, u still fail to get that. Bummer though cause I'm actually quite a nice guy :>

bb ^

im sure you are a nice guy but here are the facts;

you made a post putting someone down based upon their post count which you openly admitted

i infracted you for this

you threw all your toys out of the pen

at 1st i was like....

but then i loled
Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
Well to add to what Exy already said. Fact is that you fucked up big time Pavy. You just assumed someone was spamming, and you then thought it was fine to spam aswell. Even if the person was not spamming then you were in no position to spam that topic, the fact that you were a mod at the time makes it even worse.
As for Exy's message to you. It's perfectly fine, you're just bitching because you got infracted.

I've seen mods like you so many times that i can't even count them anymore. When people are made mods you have a decent amount of them that think they are invincible, or atleast given a lot more room to screw around, fact is that higher standards are demanded from you. On top of that every mod should know, especially the new ones, that while you may be a mod in 1 section, you are pretty much just a member in every other section. Obviously the longer you are around you can demonstrate some authority in some cases in different section to remain some control untill the section mod or a smod comes around, but in your case you were simply way out of line, and so would have anyone else.

You may think this is unfair, but it's your own damn fault, if you had any common sense regarding this matter, then you would have known that your message was not wanted.
Legendary Trio - Chocolate Rain
Apr 30, 2004
Reaction score
Well to add to what Exy already said. Fact is that you fucked up big time Pavy. You just assumed someone was spamming, and you then thought it was fine to spam aswell. Even if the person was not spamming then you were in no position to spam that topic, the fact that you were a mod at the time makes it even worse.
As for Exy's message to you. It's perfectly fine, you're just bitching because you got infracted.

I've seen mods like you so many times that i can't even count them anymore. When people are made mods you have a decent amount of them that think they are invincible, or atleast given a lot more room to screw around, fact is that higher standards are demanded from you. On top of that every mod should know, especially the new ones, that while you may be a mod in 1 section, you are pretty much just a member in every other section. Obviously the longer you are around you can demonstrate some authority in some cases in different section to remain some control untill the section mod or a smod comes around, but in your case you were simply way out of line, and so would have anyone else.

You may think this is unfair, but it's your own damn fault, if you had any common sense regarding this matter, then you would have known that your message was not wanted.

truer words have never been spoken, I've screwed around alot less since I got mod, lesss flaming, less mindless spamming, the spamming has moe to do with me being bored of it though.

pavvy, this isn't your word against his, this is your word and posts and pm's along side exys pms up against the forum rules.

if exy were in the wrong then I'd gladly tell him to stfu and chill the duck out but he wasn't so get over it or you'll forever have the mind and penis of a child.