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Recent content by Kasperi

  1. Kasperi

    Error with every 508/525 client

    Its not working. : S
  2. Kasperi

    Error with every 508/525 client

    @echo off title Brandyn's Z525 - Point Blank; A New Revolution cd src java Loader exit
  3. Kasperi

    Error with every 508/525 client

    Hi! Everytime I run a 508/525 client i get this error: You must be registered for see element. Can someone help me? I think i have all the caches i need. E: And because its transparent is because i just blinks.
  4. Kasperi

    All ascent Server Problems.Ascent 

    Everything goes smoothly untill it says in the logonserver.exe : Server connection from (HAMA IP):(RANDOM PORT) DENIED, not an allowed IP. Realms: ####################################################################### # ArcEmu Realms Configuration File # Last updated at revision...
  5. Kasperi

    [tut] MEGAGUIDE How to setup a Ascent server for 2.4.2 Perfect for beginers

    Everything goes smoothly untill it says in the logonserver.exe : Server connection from (HAMA IP):(RANDOM PORT) DENIED, not an allowed IP. Realms: ####################################################################### # ArcEmu Realms Configuration File # Last updated at revision rev.1564...
  6. Kasperi

    Ascent 4.0-STABLE r4169 [NEED HELP]

    Huh? Ill just do the easier way. Download another revision. : S
  7. Kasperi

    Ascent 4.0-STABLE r4169 [NEED HELP]

    Well i have flaged you need a picture of it? : D
  8. Kasperi

    [Ascent] Very Useful Sql Files,Tools C++ Files And More =P

    Cant execute into NCDB 1195 ?
  9. Kasperi

    [Release] The most important new ascent commands with explanations

    Coldmouth would you bother to post the full list? : D Or were could i find it?
  10. Kasperi

    Ascent 4.0-STABLE r4169 [NEED HELP]

    Yes, For ppl who dont have TBC enabled but the lvl cap for TBC accounts is 70 and I have it on this account. : D
  11. Kasperi

    Ascent 4.0-STABLE r4169 [NEED HELP]

    This isnt r4270. :thumbdown
  12. Kasperi

    [HELP]How to add item to vendor without it to disappear

    If its a custom item it has been made wrong.
  13. Kasperi

    [Ascent] Few questions...

    Are you using Ascent 4270?
  14. Kasperi

    Ascent 4.0-STABLE r4169 [NEED HELP]

    I cant get to lvl 61-70. Ive tried dinging from mobs but no. I do .modify level 70 this comes up You must be registered for see element. Plz Someone help me ! THX !
  15. Kasperi

    [Ascent4.0-stable r3989] level 70

    I cant .modify level 70 or i cant Ding even to lvl 61. I have put 8 flags on my account. In the .modify level 70 it starts to wine about numeric numbers. i donno. ; D plz help !