Hey everyone! I'm back again bringing you guys another update. In case you haven't been following the git channel over on the Discord, there have been some new features added and lots of bug fixes! Here's a video showcasing the new features:
As you can see, players can now use quest search radar on the world map to look for quests to complete as long as the quests are within range of the radar! As an added bonus, you can now enable and disable both bus routes and popo stones appearing on the world map! Credits for this goes to
Other than these features, there were also lots of bug fixes and improvements to the game overall. Here's a general list of the bug fixes and improvements that were made:
1) There is now a height limit to flying! You can now only fly up to 160M above the horizontal plane at 0M instead of ascending endlessly like before! This cap matches TW's flight cap, as well. (
2) If you noticed in the video, you can clearly hear various sound effects and even the character's voice. This is due to some improvements that were made to sound calculations, as well as fixing some incorrect sound paths! (
3) On top of now being able to disable and enable viewing popo stones on the world map, there were fixes to the positions of the popo stones on the world map as well! (
4) There was a bug where the mystery item in game would crash your client. This has now been fixed by adding a small check in the client's inventory logic! (
5) There was a slight change to the NetPy rewards in the client. The reward value now matches TW's! (
6) There was also a bug where when you right-click on a mob, you'd teleport next to it and engage in combat. That was also fixed after adding in a few more checks in the avatar controller! (
7) Adding onto the previous bug listed, there was also a bug where you could auto attack a mob while in a flying state. This was also fixed by adding in a check in the auto attack logic. (
8) This next bug was also pretty notable in the client where you would get stuck when landing after flying. That was fixed after a lot of improvements to player movement logic! (Thanks to
GrenderG and Nicco on Discord for his valuable advice on this!)
9) Text bubbles for mobs and NPCs were also fixed. Before, some bubbles would not display properly due to indices issues in the source (some required non-existent flash files that weren't present even in TW). (
10) There was a physics desync issue each frame when it came to movement, as well.
(Thanks to
GrenderG and Nicco once again on Discord for his valuable advice on this bug!)
11) Using Repair All at a merchant also caused a crash. This was fixed after a small provement to a check in the game server. (
12) There was also a small issue with the game policy notice where the accept/reject buttons appeared even after previously accepting the game policy. This was fixed by altering a check in the ContractGui. (
That will be all for this update post! Just a reminder that Grender did some great work in terms of localization, too. If you would like to translate the game in another language check out the valuable resources Grender provided over on his thread
See you soon, everyone!