DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress

Pinned this thread.

Seems like the work is being put in and it's definitely active.

MakotoYuki - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums
Thanks! This means a lot :) I hope we can bring nothing but more improvements to this project for everyone
Hello! We now have a working Token system / shop thanks to Erinnyes!

1711231592895 - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums

I took the time to work a bit on the login screen. Now all buttons are fully functional and I brought back the original korean background.

1711231663700 - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums

I would also like to announce that we finally started to document remaining issues here: This will hopefully make it easier for everyone to contribute and keep track of what's still missing.

See you on the next update!

--UPDATES FROM 24/03/2024--

Some more updates from today, all of them thanks to the information provided by DiabolicOG (photos on the left are before the fix, photos on the right after the fix):

Water from rivers will no longer be transparent.

waterbroken - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums
waterfixed - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums

Clouds from the horizon will now be properly rendered.

brokensky - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums
fixedsky - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums

Sky will no longer have a black hole on top.

holebroken - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums
holefixed - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums
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Hey everyone! I'm back again bringing you guys another update. In case you haven't been following the git channel over on the Discord, there have been some new features added and lots of bug fixes! Here's a video showcasing the new features:

As you can see, players can now use quest search radar on the world map to look for quests to complete as long as the quests are within range of the radar! As an added bonus, you can now enable and disable both bus routes and popo stones appearing on the world map! Credits for this goes to Erinnyes!

Other than these features, there were also lots of bug fixes and improvements to the game overall. Here's a general list of the bug fixes and improvements that were made:

1) There is now a height limit to flying! You can now only fly up to 160M above the horizontal plane at 0M instead of ascending endlessly like before! This cap matches TW's flight cap, as well. (GrenderG)
2) If you noticed in the video, you can clearly hear various sound effects and even the character's voice. This is due to some improvements that were made to sound calculations, as well as fixing some incorrect sound paths! (GrenderG)
3) On top of now being able to disable and enable viewing popo stones on the world map, there were fixes to the positions of the popo stones on the world map as well! (Erinnyes)
4) There was a bug where the mystery item in game would crash your client. This has now been fixed by adding a small check in the client's inventory logic! (GrenderG)
5) There was a slight change to the NetPy rewards in the client. The reward value now matches TW's! (GrenderG)
6) There was also a bug where when you right-click on a mob, you'd teleport next to it and engage in combat. That was also fixed after adding in a few more checks in the avatar controller! (GrenderG)
7) Adding onto the previous bug listed, there was also a bug where you could auto attack a mob while in a flying state. This was also fixed by adding in a check in the auto attack logic. (GrenderG)
8) This next bug was also pretty notable in the client where you would get stuck when landing after flying. That was fixed after a lot of improvements to player movement logic! (Thanks to GrenderG and Nicco on Discord for his valuable advice on this!)
9) Text bubbles for mobs and NPCs were also fixed. Before, some bubbles would not display properly due to indices issues in the source (some required non-existent flash files that weren't present even in TW). (GrenderG)
10) There was a physics desync issue each frame when it came to movement, as well.
(Thanks to GrenderG and Nicco once again on Discord for his valuable advice on this bug!)
11) Using Repair All at a merchant also caused a crash. This was fixed after a small provement to a check in the game server. (Erinnyes)
12) There was also a small issue with the game policy notice where the accept/reject buttons appeared even after previously accepting the game policy. This was fixed by altering a check in the ContractGui. (GrenderG)

That will be all for this update post! Just a reminder that Grender did some great work in terms of localization, too. If you would like to translate the game in another language check out the valuable resources Grender provided over on his thread here!

See you soon, everyone!
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Will you send the client and server files to everyone in the future?
Will you send the client and server files to everyone in the future?
Just like what GrenderG said, everything is already up on the github repo! You can also switch to the taiwan branch to download the TW server source. No updated binaries at the moment, but I will upload those soon.

Whoever gifted me 1 year VIP I appreciate it 🙏
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Hello, can u guys remove the mobile phone verification thingy on the Support discord? i dont have a phone

Edit: Dont Flag me dAI :confused:
Hello! I have been focusing on the server side of things lately, both in the Taiwanese server branch and the master KR (2.0) branch.

Here are some of the latest fixes:
  • Fixed pet fusion not working unless a Pet Fusion Item was used.
  • Fixed combat animation freezes. I noticed monsters were freezing between each attack, and player animations weren't smooth enough. Now, monsters will properly idle between attacks, and player animations should feel smoother.
  • Implemented knockback/slip mechanic. If you managed to finish the combo of all normal attack animations (6 in total, unlocked at level 20), you would have a 100% chance to either knock down the enemy or make it slip. This has been implemented now.

Additionally, regarding the OpenDBO-Localization repo, I have been working on re-translating many quests from the human starting area and some UI elements from scratch.

I wanted to share with you that I'm cooperating with a friend who started hosting a DBO server called DBO Classic ( ). It uses the Taiwanese client but includes several fixes, such as resolving Windows 10 freezes. It also features the ability to backup your character data locally, allowing you to store it safely or transfer it to a local server or a different server, ensuring your progress is never lost. NetPy points are awarded by killing monsters instead of AFKing, and there's even a chance of generating Cash Shop points each time a NetPy point is generated, making everything accessible simply by playing. You can check the full list of features on . There's also .

If you want to join, now is a great time because everyone who plays until the 25th of August will be flagged as a Founder, receiving the "Founder" title and the "Pink Poo" Arale pet every time a character is created.

See you there!
What do you mean? The server and client are already completely open source. You can download everything already.
Hello, I have a question: which branch is currently playable? If I take the version of the main branch and set it up, everything starts normally, but when I start the game and log in, I can't create a character. If I try the Taiwan branch, the server doesn't start and gives an error in the NtlAcceptor.cpp file.
Hello, I have a question: which branch is currently playable? If I take the version of the main branch and set it up, everything starts normally, but when I start the game and log in, I can't create a character. If I try the Taiwan branch, the server doesn't start and gives an error in the NtlAcceptor.cpp file.
Both branches are playable. I'm not sure why you can't create a character in the master branch, I can guarantee you that it works.

Regarding the NtlAcceptor.cpp error in the Taiwan branch, I just fixed it, please pull latest changes.

Also, remember that to use the master branch you need to compile the DboClient of that branch (KR aka 2.0). For the Taiwan branch, find any 1.69 TW client.
Hello! I've been focusing primarily on server-side fixes. Below is the changelog for , which is the same as OpenDBO (everything I do for DBO Classic is also shared publicly on OpenDBO).

  • All three Sky Dungeons are now fully scripted and playable, with all related quests fully completable.
  • All original Papaya Island quests have been fully scripted and are now 100% completable. Additionally, all Ultra bosses have had their patrol routes reworked from the ground up to more closely resemble their original paths. Enjoy this refreshed level 60-70 experience!
  • Fixed several item duplication methods to prevent potential cheating.
  • You can now buy and renew NetPy Shop items with limited durations.
  • Fixed a visual bug with money when purchasing items from the Auction House.
  • Various minor improvements and tweaks across the game.

The 2.0 client also received some minor improvements like being able to show quest map indicators thanks to Erinnyes and another member is currently working on implementing the mascot system.
Hello! I've been focusing primarily on server-side fixes. Below is the changelog for , which is the same as OpenDBO (everything I do for DBO Classic is also shared publicly on OpenDBO).

  • All three Sky Dungeons are now fully scripted and playable, with all related quests fully completable.
  • All original Papaya Island quests have been fully scripted and are now 100% completable. Additionally, all Ultra bosses have had their patrol routes reworked from the ground up to more closely resemble their original paths. Enjoy this refreshed level 60-70 experience!
  • Fixed several item duplication methods to prevent potential cheating.
  • You can now buy and renew NetPy Shop items with limited durations.
  • Fixed a visual bug with money when purchasing items from the Auction House.
  • Various minor improvements and tweaks across the game.

The 2.0 client also received some minor improvements like being able to show quest map indicators thanks to Erinnyes and another member is currently working on implementing the mascot system.
Thanks for the update!

I would like to know if it is easy to change the character's % of life gain and mana per level.
I would really like the characters to have much more HP than they currently have, for longer battles... but I couldn't identify how to change that
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Im wanting to use 2.0 but it has bugs im only familiar with the Server Sources only not much idea to the client source, Saw a TW client source once but the link got down and i didnt get to download it sigh.
Im wanting to use 2.0 but it has bugs im only familiar with the Server Sources only not much idea to the client source, Saw a TW client source once but the link got down and i didnt get to download it sigh.
Our repo has a TW branch!