DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress

Question is it possible to make Upgrades go past +15? if so when u have the time please DM me how it works on discord @ eikxn or simply reply to this message
It should definitely be possible but I haven't looked into it. If you want to, definitely explore the client and server's source to see how item upgrades are handled!
Hey guys, I'm back with another update! Upgrade effects are pretty much done, save for a few visual bugs that have to be fixed. I need to tweak the code a bit for some parts of this system, but I think I will be uploading my progress to the repo in about a couple days or so. Here's a pretty lengthy video showcasing what I have:

I'll fix a few things and then push what I have to the repo within the coming days. See everyone again soon!

-- UPDATE 2/26/2024 --
Hey everyone! I'm back with an update. So, I practically fully implemented upgrade effects. There is still some tweaking that can be done in the code, especially in terms of refactoring and just handling these effects better, but right now it all works. Here's a couple of screenshots:

2024-02-26-13-12-25 - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums 2024-02-26-13-12-39 - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums 2024-02-26-13-16-41 - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums 2024-02-26-13-16-55 - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums

I have a full showcase on the video I uploaded before! I've committed all my changes to the repo and provided binaries in the release section. I will see what I will work on from here, maybe fixing the effects in the character window and the weird texture bug with the upgrades. See you soon, guys!
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Hey everyone! Before I get into it, I just want to give my condolences to the loved ones of Akira Toriyama. He was a great man that provided the world so much through his creations. Without him, there wouldn't have been a Dragon Ball Online nor would anime as a whole be where it's at today. I am incredibly thankful for everything he's done. I know I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for Dragon Ball, Dragon Quest, and Dr. Slump. May he rest in peace 🙏

Onto the devlog.

I've been hard at work for a past week or so trying to figure out how I can fix the situation with the upgrade effects appearing over the characters' skin instead of just the gear. While I did not fix it yet, I did find out something interesting. If you look at the video I uploaded a few weeks back, the Human and Namek characters have the upgrade effects cover their bodies: just as we all already know. However, if you take a close look at the Majin characters, this bug isn't present. Here is a picture of one of my majin characters:

2024-03-10-13-15-46 - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums

As you can see here, she isn't affected by the bug at all. In fact, the upgrade effects stick to only the gear. I am going to look further into this, but I just wanted to share my findings with you all. Take care everyone!
Hey everyone! Before I get into it, I just want to give my condolences to the loved ones of Akira Toriyama. He was a great man that provided the world so much through his creations. Without him, there wouldn't have been a Dragon Ball Online nor would anime as a whole be where it's at today. I am incredibly thankful for everything he's done. I know I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for Dragon Ball, Dragon Quest, and Dr. Slump. May he rest in peace 🙏

Onto the devlog.

I've been hard at work for a past week or so trying to figure out how I can fix the situation with the upgrade effects appearing over the characters' skin instead of just the gear. While I did not fix it yet, I did find out something interesting. If you look at the video I uploaded a few weeks back, the Human and Namek characters have the upgrade effects cover their bodies: just as we all already know. However, if you take a close look at the Majin characters, this bug isn't present. Here is a picture of one of my majin characters:

View attachment 257773

As you can see here, she isn't affected by the bug at all. In fact, the upgrade effects stick to only the gear. I am going to look further into this, but I just wanted to share my findings with you all. Take care everyone!
Your posts are always appreciated, you're single handedly keeping the DBO dev community alive.
Thank you for the kind words! I do what I can, always, and I love getting feedback from everyone.
I can’t help in terms of code development but if you had a patreon or some type of way to get donations, I would be willing to help that way as long as it stays open source
I can’t help in terms of code development but if you had a patreon or some type of way to get donations, I would be willing to help that way as long as it stays open source
As of right now I don't plan to open a patreon or anything. I don't believe in profiting off of emulation projects. I'm satisfied as long as I make 2.0 work more like retail DBO and make it easy for everyone to play the game however they like. The thought counts, though, so it's much appreciated racegod! But you bet I will keep this open source
MakotoYuki - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums

-- 03/12/2024 --
Hey guys, I just pushed a small bug fix to the repo! There was a bug I encountered while doing my tests where the AP proc would show when entering a no-flight zone (ex. a dungeon), so I did a quick fix for it!
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Hello! I was wondering what Visual Studio version should I use to compile your fork MakotoYuki. The README of the project says 2019 but this guide mentions 2010. I currently have 2022 myself but haven't tried if it works (maybe it does?).
You need 2019 to build the server and client! 2010 is only needed to build the tools.
Thanks a lot for answering! Do you know if the server and client might work with 2022? Just so I don't spend time trying it unnecessarily.
I haven't tried building either of them in VS 2022, but it doesn't hurt to try. I don't think it would work, though, because upgrading the project to 2022's new framework is likely to mess things up in the libraries.

-- UPDATE 03/18/2024 --

Some further updates:
So yesterday GrenderG reached out and offered to also contribute to the project! With his help, we started to make things more organized. Firstly, as I mentioned earlier, a Discord server was created! Now everyone can get updates easier, download new releases easier, ask for support, etc.

Also, DBOG 2.0 Open Source is pretty long for a project name, isn't it? With that, Grender and I rebranded the project to be called "OpenDBO". We even created a new repo where any further updates will be pushed to.

Remember, everything with the project will remain the same. All progress will always be public and the source will always be free for everyone to use and contribute. This is just to make things cleaner and more organized for everyone! Updates will still also be posted here on ragezone. See you guys again soon!

-- UPDATE 03/20/2024 --
Hey everyone! I'm back with an update to the game. Before I get into it, remember that the project's been rebranded to OpenDBO and I have moved repos to keep things organized and easier for everyone to contribute. Some things in the source have also been renamed so that it matches the new project name. Credits will always go to Daneos for the release of the original 2.0 source. Of course, everything will always stay open source.

Onto the update:

Flight effects for dash have been fixed, finally. Now they display similarly to how retail DBO did! Here are some screenshots:
2024-03-20-13-48-59 - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums
2024-03-20-13-49-01 - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums
2024-03-20-13-49-04 - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums
2024-03-20-13-49-06 - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums
2024-03-20-13-49-09 - DBOG 2.0 Open Source Development Progress - RaGEZONE Forums

Mainly, I fixed visualeffect_02.eff file which had the data for flight effects. It was similar to how I fixed the charging auras a few years ago. I will upload the updated effect file to the new OpenDBO-Assets repo.

All the code updates will be going onto the new repo, as well as all future code updates! Next on the list will likely be some fixes in regard to the game's GUI. Before I end off this update, I will post the links to the new repository as well as to the Discord server!

See you guys in the next update!

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Amazing work! I hope the project gets more attention now that everything is properly organized! ☺️

I invite everyone to join our Discord.
I haven't tried building either of them in VS 2022, but it doesn't hurt to try. I don't think it would work, though, because upgrading the project to 2022's new framework is likely to mess things up in the libraries.

-- UPDATE 03/18/2024 --
Hey guys! So I created a Discord server to help keep things more organized. I will be posting updates over there and as well as over here, just in case people don't have a Discord!

Some further updates:
So yesterday GrenderG reached out and offered to also contribute to the project! With his help, we started to make things more organized. Firstly, as I mentioned earlier, a Discord server was created! Now everyone can get updates easier, download new releases easier, ask for support, etc.

Also, DBOG 2.0 Open Source is pretty long for a project name, isn't it? With that, Grender and I rebranded the project to be called "OpenDBO". We even created a new repo where any further updates will be pushed to.

Remember, everything with the project will remain the same. All progress will always be public and the source will always be free for everyone to use and contribute. This is just to make things cleaner and more organized for everyone! Updates will still also be posted here on ragezone. See you guys again soon!

-- UPDATE 03/20/2024 --
Hey everyone! I'm back with an update to the game. Before I get into it, remember that the project's been rebranded to OpenDBO and I have moved repos to keep things organized and easier for everyone to contribute. Some things in the source have also been renamed so that it matches the new project name. Credits will always go to Daneos for the release of the original 2.0 source. Of course, everything will always stay open source.

Onto the update:

Flight effects for dash have been fixed, finally. Now they display similarly to how retail DBO did! Here are some screenshots: View attachment 258241View attachment 258242View attachment 258243View attachment 258244View attachment 258245

Mainly, I fixed visualeffect_02.eff file which had the data for flight effects. It was similar to how I fixed the charging auras a few years ago. I will upload the updated effect file to the new OpenDBO-Assets repo.

All the code updates will be going onto the new repo, as well as all future code updates! Next on the list will likely be some fixes in regard to the game's GUI. Before I end off this update, I will post the links to the new repository as well as to the Discord server!

See you guys in the next update!

Hello Yuki Good Morning/Evening, i have a slight problem when compiling client i keep getting this error

"Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C1083 Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9math.h': No such file or directory (compiling source file NtlFlasherManager.cpp) NtlFlasher C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Compressed\OpenDBO-Core-master\DboClient\Lib\NtlFlasher\precomp_ntlflasher.h 68 "
Hello Yuki Good Morning/Evening, i have a slight problem when compiling client i keep getting this error

"Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C1083 Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9math.h': No such file or directory (compiling source file NtlFlasherManager.cpp) NtlFlasher C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Compressed\OpenDBO-Core-master\DboClient\Lib\NtlFlasher\precomp_ntlflasher.h 68 "
I think I already answered you on Discord, but basically make sure to close Visual Studio before installing DX9 otherwise the $(DXSDK_DIR) variable won't be correctly set.
Hey everyone! Back with another update.

Thanks to GrenderG and Erinnyes using fly scrolls has been fixed and there has been improvements made to the game's overall performance and FPS calculations!

Here's a video showcasing everything:

As you can see, using a fly scroll is mostly functional. There is a bug in the GUI, as you can see in the video, but we will fix that! Also, as you can see in the video, right off the bat the game runs much cleaner. By default, you can run the game above 60 FPS now. You can even change the FPS limit in the options just like you can see in the video! Once again, thank you to GrenderG and Erinnyes for your hard work!

All progress should be up on the new repository now! Until next time guys! Remember to join our discord to get updates and support more easily!
Thank you! I hope we can finally unite together and have a fully working open source client and server. :)