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Entropia Universe - Did you play it?

Oct 31, 2005
Reaction score
I played it when it was in alpha version , the characters was funny , and back in the day when I played .... there was NO WAY to profit. At all!

Since than , they changed their graphics to the popular CryEngine , I don't know about the Profit thingy , there are small chances you can win a lotto , or have a big loot once in your life .... but the rest ... its impossible.

I have gone so far that I could afford some clothes and a small gun , but surprise surprise , you will consume like 3 guns for 1's price. IT's really fcked up.

Other than that its a really cool game , a huge world ... even planets , and it has everything you can find on earth.

Project Entropia , formerly known as Entropia Universe is a futuristic MMORPG , with real life economy. Which means you can put money in game , and withdraw money from game.

and the boring part of it ... sweating animals to gain a little sweat that you can sell for trash money

and I guess this is their new CryEngine
