GunZ section update - please all members read

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Jan 1, 2003
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In no other game do you see so much ego, so much senseless and childish bickering. I do not want to see this on the forum, what you do / say ingame is your choice, but here you must be civil.

2 moderators have been removed from this section and I will be keeping a personal eye over this section to make sure it stays clean and you guys can focus on development and actually enjoying a game.

I just want to give everyone a heads up that I will be mega strict over the coming days to weed out a bunch of the idiots here. The main problem is the people letting their ego get the best of them. Let me advise you now, your ego does not ever serve you, your ego serves itself and only itself.

In regards to the removed mods we get to see their true character now, were they here for a green name, or are they really here to help develop GunZ? Now we find out

If you have any problems with the moderator team or any forum trouble in general please send me a pm and I'll get back to you asap. I cannot promise I'll reply the same day as some days I am inundated with work. I am also leaving this thread open if you would prefer to chat in public. (this thread will be locked eventually).
Jan 1, 2003
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Telling me someone isn't doing any modding when I have all mod stats from 2003 infront of me is a silly move, Rotana has been modding, like you and like guy. After I saw the arguing and recieved a deal of complaints via pm I wanted to sort it out myself asap because if left you 3 would only argue more, setting a poor example at best to our younger members.

As a mod if you disagree with another mods action you must go to a higher up and under no circumstances should it stay public. This is no secret and is often talked about in the staff section, it even has it's own sticky, which you either didn't read or plain ignored.

I'm sorry it came to this point, but what I do hope is that this is the lowest point. From here we go up

As you are pushing the discussion (common trait of someone with pride) I'll let you see how it looks from my point of view.

After the e-fights had stopped I'm left with a section that has 3 moderators involved, all mods in said section too which is rare. So I weigh things up, I check your activity levels, I weigh up what I know about each mod and decide who is best to keep (a) For the GunZ section and (b) For the Ragezone mod team.

So I'm faced with the following,
(stats dont include infractions)

2012 logged actions since August '08
Been a mod the longest
Been a member the longest

224 logged actions since August '09
Is a great developer
Has been known to attack private servers
Has said he wont be sharing his developments

56 logged actions since September '09
Been a mod the shortest

Guy is straight out of mod for now, he has the least activity and I've known him for the shortest period of time. I didn't approve of a deal of his posts I saw but I'm sure in the future if I see character change I'd love to have him back. Of course if that's what he wants too.

As a mod theo I'm sure you'd be great but Ragezone has been built on the free sharing of files to everybody. Did you buy everything you needed from Maiet? Did you create the game? I think you should be a lot more humble. Private servers have always and will always be "underground" we must work together and share what we have. We most definately shouldn't be fighting each other, attacking anothers server in my mind is one of the worst things you can do.

Rotana is the longest standing mod and I've been able to build a level of trust with him. He is far more active than he gets credit for and that is what being a mod entails.

What choice would you pick?

Also if you think for a second my actions here or with any moderator on the team is based on "who I'm friends with" then you are mistaken. I have removed friends from sections before, even personal friends have been taken away from a section if I genuinley thought they were having a bad influence.

It's a case of what is best for the section and in turn what is going to help future development continue. I can see the pride you have in yourself and in your work and pride can be good! Do you have less self worth or less motivation to continue working on the game because your screen name isn't green? If so then your pride is the bad type
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Status: Pooping
Jul 16, 2008
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I don't care if the Moderator is a GunZ developer.

We need someone who can clear up the threads and looking for posts that doesn't belong in the thread.
Someone who can help starters.
Someone who can say that you did something wrong before banning.
Someone who's active so much as this forum is down, so hes more online than the forum is, just kidding lol.

umh I prefer Wesman222 I like his comments and hes not so selfish
Also Thievingsix should be a great Moderator, but don't think hes that much active.
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Sep 10, 2007
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Notice, since 08, check how much he has been around since I was a moderator. Now to continue onward, the ONLY time I attacked was a result in them spamming my site. It was the only way I could get them to stop.

Has said he wont be sharing his developments

The emulator is not open-source, a binary is going to be released (Look at the code I posted for further reason why it's not released). I understand that I keep my work private, but that is because I have to research a lot and I really don't want to spoon feed users the edits that make my server unique. My pride is fine, but my respect for the moderation team is very low as of these actions and the result they bring. Rotana has not been active at all and I was left to handle reports, spam, and advertising with no help at all. The reason why Dan even hired me in the first place was that Rotana and System32 weren't do anything and there was close to 15 threads of spamming and advertising. As I continue on with this, my only response to Rotana was calling him a hypocrite and reopening my thread since it was others asking questions about the development and myself responding. The result in me posting one private message was the usage for reply in this thread. I'm not here for publicity, I'm here to enhance and enrich others in the development of Gunz. I can agree that my source should be public, but if you look at the other projects you will notice no-one here can really commit to the project except for RoA, Guy, Lambda, and possibly PenguinGuy. Leaving it open-source will leave others to try to exploit and bring complaints to me to update the source ASAP.

I'm sorry if you don't agree with me, but I'm not trying to be egotistical with this, but it's quite pathetic that I work hard since August and it's all removed due to small bickering (Two posts with little offensive material can get you fired now?). I hate to throw this wall of text on you, but I just feel less motivated to post my discussion with those who seek knowledge here knowing that the moderation team will be inactive again. I will admit to my wrong, all that I ask is that you give me a trial position and watch over what I do so you can be sure of what I do.

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Divine Celestial
Apr 4, 2009
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All mods go through stages of being active and not. If you were refering the dev work, you dont need to be a mod for that

Right, but you've offended us by treating us like children and repeatedly claiming we are inactive, when System32/Rotana have less than 1 mod action a day - uh, what the hell?

We can still contribute, but, from the way you're acting toward us, what's the point?

Well yeah Phail did a lot of stuff. Agreed. But Guy has just been nothing more than a critic.

Nothing but a critic?

25 threads, each filled with a unique contribution.

Rotana just makes front of everybody, does nothing to help and has done near nothing ever since 2007

Well said.

Yes, we're busy, but we still go through reports, and do what we can.

On me "just being a critic" - yet again, look here for a list of contributions I made specifically on RageZone.

That is completely improfessional

It is completely unprofessional - he told Theoretical, publically, "do your job", yet when we both respond, we're stripped of all rights without as much as a single PM?

Not really - as I told you in the PM, I was given mod by MentaL for my help by securing the entire community board against a future attack - I haven't abused it, I've cleaned up when I can, and I still contribute. Therefore, why should it be removed? It was an award.

Do you have less self worth or less motivation to continue working on the game because your screen name isn't green?

No - but the way I had my mod removed, after I continued to help out the community is a complete and utter disgrace. You continually state we need to keep this private, then you and Theoretical are discussing the removal publically in front of the whole bloody forum!

My mod was given for another reason, I may be somewhat inactive, but I earned it, therefore, I deserve to keep it.
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Sharing is caring
Feb 1, 2007
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Well, I've been complaining about both a lot but Phail changed alot and did the most things for Gunz development.
I see why he doesn't want his work to go public since most of us don't come close to him with programming skills.
It's sad to see a good moderator getting fired for something as little as that.
He has been working on Gunz since 2005 as far as I know and had a major influence on what we have today.
He's the person who used ASM for Gunz, made custom commands and dozens of more things we can't go without these days.
That Guy got fired is understandable, he was abusing powers and thought his opinion was more worth then a opinion from someone else.
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Skilled Illusionist
Jan 21, 2008
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Wow, good job!

Ego's getting Pwned Now.

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Sep 10, 2007
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Since you think I decide to keep everything private let me get some threads for you.

There's more but I really don't feel like digging them up.
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Divine Celestial
Apr 4, 2009
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That Guy got fired is understandable, he was abusing powers and thought his opinion was more worth then a opinion from someone else.

Judgment is something a moderator is trusted with - I judged one thread would only be lead to spam, thus, it was closed.

My moderator was not removed for that - it was removed for how I responded to Rotana and Theoretical's bickering.
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Skilled Illusionist
Apr 22, 2009
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The reasons why Theoretical will keep his source private is clear, people with bad intentions and poor coding skills could easily get down his emulator, whereas with closed source, it would require more rce skills, and I think that those who have it here won't get it down simply because we are smart enough no to do it and see the benefits of this project, I never really talk to Theoretical nor Guy, but I have to say that I support them, and think they do not deserve your blame.
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Freelance GunZ Developer
Aug 6, 2009
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WTFLUX?? Firing Theoretical? You nuts? He is the best mod the gunz section could imagine He actually knows something about gunz instead of 70% here... Guy is a great guy don't listen to stefan if they got problems with each other this hasn't anyhting to do with with this situation.. and wel about theoretical he helps people with questions wich aren't in tuts etc + He actually is active + he keeps the gunz section clean..

My opinion: ARE YOU NUTS?
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Experienced Elementalist
Sep 4, 2009
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When I first came to this section in late '08, I never seen Triumph or Old Dandune. System32 hasn't been doing much either, nor has Rotana. (From the posts I've been seeing, as for mod. actions I can't say.) Guy and Theoretical has been keeping a good eye on this section but you can't expect them to spend more time here than on their own life. If these kids can't handle a little criticism, how do you expect them to run a server?
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Junior Spellweaver
Dec 24, 2008
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the question comes down to not how much/ the quality of the modding skills, but the ability to manage the forums.

on that point, since the hiring of phail and guy, the forums have seen a remarkable decrease in useless spam.... before then we used to see the mods acting upon spam once a month... in regard to the bickering, rotana should have had this conversation in msn not the public forum. Guy and phail's complaint about this should have been duly noted and looked into instead of them being removed from the mod team.
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Skilled Illusionist
Nov 11, 2008
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It's a shame, really.

Jacob was active when he could be and was a helper to most GunZ developers, him leaving ragezone would leave many developers clueless, and unable to learn. Phail was always open to questions, and he actually changed, that stuff about him attacking pserver is utter shenanigans, though I must admit, I was upset when I found out Jacob has released a bot that closes matchserver, it basically defeated the point of GunZ private servers and forced everybody to join his own, LegacyGamers. I would prefer him to stay as a moderator, though he should help out people requesting it.

Guy, I hated him to begin with, he was even the reason that I left ragezone for 2 months, but I started liking him, and appreciating his posts more, he was posting ALLOT in the release/development section when he first joined, but he seems to be posting less, what's happened, man ?
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Feb 9, 2008
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you guys are Ducking lame, even tho phail doesnt like me i still say he should stay as a mod, he did a great job and now thats the poop he gets? only him cant do all the work come on rotana and the other hoe didnt do jack poop and stayed for a fuckign year, iam leaving this poop is getting unfair.

bye bye have fun
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Freelance GunZ Developer
Aug 6, 2009
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I am getting the same feelings.... i already was thinking to leave this ego/leech/beg zone
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Loyal Member
Oct 15, 2008
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I have all mod stats from 2003
hey sup, its 2009 not 2003.

Rotana - cool guy, quit but came back cause no mod was active. But now hes just inactive himself and shouldn't be staff. Only keeping him cause hes been here the longest is retarded, especially if he doesn't do poop.

System32 - i've seen post a couple times, but usually not that helpful/contributing. Just random stuff.

Phail/Theo - Did alot of work, got rid of alot of spam, delete stolen work/etc. He contributes pretty much the most in gunz community and he knows what hes talking about, so hes fit to mod gunz (unlike people who have no idea what to do)

Guy - no opinion.

Im all for change in this section, but getting rid of the most active mod who does the most is just plain stupid.
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