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R2 Online server files

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 15, 2023
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Hi everyone, does anyone know how to modify the contents of a Special Chest in a character's backpack? Which function is related to the information of the supply box? I want to change the ID of the items inside. Thank you.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 5, 2023
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Hi everyone, does anyone know how to modify the contents of a Special Chest in a character's backpack? Which function is related to the information of the supply box? I want to change the ID of the items inside. Thank you.
FNLParm - dbo.tblmaterialDrawMaterial and dbo.tblMaterialDrawResult
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 11, 2021
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I want to know how to change the Russian language to Korean after accessing the launcher
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 10, 2020
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How do I recharge the cash? Couldn't find it in the table.
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 14, 2019
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Can I get GM commands and Korean item codes?
What you mean Korean codes, Item ID are all the same in any version, open GUI Folder, then gui archive inside of it, look for Lang Pack.tsv file it contains 90% of the Client text, you can search items opening this file with any text editor, look for client that has Korean Langpack file, or use google translator and translate it from russian or chinese.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 4, 2023
Reaction score
List of admin commands, use the admin client and enter them via chat:

!abilityВключает/выключает отображение статов персонажа в правой части экранаEnables / disables the display of character stats on the right side of the screen
!qstateВыводит статус задания (quest) (1/0)Displays the status of a quest (1/0)
!combineservantОбъединяет двух питомцевCombines two pets
!effectscaleИзменяет размер спецэффектовChanges the size of special effects
!monsterequipservantОдевает экипировку на питомцаEquips pet equipment
!servantfriendlyskillУстанавливает дружелюбный скилл на питомцаSets a friendly skill on a pet
!servantfriendlymaxУстанавливает максимальный уровень доверия питомцаSets the pet's maximum trust level
!servantlevelup (lvl)Повышает уровень питомцаLevels up your pet
!rqcompleteЗавершает все квестыCompletes all quests
!changeweatherМеняет погодуChanges the weather
!qmakinginitСбрасывает прогресс крафтаResets crafting progress
!logoutguildВыходит из гильдииLeaving the guild
!qcheckВыводит номер задания (quest) системным сообщениемDisplays the job number (quest) as a system message
!qmoncnt (количество)Убить указанное количество монстров для выполнения задания (quest)Kill the specified number of monsters to complete the quest (quest)
!csnresumeВозобновляет работу игрового магазинаResumes the work of the game store
!csnpauseПриостанавливает работу игрового магазинаSuspends the game store
!popupНастройки всплывающих подсказок (нажать g)Tooltip settings (press g)
!ccheckВыводит информацию о drop, exp, silver rate в чатDisplays information about drop, exp, silver rate in chat
!cresetСбрасывает настройки в чатеResets chat settings
!cnoexpdОтключает отображение получаемого опыта в чатеDisables the display of experience gained in chat
!cnodropОтключает отображение получаемого дропа в чатеDisables the display of the received drop in the chat
!csilverrОтображает получаемое серебро в чатеDisplays received silver in chat
!cexprОтображает получаемый опыт в чатеDisplays experience gained in chat
!cdroprОтображает получаемый дроп в чатеDisplays received drop in chat
!checkwallПроверка на вхCheck for input
!rum (hz)Меняет скорость передвижения персонажа??Changes character's movement speed
!sumautoАвтоматический режим убийства монстровAutomatic monster killing mode
!setmodel (номер монстра)Устанавливает модель монстра (для отключения ввести 0)Sets the monster model (enter 0 to disable)
!incsyscheckendВыключает проверку изменений шанса действия предметаTurns off checking for item effect chance changes
!incsyscheckrefreshОбновляет список предметов для проверки изменений шанса действияUpdates the list of items to check for changes to the chance of an action
!checkincsyslistВыводит список предметов для проверки изменений шанса действияDisplays a list of items to check for changes to the chance of an action
!incsyscheckstartВключает проверку изменений шанса действия предметаEnables checking for item effect chance changes
!mallmaintenanceendВыключает профилактику магазинаTurns off Store Prevention
!applymalllistОбновляет список магазинаRefreshes the store list
!mallmaintenancestartВключает профилактику магазинаIncludes store prevention
!checkmalllistСбор информации о новом магазине предметовGathering information about the new item shop
!checkinven (имя игрока)Проверить инвентарь игрокаCheck Player Inventory
!moninfoВыводит hp/mp монстра по его серийному номеруDisplays the hp/mp of a monster by its serial number
!monnumПоказывает имена монстров вместо их серийных номеров, и наоборот (повторное использование команды)Shows monster names instead of their serial numbers, and vice versa (command reuse)
!gucallВызов агента гильдииGuild Agent Summon
!rangeauto (5-20)Автоматическая проверка в пределах указанного радиусаAutomatic check within the specified radius
!guilditemefftimeВыводит время, оставшееся до окончания эффекта гильдейского предметаDisplays the time remaining until the end of the effect of the guild item
!pcitemefftimeВыводит время, оставшееся до окончания эффекта персонального предметаDisplays the time remaining until the effect of a personal item ends.
!eventmsgОтправляет ивентовое сообщение всем игрокамSends an event message to all players
!weaponОтображает информацию о оружииDisplays weapon information
!guinameОтображает названия всех персонажей и npcDisplays the names of all characters and npc
!observerПереводит в режим свободной камеры и возвращает в исходное местоSwitches to free camera mode and returns to the original location
!camСвободная камераfree camera
!disg (размер)Изменяет размер персонажа и даёт рандомный морф в зависимости от размераChanges the size of the character and gives a random morph depending on the size
!infРежим отладкиDebug Mode
!colРежим коллизииCollision mode
!ctmonОтображает номер npc в системном чатеDisplays npc number in system chat
!ejpsОтображает статы юпитераDisplays Jupiter's stats
!ejppОтображает статы баальбека руб.Displays the stats of the baalbek rub.
!tmonВключает/выключает режим ввода сообщений npcEnables/disables npc message entry mode
!dmonУдаляет npcRemoves npc
!cmon (MID монстра)Призывает монстра с указанным midSummons a monster with the specified mid
!refreshutgwrankОбновляет рейтинг UTG WarUpdates UTG War rating
!standardfpsСбрасывает настройки камерыReset camera settings
!hideСкрывает персонажаHides a character
!showОтображает персонажаDisplays character
!offВыключает чатTurns off chat
!flagУстанавливает флаг на местностиSets a flag on the terrain
!flyУстанавливает силу тяжести персонажа администратора равной 0, позволяя подниматься вверх без ограничений (для отмены повторите команду)Sets the admin character's gravity to 0, allowing it to ascend without restriction (repeat the command to cancel)
Ctrl+0Повышает скорость игрокаIncreases the player's speed
Ctrl+9Понижает скорость игрокаDecreases the player's speed


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Last edited:
Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
List of admin commands, use the admin client and enter them via chat:

  • !ability -- Stats on/off on the right side
  • !qstate
  • !combineservant
  • !effectscale
  • !monsterequipservant
  • !servantfriendlyskill
  • !servantfriendlymax -- maximum pet trust level
  • !servantlevelup (lvl)-- increase pet level
  • !rqcomplete
  • !changeweather
  • !qmakinginit
  • !logoutguild
  • !qcheck -- Command to display the quest number as a system message. To do this, select the quest from the list and enter the command.
  • !qstate -- quest status 1/0
  • !qmoncnt (quantity) -- Kill the required number of monsters with the given ID to complete the quest
  • !csnresume
  • !csnpause
  • !popup -- settings for pop-up tooltips (press G)
  • !ccheck -- Info on Drop, Exp, Silver Rate in chat
  • !creset
  • !cnoexpd
  • !cnodrop
  • !csilverr
  • !cexpr
  • !cdropr
  • !checkwall -- check for wall hack
  • !rum (hz)
  • !sumauto
  • !setmodel -- !setmodel some strange monster number, !setmodel - 0 turn off.
  • !incsyscheckend -- Turn off item action chance change check
  • !incsyscheckrefresh
  • !checkincsyslist
  • !incsyscheckstart -- Turn on item action chance change check
  • !mallmaintenanceend -- Turn off shop maintenance
  • !applymalllist -- Update shop list
  • !mallmaintenancestart -- Turn on shop maintenance
  • !checkmalllist -- Collect information on new item shop
  • !checkinven -- !checkinven Player Name -- Check player's inventory
  • !moninfo -- Enter in the dialog box: (Monster serial number)(Serial number) Monster's HP/MP
  • !monnum -- Display names of monsters within 12 sectors around the character instead of their serial numbers. Entering the command again changes names back to numbers.
  • !gucall
  • !rangeauto (5-20) -- Automatic check within radius
  • !checkauto (Player Name) -- Check character's statistics
  • !guilditemefftime
  • !pcitemefftime
  • !eventmsg -- Event message to everyone
  • !weapon --
  • !ability -- Enable stats panel on the right side
  • !guiname -- Display names of all characters and NPCs
  • !observer -- Free camera mode (returns you to the original location)
  • !cam -- Free camera
  • !disg (hz)
  • !inf -- Debug mode
  • !col -- Collision mode
  • !ctmon - Display NPC number in system chat
  • !ejps
  • !ejpp -- Jupiter and Baalbek Rub stats
  • !tmon -- Message input mode on/off
  • !dmon -- NPC deletion mode
  • !cmon -- Summon a monster !cmon MID of the monster
  • !refreshutgwrank
  • !standardfps -- Reset camera settings
  • !hide
  • !show
  • !off
  • !flag
  • !fly -- Enter the command to set the administrator character's gravity to 0. Repeat the command to cancel it. With gravity set to 0, you can continuously move upward, but you cannot descend.
  • !monnum -- Display unique serial code of NPCs
  • !disg (size)-- Change character size + gives a random morph depending on size
  • Ctrl + 0 -- Increase player speed
  • Ctrl + 9 -- Decrease player speed
thanks you so much. .
Initiate Mage
Apr 4, 2023
Reaction score
To those who want to keep further work on the server, or share new files or info about server management or modifications, here i leave to my google drive with fullyworking server (1502) version,you just need to unpack and is ready to play, only thing you need to do is set your host (PC) IP to and virtual machine to (only if it resets for some reason after you unpack virtual machine.) ingame shop is configured and working, only thing i left outside of virtual machine is web admin, i have it configured on my host (pc) and not inside virtual machine, if you need webadmin configure it yourself inside or outside of VM. To enter inside database use login 11 and password is 777777 (this user is used in config for in game shop (isapifilter.dll)) don't delete this user, and other important user is ghostface, server configs are configured to this 2 sql users, if you want to delete them or modificate passwords, you should modify all DLL and config files first. if you just wan't to play, then just change your host pc IP and thats all. Server is compressed, databases cleared from 50GB to less than 500Mb whole virtual machine including windows server is 12,6 GB only. To launch and shut down server use desktop icon "R2 Server - v4.81" (Run as administrator) , there's some garbage on desktop, since it's test build so feel free to delete it yourself if you don't need it. Also u can disable auto updates if you don't need them, windows server is cracked with KMS pico so it receives official security updates time to time. If you have any questions ask here or in discord Mr.Shadows#4261 Link to client without lag while teleporting use "Launcher" exe just type in login and click play don't need to write password, to create new account same just type login and play

can you please give a link to r2 free day ver 2.0? previous link is broken
Initiate Mage
Apr 4, 2023
Reaction score
To those who want to keep further work on the server, or share new files or info about server management or modifications, here i leave to my google drive with fullyworking server (1502) version,you just need to unpack and is ready to play, only thing you need to do is set your host (PC) IP to and virtual machine to (only if it resets for some reason after you unpack virtual machine.) ingame shop is configured and working, only thing i left outside of virtual machine is web admin, i have it configured on my host (pc) and not inside virtual machine, if you need webadmin configure it yourself inside or outside of VM. To enter inside database use login 11 and password is 777777 (this user is used in config for in game shop (isapifilter.dll)) don't delete this user, and other important user is ghostface, server configs are configured to this 2 sql users, if you want to delete them or modificate passwords, you should modify all DLL and config files first. if you just wan't to play, then just change your host pc IP and thats all. Server is compressed, databases cleared from 50GB to less than 500Mb whole virtual machine including windows server is 12,6 GB only. To launch and shut down server use desktop icon "R2 Server - v4.81" (Run as administrator) , there's some garbage on desktop, since it's test build so feel free to delete it yourself if you don't need it. Also u can disable auto updates if you don't need them, windows server is cracked with KMS pico so it receives official security updates time to time. If you have any questions ask here or in discord Mr.Shadows#4261 Link to client without lag while teleporting use "Launcher" exe just type in login and click play don't need to write password, to create new account same just type login and play

can you please give a link to r2 free day ver 2.0? previous link is broken
Initiate Mage
Apr 5, 2023
Reaction score
Good day to everyone who is alive in this thread! I am writing through google translator, so the translation will be incorrect. I play on a virtual machine that TheReverend threw off, EVERYTHING IS EXCELLENT, EVERYTHING IS WELL, I figured out more with the base, the main questions remain:
1. How to add through the base through gifts or inventory?
2. How to start WebAdmin?
3. How do I start the PTS administration client?
Please describe everything step by step, thanks in advance!
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 24, 2023
Reaction score

I got a lot of information from here and succeeded in building it. thank you
Thanks.R2 Online server files.감사합니다.

It was built based on the file of the (R2 ghostface).

TheReverend <<<<very very Thanks​

Discord jys5460#7873
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 5, 2023
Reaction score
Good day to everyone who is alive in this thread! I am writing through google translator, so the translation will be incorrect. I play on a virtual machine that TheReverend threw off, EVERYTHING IS EXCELLENT, EVERYTHING IS WELL, I figured out more with the base, the main questions remain:
1. How to add through the base through gifts or inventory?
2. How to start WebAdmin?
3. How do I start the PTS administration client?
Please describe everything step by step, thanks in advance!

DECLARE @mSysID BIGINT = 196490 /* TBLSysOrder.mSysID */

DECLARE @mUserNo INT = 2139833 /* ID аккаунта */

DECLARE @mSvrNo SMALLINT = 2156 /* номер сервера */

DECLARE @mItemID INT = 8432 /* ID предмета */

DECLARE @mCnt INT = 10 /* количество */

DECLARE @mAvailablePeriod INT = 0 /* срок действия предмета */

DECLARE @mPracticalPeriod INT = 0 /* длительность эффекта */

DECLARE @mBindingType TINYINT = 0 /* замок */

DECLARE @mLimitedDate SMALLDATETIME = '2079-06-06' /* лимит времени */

DECLARE @mItemStatus TINYINT = 1 /* проклятый, обычный, благой */

INSERT INTO [FNLBilling].[dbo].[TBLSysOrderList] (mAvailablePeriod, mCnt, mItemID, mPracticalPeriod, mSvrNo, mSysID,

mUserNo, mBindingType, mLimitedDate, mItemStatus)

VALUES (@mAvailablePeriod, @mCnt, @mItemID, @mPracticalPeriod, @mSvrNo, @mSysID, @mUserNo, @mBindingType, @mLimitedDate,

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 5, 2023
Reaction score
1please tell me where to get the admin client.
2how do I configure the game client to change the crafting menu. I understood how to do it in the database. and I can't figure out the client.
3what kind of files are in the client in a folder called env.