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[Release] Burning Soulworker server files (leaked on spring 2023 - full server - NOT 2023 files)

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 13, 2023
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All Lion Games employees are being forced to resign.
Korean server and global server service will end soon.

All Lion Games employees are being forced to resign.
Korean server and global server service will end soon.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 13, 2021
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All Lion Games employees are being forced to resign.
Korean server and global server service will end soon.

All Lion Games employees are being forced to resign.
Korean server and global server service will end soon.

That's it :

dead game sw - [Release] Burning Soulworker server files (leaked on spring 2023 - full server - NOT 2023 files) - RaGEZONE Forums

A complete rip-off from start to finish.:ROFLMAO:

Everyone in ambush lmao


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Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 13, 2023
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Please report to the Soul Worker development Discord server administrator and ask him to unblock Discord. He said he will be quiet this time.
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 13, 2021
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Please report to the Soul Worker development Discord server administrator and ask him to unblock Discord. He said he will be quiet this time.


We work completely autonomously and independently.

We have no more relationship with you than we do with the staff on this discord.

It would be wiser for you to settle your personal differences in private.

Let's stay on topic, thank you.
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 15, 2023
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There were some interesting information around mid-January, and I think it's worth sharing here because this topic was directly quoted, but mainly because it strengthens the evidence for the Oswald scam (this guy who claimed to have found the password).

There was a pretty telling incident on the GLB server, the largest Soulworker discord with around 10,000 members.

A guy who obviously had relatives who'd been ripped off on the old BurningSW (at least that's what you learn from reading some of its archives) took Oswald to task on that discord, openly accusing him of being the Burning.

It's pretty scathing, as you can see :

Oswald fake 001 - [Release] Burning Soulworker server files (leaked on spring 2023 - full server - NOT 2023 files) - RaGEZONE Forums

These messages were then quoted at the end of the speech :

Oswald's response was clumsy window dressing in a predictable attempt at damage control :

Oswald fake 002 - [Release] Burning Soulworker server files (leaked on spring 2023 - full server - NOT 2023 files) - RaGEZONE Forums

Anyway, he got another spanking in return for his lies (quoting our post unmasking the fake 50k invoice https://forum.ragezone.com/threads/...ll-server-not-2023-files.1216625/post-9232689 ).

Oswald fake 003 - [Release] Burning Soulworker server files (leaked on spring 2023 - full server - NOT 2023 files) - RaGEZONE Forums

Oswald fake 004 - [Release] Burning Soulworker server files (leaked on spring 2023 - full server - NOT 2023 files) - RaGEZONE Forums

Following this, Oswald, who had obviously realised that he was sinking by lying to everyone, left the discussion and didn't reply to anything else.

This says a lot about his fraud.


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Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 13, 2023
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There were some interesting information around mid-January, and I think it's worth sharing here because this topic was directly quoted, but mainly because it strengthens the evidence for the Oswald scam (this guy who claimed to have found the password).

There was a pretty telling incident on the GLB server, the largest Soulworker discord with around 10,000 members.

A guy who obviously had relatives who'd been ripped off on the old BurningSW (at least that's what you learn from reading some of its archives) took Oswald to task on that discord, openly accusing him of being the Burning.

It's pretty scathing, as you can see :

View attachment 255993

These messages were then quoted at the end of the speech :

Oswald's response was clumsy window dressing in a predictable attempt at damage control :

View attachment 255994

Anyway, he got another spanking in return for his lies (quoting our post unmasking the fake 50k invoice https://forum.ragezone.com/threads/...ll-server-not-2023-files.1216625/post-9232689 ).

View attachment 255995

View attachment 255996

Following this, Oswald, who had obviously realised that he was sinking by lying to everyone, left the discussion and didn't reply to anything else.

This says a lot about his fraud.
I already sent an inquiry to Baloff about the server run by Oswald.

스크린샷 2024-02-04 164853 - [Release] Burning Soulworker server files (leaked on spring 2023 - full server - NOT 2023 files) - RaGEZONE Forums


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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 15, 2023
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Nobody understands your messages in Korean, please translate.


What's the point of doing that ?

We don't need to inform Valofe or Lion Games of anything.

In any case, they're crooks who are no better than Burning/Oswald.

If the Burning clown dressed as Oswald wants to open his server to swindle a few more slaves, let him.

The main thing is to let people know who he really is and what a crook he is, so that normal people who don't know this essential information know it and don't fall for his scam.

Share this thread with as many people as possible.

This is much more useful than sending a warning to Valofe, who doesn't care anyway.

Valofe is a pay to win extreme, scavenging dying games to turn them into mega-casinos and make as much money as possible before they close, and that's why they got SW, which would otherwise have disappeared forever.

The only difference between Valofe's server and Burning's new server is that Burning disguised as Oswald will reset your saves and his server, adding nothing useful, will close even faster than Valofe's (before probably opening a fifth time under a new name after another reset LMAO !).
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 13, 2023
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스크린샷 2024-02-19 012733 - [Release] Burning Soulworker server files (leaked on spring 2023 - full server - NOT 2023 files) - RaGEZONE Forums
스크린샷 2024-02-19 013420 - [Release] Burning Soulworker server files (leaked on spring 2023 - full server - NOT 2023 files) - RaGEZONE Forums

We have already reported Oswald Server to the game company.
VALOFE I reported Oswald Server via email and customer service.


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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 15, 2023
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Do you really believe that a crook like Burning, who is about to relaunch his private server for the fourth time and who is now used to pulling the wool over the eyes of the gullible, hasn't taken some minimal precautions of his own to avoid getting into trouble with the developer ?

Admittedly he's far from being a genius, as we've seen, but he's not so stupid as to not cover his tracks to avoid an embarrassing problem that could lead to the closure of his private server.

To do this, nothing could be simpler, and anyone who has had any experience of how private servers work will have no problem explaining it to you:

all you need to do to protect yourself before you start is to be located in countries whose particular legal situation will make any legal action either completely impossible or extremely difficult and very costly (which amounts to the same thing in the case of a small game like Soulworker).

It's a bit like the process of 'tax havens', it's the basis of all proper scams, first take the necessary steps to protect yourself legally.

Of course, Valofe (like LionGames and GameForge before them) know this all too well, which is why they couldn't care less about your e-mail about Oswald, at least as much as Burning/Oswald himself.

They don't have time or money to waste on this nonsense, and anyway they're too busy, just like Burning/Oswald, preparing something else more profitable: emptying the pockets of gullible people who haven't understood where Soulworker scam is leading.

Speaking of gullible inveterates, here's another fine example just for you (just so you know, it's the same gullible inveterate, obviously one of Oswald's biggest idiots, who has already made a disgraceful fool of himself here
https://forum.ragezone.com/threads/...er-not-2023-files.1216625/page-2#post-9232494 )

And, as luck would have it, it's the same funny guy I quoted in the intro to my last post https://forum.ragezone.com/threads/...ll-server-not-2023-files.1216625/post-9241251 the one who thought he was sure "Oswald wasn't Burning" ha ha !

In short, 100% off the mark from start to finish !

When you read this guy's history on the global discord, you get a good laugh out of what he says about Oswald "timing" :

Rainy bunny yes yes - [Release] Burning Soulworker server files (leaked on spring 2023 - full server - NOT 2023 files) - RaGEZONE Forums

iRainy — 29/12/2023 13:43
it's working out for him
its kinda crazy
teh timing
with the valofe thing

Well, there's nothing miraculous about what you think is 'crazy', Mr Champion of the Gullible.

Burning/Oswald has been running a Japanese server for years, thanks to a local source who sent him his files from there.

The publisher of the current Japanese version has been linked to Valofe as a subsidiary since 2017.

It is G.O.P Co, Ltd.

Precisely the company that is taking over the Korean and Global servers in 2024.

« To our beloved SoulWorker players,
First of all, we sincerely apologize for causing concern regarding the transfer.
We would like to inform you that with the operation of SoulWorker, we have been transferred to the group company, G.O.P Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of VALOFE GLOBAL Ltd.
G.O.P Co., Ltd. has experienced staff who have been managing SoulWorker's operations in Japan since 2017. We will strive to provide more stable and continuous operation in the future.
Additionally, regarding update content, we will collaborate with the operational staff in Japan to develop services that you, our SoulWorker players, will find even more satisfying.
As mentioned in our previous announcement, there is no need for any special procedures due to the service transfer, so please play with confidence.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused during this transitional period, and we appreciate your continued love and support for SoulWorker.
Lastly, as a gesture of apology, we have prepared a small login event. We kindly ask for your active participation and interest. »

If the takeover of LG's Korean server and GLB server by Valofe was made official a few weeks ago now, it's obviously because the private negotiations between LG and Valofe were sufficiently advanced for it to be possible to say so publicly to the players and then to do so legally.

So these negotiations, in private, had already been going on for a very long time (they had undoubtedly been going on for many months beforehand, and probably even more than a year beforehand, as this type of deal doesn't happen overnight), and Burning/Oswald's source over there had plenty of time to tell him about them in advance.

So all Burning/Oswald had to do was find out about the progress of these private negotiations, and he was able to prepare the 4th return of his server at the right time, thanks to the information provided by his contact there.

There's nothing 'crazy' about all this, it's just business networking and doing business on the backs of you gullible people, so come down to earth ! 😹

Burning/Oswald is going to milk you like cows pissing a 4th time before taking off again quietly when his coffers are filled with the money of the stupid gogos he's been able to squeeze, the sad reality is there.

The rest is just a bunch of fantasies like the one mentioned here:


Then Burning will run his scam a fifth time (you don't change a scam that works), under a new name if need be. (After being called Oswald, why not Francis or Thomas?)

Now that's crazy !



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Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 13, 2023
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Reply from customer service
스크린샷 2024-02-19 173607 - [Release] Burning Soulworker server files (leaked on spring 2023 - full server - NOT 2023 files) - RaGEZONE Forums

It is said that the Interplay request is being prepared.


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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 13, 2021
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Reply from customer service
View attachment 256687
It is said that the Interplay request is being prepared.

Nobody reads or understands Korean here, others have already told you that, this is an English forum, at least copy and paste the message please, so that we can read this reply with a translator afterwards (like DeepL, which I recommend for its quality ), thank you.
Do you really believe that a crook like Burning, who is about to relaunch his private server for the fourth time and who is now used to pulling the wool over the eyes of the gullible, hasn't taken some minimal precautions of his own to avoid getting into trouble with the developer ?

Admittedly he's far from being a genius, as we've seen, but he's not so stupid as to not cover his tracks to avoid an embarrassing problem that could lead to the closure of his private server.

To do this, nothing could be simpler, and anyone who has had any experience of how private servers work will have no problem explaining it to you:

all you need to do to protect yourself before you start is to be located in countries whose particular legal situation will make any legal action either completely impossible or extremely difficult and very costly (which amounts to the same thing in the case of a small game like Soulworker).

It's a bit like the process of 'tax havens', it's the basis of all proper scams, first take the necessary steps to protect yourself legally.

Of course, Valofe (like LionGames and GameForge before them) know this all too well, which is why they couldn't care less about your e-mail about Oswald, at least as much as Burning/Oswald himself.

They don't have time or money to waste on this nonsense, and anyway they're too busy, just like Burning/Oswald, preparing something else more profitable: emptying the pockets of gullible people who haven't understood where Soulworker scam is leading.

Speaking of gullible inveterates, here's another fine example just for you (just so you know, it's the same gullible inveterate, obviously one of Oswald's biggest idiots, who has already made a disgraceful fool of himself here
https://forum.ragezone.com/threads/...er-not-2023-files.1216625/page-2#post-9232494 )

And, as luck would have it, it's the same funny guy I quoted in the intro to my last post https://forum.ragezone.com/threads/...ll-server-not-2023-files.1216625/post-9241251 the one who thought he was sure "Oswald wasn't Burning" ha ha !

In short, 100% off the mark from start to finish !

When you read this guy's history on the global discord, you get a good laugh out of what he says about Oswald "timing" :

View attachment 256682

iRainy — 29/12/2023 13:43
it's working out for him
its kinda crazy
teh timing
with the valofe thing

Well, there's nothing miraculous about what you think is 'crazy', Mr Champion of the Gullible.

Burning/Oswald has been running a Japanese server for years, thanks to a local source who sent him his files from there.

The publisher of the current Japanese version has been linked to Valofe as a subsidiary since 2017.

It is G.O.P Co, Ltd.

Precisely the company that is taking over the Korean and Global servers in 2024.

« To our beloved SoulWorker players,
First of all, we sincerely apologize for causing concern regarding the transfer.
We would like to inform you that with the operation of SoulWorker, we have been transferred to the group company, G.O.P Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of VALOFE GLOBAL Ltd.
G.O.P Co., Ltd. has experienced staff who have been managing SoulWorker's operations in Japan since 2017. We will strive to provide more stable and continuous operation in the future.
Additionally, regarding update content, we will collaborate with the operational staff in Japan to develop services that you, our SoulWorker players, will find even more satisfying.
As mentioned in our previous announcement, there is no need for any special procedures due to the service transfer, so please play with confidence.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused during this transitional period, and we appreciate your continued love and support for SoulWorker.
Lastly, as a gesture of apology, we have prepared a small login event. We kindly ask for your active participation and interest. »

If the takeover of LG's Korean server and GLB server by Valofe was made official a few weeks ago now, it's obviously because the private negotiations between LG and Valofe were sufficiently advanced for it to be possible to say so publicly to the players and then to do so legally.

So these negotiations, in private, had already been going on for a very long time (they had undoubtedly been going on for many months beforehand, and probably even more than a year beforehand, as this type of deal doesn't happen overnight), and Burning/Oswald's source over there had plenty of time to tell him about them in advance.

So all Burning/Oswald had to do was find out about the progress of these private negotiations, and he was able to prepare the 4th return of his server at the right time, thanks to the information provided by his contact there.

There's nothing 'crazy' about all this, it's just business networking and doing business on the backs of you gullible people, so come down to earth ! 😹

Burning/Oswald is going to milk you like cows pissing a 4th time before taking off again quietly when his coffers are filled with the money of the stupid gogos he's been able to squeeze, the sad reality is there.

The rest is just a bunch of fantasies like the one mentioned here:


Then Burning will run his scam a fifth time (you don't change a scam that works), under a new name if need be. (After being called Oswald, why not Francis or Thomas?)

Now that's crazy !

Thanks for the informations, it's very interesting when you take the trouble to analyse the whole story in detail, particularly the link with Gop Co Ltd etc.

And indeed it's completely coherent in terms of the chronology of the facts after verification, good investigation.

It's all the more so because when Oswald released his prototype beta at the end of December (an extremely buggy piece of crap according to what's been said elsewhere), which was supposed to serve as a final test before the arrival of his BSW 4.0, at LionGames developer level, the GLB server had just caught up with the original Korean server at the beginning of December in terms of endgame raid content.

[It's worth remembering, by the way, that at the start, around last summer, according to Oswald's claim to attract the naives, his server, which was supposed to copy the Korean content, was supposed to compete directly with the GLB server where Western players were located, the GLB being still behind at the time: that was how he tried to lure people in at the time lol].

In other words, with the GLB's latest content updates catching up with the Korean server at the beginning of December, it made no sense for Oswald to be preparing the release of his private server scam at that time. In fact, from a strategic point of view, it was suicide, as he no longer had anything useful or interesting to provide to anyone, which could have been even remotely interesting or useful in setting himself apart from the GLB version.

So it seemed like the worst possible time for him to prepare for the return of his server at that precise moment... except that just a few days later, just as his beta was ending, the whole thing with developer LionGames abandoning the game, the risk of a shutdown and then the announcement of the potential transfer to Valofe (literally a game graveyard) happened at the same time, which surprised everyone and above all sowed a great deal of confusion and doubt among many players.

A coincidence of chronology and events far too DOUBTFUL to be a chance.

The whole thing reeks of "premeditation", and indeed the only way Oswald could have known in advance what was going to happen (and therefore the reason he persisted in releasing his beta), was if his local mole contact had warned him about what was going to happen with Valofe.

The local contact that Burning had, the one who supplied him with his files... make the necessary links between Oswald and Burning if you have a bit of gumption.

Another clue to all this manipulation, we could also add that, just like Burning at the time, Oswald now also claims to be able to create original content on its server (given the paucity of what Burning has always done, in other words next to nothing, this won't get you anywhere of course, it's just another publicity stunt to seduce the unfortunate few who will fall for it despite the warnings).

Even more smoky, for those who have looked at Oswald's site and remember what the Burning's was like before he deleted it, it's laughable: his phishing site uses almost all the same habits as the Burning's: same construction sutructure, more or less the same type of presentation, even the colour codes are very similar, not to say almost identical... you don't just change your own habits!

In short, when you add it all up, as the other guy on discord said, you've got tons of damning evidence piling up since last July !

Personally, I also tend to think that everyone does what they want (if people want to be taken advantage of, let them simply be taken advantage of), but no-one can say that they weren't warned about this.

I'm not against a quality private server, but in the case of this Oswald, we're clearly talking about a multi-recidivist swindler.

The real question people should be asking themselves is, "How can we trust a guy who has broken his word to this extent and has fooled so many people already ?" :unsure:

It's just stupid and suicidal.

When you install his private server, you're also giving him full rights to your hard drives, which can be used by the SW software to spy on your PCs via certain third-party components, so beware.

Given this guy's track record and the perjuries he's already committed without any embarrassment, I don't really see why he should be embarrassed when he wants to do something even more dodgy...
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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 15, 2023
Reaction score
A small detail that will no doubt have escaped many people.

Just after he'd been cornered by the person who'd challenged him by unmasking him on the "global discord" as the Burning (https://forum.ragezone.com/threads/...ll-server-not-2023-files.1216625/post-9241251 ), here's the kind of shenanigans that Oswald (hence Burning lol) spouted on his own discord afterwards, in some obscure justification to the few people who'd been mystified by him and who still follow him :

Oswald fake server freeze January - [Release] Burning Soulworker server files (leaked on spring 2023 - full server - NOT 2023 files) - RaGEZONE Forums

A laughable excuse to reassure the few cash cows who still believe in his scam, to try and make them believe he's someone else : this reference to the Burning was probably made deliberately by an Oswald conscious of having been unmasked on the other discord in front of everyone.

There's not even any point in trying to demonstrate to anyone the imposture of such a claim, as it's so crude and self-defeating, with everything we already know.

On the other hand, there is an interesting little detail to be noted between the lines, for those who are attentive to this kind of subtle little clue...

Just think back to his no less crude manipulation of his fake $57,000 invoice, which we debunked in detail here:


Think intelligently for two minutes about the following : how can a guy who has enough to invest almost £60,000 to supposedly just try to find a password, not have enough to have even a heated room and decent equipment to maintain his server ???


And you'd think that every January people who run servers would close down because of the "cold".... !!!

It's true that in January the online video game world grinds to a halt and then picks up again when the weather is a bit better LMAO

The funny thing about this Oswald/Burning guy is that every time he's put under a bit of pressure and then talks to try and confuse people, he grills himself a bit more hahaha !:LOL:


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Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 13, 2023
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Oswald, I'm sorry. I ordered an acquaintance of mine to attack that Discord room. Haha. We're going to keep attacking your Discord room, so just wait.

스크린샷 2024-07-08 172742 - [Release] Burning Soulworker server files (leaked on spring 2023 - full server - NOT 2023 files) - RaGEZONE Forums


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