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[SERVER][CLIENT][VIDEOTUTO]Runes of Magic Full OneForAll - Version 6.5.2

Newbie Spellweaver
May 11, 2021
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There is a torrent and Gdrive of One for All on zip original files and video tuto from MUPU of this forum.

Download - [TORRENT] Multiple Servers


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VideoTut [TORRENT]

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Download - [GDRIVE]

OneForAll part 1

OneForAll part 2

OneForAll part 3

OneForAll part 4



Download - [MEGA] (THANKS @ineedrom)


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Can you say whats exactly in there ? VideoTut ? The ones from Mupu ?

I wont bother downloading 16-17GB with a torrent which is normally slow as hell if there is nothing really new in it.
Can you say whats exactly in there ? VideoTut ? The ones from Mupu ?

I wont bother downloading 16-17GB with a torrent which is normally slow as hell if there is nothing really new in it.

Yes, it's the mupu videos. The files in the torrent, aren't compressed so you can download files individually if you need any thing.

On the other hand, torrent files are slow or as fast depending on the number of users who are seeding the torrent. Anyway if you already have those files, then you do not download them, this is for those who don't have the game or the servers or anything of it. Or if someone want to help continue sharing the game.
There is a compilation of One for All and useful things of this forum. Please share and seed to Learn more about how to modify this videogame c:

Download - Multiple Servers

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Hello everyone, there are only 76% of files on the torrent, the rest are not loaded. If possible, load up to 100%?
What do you mean? may be i need to keep my pc on, i don't know if any one have been download this server
Just to let "everyone" know, I am trying to DL this (as of last night) at I am stalled @ 98.2% with only 444MB remaining (it says only 98.2% is 'available')! So, if peeps could please help out with this last 444MB I would greatly appreciate it! I will continue to seed this along side my own release(s) too!

stuck_hel - [SERVER][CLIENT][VIDEOTUTO]Runes of Magic Full OneForAll - Version 6.5.2 - RaGEZONE Forums
Just to let "everyone" know, I am trying to DL this (as of last night) at I am stalled @ 98.2% with only 444MB remaining (it says only 98.2% is 'available')! So, if peeps could please help out with this last 444MB I would greatly appreciate it! I will continue to seed this along side my own release(s) too!

View attachment 241037
Torrent shows that not downloaded only the folder with video guides, you can safely use the server files and source code - you have them downloaded at 100%
Torrent shows that not downloaded only the folder with video guides, you can safely use the server files and source code - you have them downloaded at 100%

While a "bulk" of what I am missing may be "videos" - you're also incorrect in saying I have everything (or 100%) that's "important". Granted I am only missing approximately 18 MB, that is EIGHTEEN MB of "missing" data from SQL, SOURCE, and Runewaker (SERVER)! To be more precise, there is 1.9 MiB in missing SQL, 12 MiB of missing SOURCE, and 3.9 MiB missing from the SERVER (see attached) which means SQL is only at 99.7% (NOT 100%), SOURCE is only at 99.8% (NOT 100%), and SERVER is only at 99.9% (again, NOT 100%):

Sorry, I am a purist and an archiver (too) so, if I am so much as missing ONE bit, let alone ONE byte (let alone SEVERAL megabytes), it's NOT 100%... .. . Not to mention I have CDO, it is just like OCD, except the letters are alphabetical ~ AS THEY SHOULD BE :D

notjustvideo - [SERVER][CLIENT][VIDEOTUTO]Runes of Magic Full OneForAll - Version 6.5.2 - RaGEZONE Forums
While a "bulk" of what I am missing may be "videos" - you're also incorrect in saying I have everything (or 100%) that's "important". Granted I am only missing approximately 18 MB, that is EIGHTEEN MB of "missing" data from SQL, SOURCE, and Runewaker (SERVER)! To be more precise, there is 1.9 MiB in missing SQL, 12 MiB of missing SOURCE, and 3.9 MiB missing from the SERVER (see attached) which means SQL is only at 99.7% (NOT 100%), SOURCE is only at 99.8% (NOT 100%), and SERVER is only at 99.9% (again, NOT 100%):

Sorry, I am a purist and an archiver (too) so, if I am so much as missing ONE bit, let alone ONE byte (let alone SEVERAL megabytes), it's NOT 100%... .. . Not to mention I have CDO, it is just like OCD, except the letters are alphabetical ~ AS THEY SHOULD BE :D

View attachment 241046
Now I have uploaded a new torrent and links have been added in google drive
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Reactions: 343
added to my seedbox so this should never end..

1694035099136 - [SERVER][CLIENT][VIDEOTUTO]Runes of Magic Full OneForAll - Version 6.5.2 - RaGEZONE Forums
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Reactions: 343
View attachment 241414
What should I do about these errors?
Maybe you had a previus instalation of RAServiceControler, by now i don't know how to fix it :/. a user in this forum say that it solved deleting previos RAServiceControler using
sc delete RAserverController
in windows terminal or
sc.exe delete RAserverController
in powershell, but for me this is not the solution i belive that this error is for a bad conection with the db server. So maybe in the global.ini file have some bad configuration or some permissions with sql server or server port is bloqued by firewall...
Do you have the RA Controller listed in services ? And what happens if you start in manually

services.msc -> and then type ra, should be listed there. Would be interessting to know if it even runs.
It looks like the same errors I got on my regular PC, which runs on Windows 11 home. On my laptop these errors where not present, with the same files. But my laptop runs Windows 11 Pro.

Maybe your computer rund also a Home Edition?
look in your log files let us know what it says ...