v362 KMS Source

can someone send through the Local.zip link client again all the links are expired and when i run the launch.bat I get (The Image)

Is that normal?? cos as long as i know when i build other servers it should load other stuff as well


  • Screenshot 2024-02-11 013536 - v362 KMS Source - RaGEZONE Forums
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Additional information:

1. Only works in 32-bit versions of JDK 1.8(8).
In 64-bit, only a black screen appears and exits without any error message.
2. All versions of mysql are available as long as they are 5.x (5.1~5.7)
It doesn't matter if it's 32 bit or 64 bit.
I cannot confirm whether mariadb has this version.
3. Even if the server settings are incorrect or there is an error, an error message does not appear.
It took a long time to find the above two items.
4. Windows specifications do not matter. (Successfully run on Windows 11. Additionally, approximately 2GB of RAM is estimated to be required)
5. Change -Xmx2048m to: -Xmx1024m or -Xmx512m(out of memory error)
6. Even if I change the mysql port, it doesn't run.
I changed port.property to the port of my mysql server, but it did not apply and the same error occurred.

However, changes are possible (how to do so below)

* To modify, change localhost:3306 in src\database\DatabaseConnection.java. *

or edit it like this (recommended)

Line 67, 68 in src\database\DatabaseConnection.java. :
Add -> public static final String MySQLPort = ServerProperties.getProperty("ports.query");
Edit -> public static final String MySQLURL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:" + MySQLPort + "/" + MYSQLSCHEMA + "?autoReconnect=true&characterEncoding=euckr&maxReconnects=5";

If mysql is external, probably use localhost as an external IP address or the method above (adding code such as port). (Can't guarantee)

So... How to change client's ip? :0
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Can someone re-upload the resources and links?

All links have expired
Im getting this error when i click gamelauncher.exe

also when I click on launch.bat Prompts dont come up and just says:
"cmd.exe /c launch.bat"
Error: Could not find or load main class server.Start
Press any key to continue . . .

anyone know how I can fix this?

Edit Report


  • Screenshot 2024-05-20 175533 - v362 KMS Source - RaGEZONE Forums
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in case anyone is having trouble with compiling etc and just wants to test the files locally quickly, here is the source + pre-compiled jar. (you don't need to compile, you dont need to use netbeans/intelj unless you plan on editing the files, in which case, i trust you know what you are doing)

So this is basically a "repack", but all it really does is just skip 1 or 2 steps for you.

literally all you gotta do is setup the database and then open launch.bat (and make sure "database.properties" has your MySQL user and password because the files I will send will have a different user and password, so when you download my files, so make sure to edit database.properties)
and let the server load.

and of course have the client that is in the thread with the Local.zip from the comment #12

Also, if gamelauncher.exe isn't opening due to an error, make sure to set your system locale to korean

Here are the steps I did for that

Make sure to have Korean region in your computer, to do that, in windows search bar in the taskbar, type "Language Settings" then click "Add Language" and then download and add "Korean" and "Chinese" languages

(if it asks you to check a box related to Font and so on, make sure to check it, basically download everything related to the language)and then on the top right, click "Administrative Language Settings" then click "Change system locale" and then make it "Korean (Korea)"

and then restart your computer.

After you have restarted your computer,
open launch.bat, and let it load everything completely until the CMD says "Input Command: "and then go to the client files, open "GameLauncher.exe" (open it as admin), a pop-up in korean will appear, click the button that is on the right.The game should open and work.

your computer language will remain as it is, this is just needed to open the korean client, otherwise it won't open.

The client might crash, it's okay, just open it again.if you used the SQL that comes with the source, then the user and password ingame will be asd1234 (for both user and password and pin)

the game will be in Korean, there is no english translation.If you want to play in english (or spanish, or any language), you will have to manually change the korean text in every .wz file in the client (using Harepacker-resurrected) and the .exe of the client using a Hex Editor program, and edit every korean sentence/word in the server files.
Thanks for Help.

This URL has expired
Can you reissue or send it to me? Thank you
some one help me to fix this error when select channel

1720019538921 - v362 KMS Source - RaGEZONE Forums
Page 2 from Pokemon still works.
Hey Bello, I suppose you might have info about that.
How do I find the opcode of Hotfix? It's preventing me from upgrading a version (from your v214 release to v218). I know that it's in CClientSocket::ProcessPacket but this is a virtualized function, meaning I can't get it out of there. Maybe you can spare some knowledge with me?

I have modified AdminTool.java such as changing the title to "Admin Tool" but my GM GUI still looks like the attached photo, anyone knows how to resolve this issue?
Also, any kind souls willing to share an SQL dump of a character with decent items and stats that's ready for some end-game bosses?

Greatly appreciated, thank you!


  • 1723392464087 - v362 KMS Source - RaGEZONE Forums
    13.5 KB · Views: 92
in case anyone is having trouble with compiling etc and just wants to test the files locally quickly, here is the source + pre-compiled jar. (you don't need to compile, you dont need to use netbeans/intelj unless you plan on editing the files, in which case, i trust you know what you are doing)

So this is basically a "repack", but all it really does is just skip 1 or 2 steps for you.

literally all you gotta do is setup the database and then open launch.bat (and make sure "database.properties" has your MySQL user and password because the files I will send will have a different user and password, so when you download my files, so make sure to edit database.properties)
and let the server load.

and of course have the client that is in the thread with the Local.zip from the comment #12

Also, if gamelauncher.exe isn't opening due to an error, make sure to set your system locale to korean

Here are the steps I did for that

Make sure to have Korean region in your computer, to do that, in windows search bar in the taskbar, type "Language Settings" then click "Add Language" and then download and add "Korean" and "Chinese" languages

(if it asks you to check a box related to Font and so on, make sure to check it, basically download everything related to the language)and then on the top right, click "Administrative Language Settings" then click "Change system locale" and then make it "Korean (Korea)"

and then restart your computer.

After you have restarted your computer,
open launch.bat, and let it load everything completely until the CMD says "Input Command: "and then go to the client files, open "GameLauncher.exe" (open it as admin), a pop-up in korean will appear, click the button that is on the right.The game should open and work.

your computer language will remain as it is, this is just needed to open the korean client, otherwise it won't open.

The client might crash, it's okay, just open it again.if you used the SQL that comes with the source, then the user and password ingame will be asd1234 (for both user and password and pin)

the game will be in Korean, there is no english translation.If you want to play in english (or spanish, or any language), you will have to manually change the korean text in every .wz file in the client (using Harepacker-resurrected) and the .exe of the client using a Hex Editor program, and edit every korean sentence/word in the server files.

Hello everything is fine? Could you upload the link to the server files and local.zip again? they are expired, thank you and congratulations for sharing.
Can someone upload the local.zip again pls? Tried to edit the Local.dll that came with the client but i couldnt find the ip. i will upload the client.
Edit: managed to fix the Local.dll, if someone can host the client on drive too would be nice.
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xCeifer Is there a way to post to GoogleDrive? I don't have a paid mega account
Can someone upload the local.zip again pls? Tried to edit the Local.dll that came with the client but i couldnt find the ip. i will upload the client.
Edit: managed to fix the Local.dll, if someone can host the client on drive too would be nice.