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Moderator Application: Habbo Section

idk what to put here
Loyal Member
Oct 19, 2007
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About Me

Name: Joseph
Age: 20
Date of Birth: December 27, 1994
Country: Canada


I have a lot of experience when it comes to vBulletin, ppMyBB, IP.Board, and XenForo over the years. I know how to navigate through the mod panel here on RaGEZONE because of the fact that I was a moderator in the Habbo Private Server Advertisement Section, Gunbound Section, and the Habbo Help Section. I was a moderating here for about 8 months last year, but had to quit because of educational purposes. I had guidance along the way from a good old friend James.

Why choose me over others?

I have the defined skill set to moderator in the Habbo Hotel Section. I've been in the section longer then half of the people in the section now. I've been on RaGEZONE since 2007, and the Habbo section is the section where I started when I first joined. I know what's expected from the Supervisors and Super Moderators because of my previous experience in other Habbo Hotel sections. I'm an outgoing and understanding person. You might be thinking, "Why is that even important?" Well, I won't be that guy who hands out infractions for no reason, or delete posts for no reason. I will do my job when and where it is applicable. I have a lot of free time on my hands since I've graduated from college, education will not get in the way this time.


I haven't contributed much, but I know i can contribute my time here on RaGEZONE like always. They're all pretty out-dated, but hey at least I gave something.



Wow, it's been a while since I've actually gotten an infraction here. My last infraction was July 20th, 2010 from TriumpH.


I believe I am an asset to the Habbo Hotel section because of the following application and previous experience in the section alone. Like I've started above, I know what's expected and I know what's not expected in that section. I've been around the section for many many years and seen every occasion and era of that section you can think of. Please kindly take into consideration my application.

Last edited:
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
It was all going so well, until I searched your recent posts and found lack of recent posts and even when you did post, your posts were minimal, negative and/or not supportive of anything.

No thanks.

Somebody check this guy's background? Why is 'The General' actually supportive of somebody!
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2005
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I want this guy MentaL

He knows his stuff. Sucks there are already 3 mods and 2 active visors :(:

Tho he lives in a different timezone and the current mods & visors all live in EU/UK ish times.
Good thing he has applied as we have put an advert in the section....
idk what to put here
Loyal Member
Oct 19, 2007
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It was all going so well, until I searched your recent posts and found lack of recent posts and even when you did post, your posts were minimal, negative and/or not supportive of anything.

No thanks.

Somebody check this guy's background? Why is 'The General' actually supportive of somebody!

Thanks for the feedback, greatly appreciated old friend.
Staff member
Mar 5, 2012
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Oh wait just saw this: http://forum.ragezone.com/f282/moderator-1058522/#post8386223

ANd I was told that there were enough moderators when it was still HabMoon and Wreckless with vLife and James as visor LOL.

4 moderators? For what reason you need one more? I mean Shoelace and Detox are very active, sure it shouldn't be the main task of a visor to moderate one section however I've noticed that most of the reports get handled by them.

Besides that FatalLulz is also very active and has been a good asset to the moderation team in my eyes.

So either some people are gonna get kicked or ranked up soon or they just want more green for no reason x)

*feels sad my app is closed :(:*

Unfortunately FatalLulz has resigned.
Software Engineer
Loyal Member
Feb 19, 2008
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I believe the Habbo section needs moderators who are part of the section. Joseph fits the bill, and being a previous moderator makes him even better!

I've been a member for many, many years (don't let my registration date fool you), I've been part of the Habbo scene since before the servers showed up on RaGEZONE, back in TFH3 (forum / site no longer existant). In any regard, whenever RaGEZONE puts foreigners (people who don't belong in our section) in charge of our section confusion ensues and it really isn't for the best. We need our own to manage our own.

I vouch for Joseph.

P.S. Don't let your distaste for me discount my vouch. (Note: I've made enemies all over RZ apparently.)
R.I.P Millercent
Loyal Member
Nov 6, 2012
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Honestly I think people are going to look at your past of being a mod and a good one at that then more the present side of things. While you were a great member of staff and still could be I think there are a few people who deserve the spot a bit more then you for a few reasons such as activity, I've seen a few great candidates with a bit more activity then you and in a huge section like Habbo activity is a key part, post reports.. I really can't say I ever handled one from you and I handled a lot. Not saying you never post reported in the last few weeks/months but if you haven't then my point of there being others who should really get the chance are again leading.

You would be great on the team in my opinion, but I say keep at it man. Post report, help a few users, keep activity rolling and you'll be a number one contender for the position quite soon :):
idk what to put here
Loyal Member
Oct 19, 2007
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Honestly I think people are going to look at your past of being a mod and a good one at that then more the present side of things. While you were a great member of staff and still could be I think there are a few people who deserve the spot a bit more then you for a few reasons such as activity, I've seen a few great candidates with a bit more activity then you and in a huge section like Habbo activity is a key part, post reports.. I really can't say I ever handled one from you and I handled a lot. Not saying you never post reported in the last few weeks/months but if you haven't then my point of there being others who should really get the chance are again leading.

You would be great on the team in my opinion, but I say keep at it man. Post report, help a few users, keep activity rolling and you'll be a number one contender for the position quite soon :):

Thanks for the pointers!
Dec 16, 2011
Reaction score
In my honesty, I would love to have seen you contribute more to the section because I believe that without sufficient contribution to the section; you may be somewhat behind, by behind I mean not up to date with everything. Sure the mods are here to moderate their sections, but they need to be knowledgeable in regards to current releases/what's hot/etc.. I would have vouched if I've seen you around contributing more, but since that's not the case, I don't think I can vouch for you as moderator. But then again, this would be the most sufficient application for the position..
idk what to put here
Loyal Member
Oct 19, 2007
Reaction score
In my honesty, I would love to have seen you contribute more to the section because I believe that without sufficient contribution to the section; you may be somewhat behind, by behind I mean not up to date with everything. Sure the mods are here to moderate their sections, but they need to be knowledgeable in regards to current releases/what's hot/etc.. I would have vouched if I've seen you around contributing more, but since that's not the case, I don't think I can vouch for you as moderator. But then again, this would be the most sufficient application for the position..

I'm well up-to-date with everything since i own my own hotel and browse daily, but thanks for your opinion!